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Old 11 May 2007, 18:03   #1
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Farfetched
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Rant re RIBEX 2007

Where to start????? I went today, Friday, at lunchtime, and stayed for 3 hours. It was grey and damp.

I was a commercial exibitor last year, and have been to the last four events. Some of the comments below apply to this year - others apply generally to the show, and generally to the attitude of the those selling in this industry.

I have been out ribbing seriously now for two and a half years, starting as a newbie, have funded an interesting vernture which, while it washed its face, was not interesting enough to continue with (no fault of those involved), and had some serious adventures in fair weather, and, mainly, foul. I have run aground on Ryde Bank, been stopped by the police for cutting across a container ship in the dark, had help from the police after an injury, been involved as a Marshall on Trafalgar Day, been as far as Brighton one way, and Weymouth the other, and go out in all seasons. I have done two powerboat courses. I have had a range of niggling problems with my boat on which I have now clocked 250 hours. Some have been sorted out by help from you guys and girls, others with unfailing courteousness and efficiency under warranty by the boat builder (thanks Lee and Kevin). I have stuffed the boat a number of times, been in some demanding seas, made many mistakes, and learned lots. Anything which can come lose on my boat has, and after 250 hours of experience, it is now really "ship shape" and ready to cope with all the Solent and surrounds can throw at it. I have also had an attempted theft, and had a Micra crash into my trailer. And I have endured loads of good natured teasing as my expereince has developed on this forum, and laughed with you when you have teased me! I think this qualifies me to make at least some comments. And yes, I expect to flamed by at least some of the regulars on this forum.

1) There was little new this year - at least not of relevance to UK waters. There was a rather unusual Mediterranean Cabin rib, but with a bimini which did not come unclipped, but which the salesman assured me would survive in the UK seas. Hmmm... given the speed with which Farfetched can stick her nose in and deposit a wall of water down the front and back of my Mustos, and wash anything in its path off the stern, I somehow am sceptical. I liked the Dutch lifeboat, but it was outside my budget.... There was a 9m from Solent Ribs which was admittedly experimental, but looked cool, and was impressively parked by Kev into a small space without using the bow thruster... yes, bow thruster. Andre (Parker) had an interesting twin diesel, and there was Nautiboy's magnificent Parker specimen, but I was surprised to see it appeared to be for sale? But, apart from some new 'styling' by Scorpion (you takes your choice, like it or don't like it), no innovation. Nothing to show that the 'science' and 'technology' of rib building is moving forward. Am I being unfair?

2) I am loth to put this on the web, but my wife and I are seriously considering a cabin rib. At last I could see a particular 9m cabin in the water, but when I asked for a ride, was told by the owner / salesman there wouldn't be any today but I could book up for one tomorrow 'if I was serious'. Is that salesmanship or does it perhaps speak of a touch of excess self confidence? I hung around some boats from a large manufacturer, but the salesmen were too busy chatting to friends, exisiting clients, or perhaps demands are such for their ribs that even at 2.30pm in the rain on Friday at Ribex they are too busy to talk to a potential buyer?

3) Another person I would have liked to chat to was sitting in his rib on the phone looking miserable - the four times I walked past! I shall protect the innocent.....

4) On the ground side, there were three stalls selling cleaning products for tubes. Don't tell Manos, but I have tried all of them, and am now reduced to using toluene or acetone depending upon what is on my tubes - they are yellow hypalon - ps I have a degree in Chemistry so I am allowed to use acetone and toluene.

5) In sharp contrast there was one small chandlery - but good stuff - very attractively designed quality life jackets in black (£70 odd I think) - fetching and safe. And a portable waterproof VHF for less than I spend on petrol at Yacht Haven everytime I go out (£80 - a must have as a backup in the grab bag - please, you owe it to yourselves and your crew)

6) the Biboa lot were friendly - a tick there

7) went into an engine manufacturer's lorry - there were eats and champagne set out but no one to serve them. So I nicked a glass of one and a handful of another - if no one wants to talk to me, fine

8) Another engine tent - all chatting to their mates

9) Paul (is it) from Poole (Training) was very pleasant and helpful, as was our own JK who I kept bumping in to - why is he so easy to find in a crowd??

10) And I ended up bored and feeling a bit unloved.

