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Old 06 July 2004, 11:14   #21
Country: Greece
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Boat name: GATO DI MARE
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Originally Posted by Daniel TD5
i know you are not having a go at vailant its just only ten members of the forums own vailant and no one seems to look at them as a cheaper boat to most other makes and my boat cost less than a falcon/ xrib in the uk by about

If you bought a 640SR with 115 yam, trailer, vhf ready to go in the water from Falcon Sa it would have cosat you with shipping cost ex VAT Euro 17,000.00 But you get what I am getting right now (unfortunately)
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Old 06 July 2004, 11:32   #22
Country: UK - England
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So manos you saying that a 640SR with 115 yam, trailer, vhf costs 17,000 Euros + import tax and VAT ? is this correct, and if so how much is the actual price in GB pounds delivered to my front door ?
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Old 06 July 2004, 11:32   #23
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at the moment vailant are doing a deal

£5499.00 for the 520T bear boat
£13999.00 for the 620T bear boat

bear boat mean all working but no engine or trailor
the spec for the boats is very high
and that from rip off england europe would be very cheap and if had gone
direct to vailant you would have got it cheaper still

as you say you get what you pay for and if the boat s are not up to much
they will say but they are very cheap sir what do you expect

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Old 06 July 2004, 16:04   #24
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
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Mr Rat 17,000.00/1.5 = GBP 11,000 ex VAT (no import tax in the UK as SA is excempt)
On this price you should also add customs clerance GBP 300 and some other charges GBP 200. In total in the UK I recon (unless the RAND increases in value, not a big chance for that though) it should cost you just a bit more than GBP 12,000.00 with the boat ready to go in the water.
With the last experience I had though I would recomend unless you want to be covered and have a come back against the manufacturer in case of fault or damage buy the boat form an established importer like RIB-X. It will save you money in the long run.

TD5 WAY TOO EXPENSSIVE for a VALIANT. Do you know what the wages are like in their part of the world? A skill workman earns not more than 1000-1300 Euro/month about GBP 700-800, an unskilled Euro 500-600. Life is cheap there, and boats don't cost that much So someone makes a killing allong the way.
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Old 08 July 2004, 22:53   #25
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I think you are right in terms of dealing with a recognised importer...

I know everyone is rightly proud of their own boat and I guess we all try and reassure ourselves that we have purchased the right product at the right price.

for what its worth I feel I had a good deal, good service and have only experienced good times with my rib-x.... The quality appears to be first rate, the engine, boat and trailer all seem well matched... and it does everything I expect of it.......

I think it is a great shame that falcon have delivered such poor service to such a good customer as yourself....

Lets hope they get the message and put things right.............

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Old 09 July 2004, 05:10   #26
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Originally Posted by Gazza

.... Lets hope they get the message and put things right.............

How about sending them a link of this forum
Michael a.k.a "Bat Falcon"

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Old 09 July 2004, 05:43   #27
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
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Gaza I think all this mess (unfotunately) was due to the many orderers that FALCON had/has which they cannot produce on time.
So a few boats (one or two unfortunately were mine) are of very poor finish quality (not built quality). It is unfortunate but it shouldn't have happened, they shouldn't have been gready and they should have tried to produce as many boats as they could but keepping the finish quality of their boats high. They haven't done that IS OBVIOUS.
We are lucky because there are other companies that produce RIBs in SA (a tinny bit more expenssive mind you) but what the heck instead of loosing thousands of Euros at least you pay a couple of thousand more and you have your mind resting in peace . In my country we have a say 'THERE ARE MANY ORANGE TREES THAT MAKE ORANGES'
I'm sure that your boat is 100% my 700RSR is 100% unfortunately these 640 SRs boats I've got are in a mess one is 40% right and the rest between 70-80% right. Since my last post have discovered a few more things that are wrong but I can short them out so no matter complaining.

Bat don't you worried they have seen it. Many people have seeen it
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