Mr Rat 17,000.00/1.5 = GBP 11,000 ex VAT (no import tax in the UK as SA is excempt)
On this price you should also add customs clerance GBP 300 and some other charges GBP 200. In total in the UK I recon (unless the RAND increases in value, not a big chance for that though) it should cost you just a bit more than GBP 12,000.00 with the boat ready to go in the water.
With the last experience I had though I would recomend unless you want to be covered and have a come back against the manufacturer in case of fault or damage buy the boat form an established importer like RIB-X. It will save you money in the long run.
WAY TOO EXPENSSIVE for a VALIANT. Do you know what the wages are like in their part of the world? A skill workman earns not more than 1000-1300 Euro/month about GBP 700-800, an unskilled Euro 500-600. Life is cheap there, and boats don't cost that much

So someone makes a killing allong the way.