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Old 03 May 2010, 05:01   #1
Country: Australia
Town: Melbourne
Boat name: Shark attack
Make: Stacer
Length: 3m +
Engine: 30hp Outboard
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 19
quicksilver 350 RIB and 25hp EFI 4s

Am thinking about this rig currently (in hypalon of course). Initially I thought that to have no trailing to worry about would be a good thing but it may come at the sacrifice of what I plan to do (rough weather stuff). Does anyone own a quicksilver or similar 3.5m RIB with a 25hp EFI 4s? I would be getting a Mercury (Tohatsu) outboard and would also use it for watersports, cruising, maybe even some fishing. I am also after information on top end speed for this setup and if I would maybe be better off with one of the 340 SIB models (can only take a 15hp, I would put a 15hp/18hp 2s on it). Could either setup be used for skiing/tubing etc? The other thing is I am in Australia and the retail price for these is a bit higher than elsewhere, I have been referencing defender.com for pricing. Does anyone know where the best place to buy quicksilver inflatables is? Am I asking too much of a 3.5m boat?
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Old 03 May 2010, 08:30   #2
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I can't really help with most of your questions from first hand experience - but I think you will quickly discover that a 3.5m SIB with 25HP 4str is not an easy option without a trailer. The engine needs to lie on a particular side during storage to prevent you getting oil in the cylinders. It will essentially take up the entire boot of an average family car doing this - and is realistically a 2 person lift to get it out the car and onto the transom because it is heavy and awkward. Deflated a 3.5m boat isn't going to be small or particularly manouverable either.
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Old 03 May 2010, 11:48   #3
Country: Australia
Town: Melbourne
Boat name: Shark attack
Make: Stacer
Length: 3m +
Engine: 30hp Outboard
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 19
If i get a 3.5m RIB then it will go on a trailer, otherwise I am looking at sib's, don't know if i'm better off with a 3.4m sib and 15/18hp 2 stroke or I could save myself purchasing a new motor and go a 13' achilles SIB but I don't know if 30hp will give me the performance I want. Already have a thread on the achilles open..
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Old 04 May 2010, 08:18   #4
Country: Australia
Town: Melbourne
Boat name: Duck Tales
Make: Avon S400
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15hp Tohatsu
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Posts: 61
Joey, if your interested in the hypalon 340 sport with an 18hp then perhaps you would be interested in having a blast in mine? I am down the mornington peninsula fairly often and would be happy to take you out. I might be selling my SIB soon and getting one more suitable for diving, i dont need power, just space for all my dive gear and cameras etc.
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Old 04 May 2010, 13:24   #5
Country: Australia
Town: Melbourne
Boat name: Shark attack
Make: Stacer
Length: 3m +
Engine: 30hp Outboard
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 19
That sounds like a good offer, one i almost can't refuse . Whereabouts on the mornington peninsula are you usually? I usually float (pardon the pun) around the Frankston-Mornington area..When are you thinking of selling it/any ideas of cost ballpark? I was going to import one from the USA but if i can get one here in good condition then that's easier. What model are you looking to upgrade to? Is yours currently on a trailer/if not are you willing to go the jump to the trailer etc setup? If you're buying new then you can probably save $$ importing from USA depending on the model (quicksilver 380/achilles sgx-132 are the models i'd choose) but it all depends.
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Old 04 May 2010, 22:47   #6
Country: Australia
Town: Melbourne
Boat name: Duck Tales
Make: Avon S400
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15hp Tohatsu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 61
I live in Mordialloc about 15-20min from Frankston. depending on which way the winds blowing we could have a run around Franger or Mornington. My SIB is on a trailer, I tried previously to go without one and it just made life too difficult. Even with the 340 only weighing 55kg the packing, unpacking is the very last thing i wanted to do at the end of a long day. I can assure that my quicksilver is in A1 condition, always garaged, no abrasions or patches. I have put in a layer of foam with marine carpet on the marine ply floor which make a big difference when being knocked around.

I'd probably go a 3.8 or even 4m quicksilver with a 20-25hp second hand, as new boats are a rip-off!! Im not really into importing goods, so id probably try to find something locally.

i'll pm you my number, im not 100% sure whether im selling up, but still happy for you have come out for a run and get an idea of this particular setup
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