Originally posted by MarkWildey
I fitted one just to save any fines from self appointed busy-bodies...cost about £25 for a small one that can be cable-tied to the A' frame.
Same here... I did actually buy one of the cheap octohedral flat-pack ones but couldn't work out a satisfactory method of fitting it (it did occur to me that the RNLI should have a job lot of octohedral reflectors on poles just perfect for mounting after they converted all their Atlantic 21s and 75s to active enhancers). Anyway, I gave up on the whole octohedral idea and just went for paying lip service to the regs. And ended up with one of the useless type (tubular prismatic).
Yes, we certainly did this to death some time ago - so worth doing a search. Also one of the yachting or motorboat magazines did some tests a while ago - IIRC the active enhancers (McMurdo, Sea-Me or Cyclops) worked well for them, firdell blippers OK, octohedral worth the tenner if you mount it correctly (no-one ever does - they're supposed to be mounted like a cube, not a diamond) and the tubular ones almost useless.
I do carry a foghorn though - "football hooligan" type.
Does anyone carry a table of lifesaving signals?