30 May 2006, 15:42
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My mate pottered (slowly) over towards the docked QM2 in Southampton.
Without warning the QM2 fired a water canon at him and passenger swamping them. Luckly they were wearing wet gear.
Is that legal!!
30 May 2006, 15:50
Country: UK - England
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Its a bit dangerous nevermind illegal!!
30 May 2006, 15:55
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I think in this day and age then it is pefectly acceptable. Their is a large banner on the side of her saying keep clear, and gives a distance but cant recall what this distance is.
30 May 2006, 15:56
RIBnet supporter
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I would say it was very stupid thing to do, especially without warning, I guess the pressure could have knocked someone over board, then the situation would have been far more serious.
They should have at least fired it away from your mates, then if they got too close after that then I guess they're asking for trouble.
30 May 2006, 16:19
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Simon Hawkins
I think in this day and age then it is pefectly acceptable. Their is a large banner on the side of her saying keep clear, and gives a distance but cant recall what this distance is.
You WHAT???
So if someone comes near YOUR boat does that give you the right to do the same???
30 May 2006, 16:20
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Andy
My mate pottered (slowly) over towards the docked QM2 in Southampton.
Without warning the QM2 fired a water canon at him and passenger swamping them. Luckly they were wearing wet gear.
Is that legal!!
Sue them for emotional trauma - I am sure they will soon stop this nonsense.
A copper took a motorist to court for splashing him with water from a puddle - claimed it was assault!!!
30 May 2006, 16:56
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 452
do they not have a loud speaker, i am sure the noise would travel edfurther than the water in the first instance to warn people off.
I suppose we all know not to go near in future
Boatless - better get down the pub and drown my sorrows
30 May 2006, 17:02
RIBnet supporter
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Originally Posted by codprawn
You WHAT???
So if someone comes near YOUR boat does that give you the right to do the same???
Don't quite think they are comparable circumstances Codders. If these chaps did not see the large banner or ignored the warnings then they probably deserved what they got, like airline companies they are on a reasonable high state of alert following recent events, so why should'nt cruise ships and the like. You can't go upto a plane on a runway, but you can go near a cruise ship carrying 4-5 times more people and even bigger disaster waiting to happen.
30 May 2006, 17:33
exspyrd trayd membir
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Originally Posted by Andy
Without warning the QM2 fired a water canon at him
tel yorr mait iym sory. wee woz jus testin de bastud fing woz werkin wen dis ribb caim pewtlin alonng. mi mait sed. luk, thers symon horkins. i ad dis uncontrowlabul irge too pres de triggir. sow i didd
itt woz a caise ov misstaykin identitty. onist.
30 May 2006, 18:01
Country: UK - Scotland
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Can't be legal military ship yes but a private/corporate owned vessel?
Surely there banner is only a request? Would seem the same as someone hitting you with a bat for being at their front door!
30 May 2006, 19:02
Country: Other
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I doubt whether they have any legal right to assault anybody - what power is there for somebody to self-declare a total exclusion zone round a civilian ship?! Airports and quaysides are different because it is privately owned property but the vessel owners don't own the wet bit, last time I looked it was Ma'am's.
I have been fairly close to large cruise ships here (~200m or so) with no objections, and closer than that to the Royal Navy vessels that tootle past on the odd occasions, nobody gets stroppy unless you do something stupid and I always stay well out of the way of the cruise ship tenders full of passengers.
I wouldn't go thundering towards the ship with a turban on my head, and I wouldn't make it look like I was trying to get aboard them, but if somebody had a go at me with a water cannon just for going to take a look I'd be right royally p***ed off.
Even if they did wish (or were allowed) to discourage people from approaching they should first challenge the vessel approaching with a loud hailer or something, at most a warning shot with a water cannon, and the only circumstances they could possibly justify taking direct action would be if somebody ignored this and was clearly trying to get close to the ship and I'm not even sure if it would be legal then.
Unless we all want to behave like the Israelis....
30 May 2006, 19:23
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agree with all, maybe they shouldn't have been that near, but it is an accident waiting to happen, (could have been a kid on board) unless better procedures are in place, so sue them with one of these no win no fee jobs
on the flip side, is that opening the doors for tighter controls to be put in place, and once the ball is rolling......just ask someone who lives in the country, or who used to own a gun, and lets not debate if blood sports are right or wrong... its just once somthing is in the public eye....
30 May 2006, 22:20
Country: UK - England
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Maybe they just thought your RIB needed a clean. Where is the QM2 at the moment 'cos there's some mud on my tubes I cant' shift.
31 May 2006, 07:41
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When the QM2 was up in the Forth last year we got really quite close admittedly in a yacht and no one did anything but wave back?
Mind you terrorists have not to date used 30odd foot yachts as a means of attack
“The only difference between men and boys, is the price and size of their toys”
31 May 2006, 08:18
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I wonder if she also has one of these Sonic gun
31 May 2006, 16:58
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by mdt
When the QM2 was up in the Forth last year we got really quite close admittedly in a yacht and no one did anything but wave back?
Mind you terrorists have not to date used 30odd foot yachts as a means of attack
Haven't used RIBs either!!!
31 May 2006, 17:08
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Haven't used RIBs either!!!
Errm they have used small boats (and a RIB is generally a small boat n'est pas?) viz the attack on the USS Cole in Aden. So approaching a large, relatively undefended target with a small, fast boat is likely to provoke a reaction. OP was lucky it wasnt the US Navy as the response would most likely be a .50cal one rather that water!
But being as it was Southampton and Britain, I've expected a loud 'bugger off' via loudhailer first. In more isolated parts of the world such as where I am now, you can sail 5m past the anchored QE2's stern & exchange pleasantries with the guys fishing (illegally) off the stern with no problems!
Out of the fog......
31 May 2006, 17:20
Country: Other
Town: Stanley, Falkland Is
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Originally Posted by Alan
In more isolated parts of the world such as where I am now, you can sail 5m past the anchored QE2's stern & exchange pleasantries with the guys fishing (illegally) off the stern with no problems!
I must try that next time the QE2 visits this part of the world
You wouldn't believe the amount of SOLAS security b*****cks there is even in this remote neck of the woods.
31 May 2006, 20:37
Country: UK - England
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I have since heard that another rowing club rib was water canoned by the Oriana .... same parent company
31 May 2006, 21:55
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Can't speak for you guys (and gals, pardon me) over on that side of the pond, but there is, since shortly after 9/11, an exclusion zone around several types of ships in US waters.
Military ships over 100 ft in length: A 100 yd total exclusion zone and a 500 yd minimum navigation speed zone. Rumored that force has been authorized to enforce the zone.
Cruise ships, tankers, and other vessels deemed "high interest" by Homeland Security or the USCG: 100 yd exclusion zone.
Other structures deemed "high interest" by DHS or USCG (refineries, bridges, etc): Security zones as defined by the Harbormaster, or other responsible authority.
Monterey had a visit by a few cruise ships last year (these just started coming in), and several recreational boats decided to buzz the anchored ship. While force and/or citations could have been used, the CG decided to intercept them, escort them to the marina, and do a complete safety inspection. I heard that in a couple of cases, the inspection took over 4 hours.
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