11) Finally, out of desperation, I got myself a beer and read the ticket. Apparently I am missing out! RibLife is "The Only Online Profile Network Community for Rib Users". Ribex is "The World's Only Dedicated Rib Show"

Hmmm. I just googled "Profile Network Community" and found found some strange sites. I think I forgot to turn on my adult content filter

But if RibNet is not a "Profile Network Community", what is?

And I rather fear Ribex may be the only, but possibly soon may HAVE been the only Dedicated Rib Show, unless something is done to change the mix and to change the industry's appalling attiude to selling to real potential buyers.

I had (much) more fun at the Beaulieu Boat Jumble, and spent more money!

Let the flames commence....

I hope others had / have more fun.....
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Old 11 May 2007, 18:18   #2
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unless something is done to change the mix and to change the industry's appalling attitude to selling to real potential buyers.
Bruce this is something that I have ranted about several times after various boatshows. As a young person (20) I find it incredibly difficult for people at trade shows to take me seriously. Like you I have asked to go out on boats and been given a half hearted "come back later" or some such. When I ask now I almost feel embarssed as they just think here comes another student who just wants a ride.

These people should take every single person seriously; everyone is a potential customer and should be treated as such. If only
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Old 11 May 2007, 18:32   #3
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No flames from me. The last Ribex I went to was in 2004. Apart from the social aspect of meeting a bunch of people I knew through Ribnet/BIBOA, there was little of interest or value. Sounds as though nothings changed!

Perhaps if you'd have gone on Saturday things might have been a bit more lively? (Certainly from the social aspect.) Still, at least you weren't asked to leave as our esteemed webmaster was one year!
Out of the fog......
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:05   #4
Country: UK - England
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Two other things strike me:

12. There were precious few affordable boats (ie under £30,000 fully equipped) at the show

13. Style (colour) and accessories seem to be taking precendence over sea worthiness, safety, and, even, speed....

Who IS it appealing to???
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:08   #5
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I got a Rib.Net Hat and stickers thanks JK and a cold .
Bit thin on the ground of the High end Super Yacht Tender market but still a good choice of Ribs to look at .
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:17   #6
Country: UK - England
Town: Lymington
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What was new? How is the industry developing? Or is the show really only for newbies and the rich?
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:25   #7
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By the sound of it im glad I didn't go to be honest Bruce, its a stupid time to have it right in the middle of the exam period, so I wasn't going to drive halfway down the country for it!
Did you not get a seatrial on anything exciting?
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:28   #8
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Originally Posted by ADS View Post
By the sound of it im glad I didn't go to be honest Bruce, its a stupid time to have it right in the middle of the exam period, so I wasn't going to drive halfway down the country for it!
Did you not get a seatrial on anything exciting?
ADS whilst there do appear to be students here with £ to spend on ribs. The demographic of the "average" rib buyer probably doesn't include students - especially for new ribs costing > £30k - so not really stupid time to have it...
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:36   #9
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
ADS whilst there do appear to be students here with £ to spend on ribs. The demographic of the "average" rib buyer probably doesn't include students - especially for new ribs costing > £30k - so not really stupid time to have it...
I don't disagree, but whilst the RIB manufacturers continue to portray Ribbing as a family pursuit, I don't think its unreasonable to suggest that potential family buyers may wish to shop as a 'family' and include their children in the buying process. I can't see buyers travelling great distances if there son/ daughter has their GCSE's/ A levels/ Uni exams in the following week.
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:39   #10
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Cant help but draw a parallel with the Landrover movement on this one. The gap between the enthusiast movement and the 'target market' is very wide.

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Old 11 May 2007, 19:43   #11
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Originally Posted by ADS View Post
I don't disagree, but whilst the RIB manufacturers continue to portray Ribbing as a family pursuit, I don't think its unreasonable to suggest that potential family buyers may wish to shop as a 'family' and include their children in the buying process. I can't see buyers travelling great distances if there son/ daughter has their GCSE's/ A levels/ Uni exams in the following week.
I never had much input into my parents buying decisions (maybe thats why they don't have a rib ) - and they wouldn't have thought twice about leaving me to get on with passing my exams by myself...
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:45   #12
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Originally Posted by brucehawsker View Post

What was new? How is the industry developing? Or is the show really only for newbies and the rich?
New Engines and Electronics - Ribs Solent 9 metre , Zar ribs Ribex Exige
Scopions cabin rib Stingher new model's Ceasar Ribs ,Parker Ribs new models (I think) new dock lifts to name a couple of things I noticed but I only had a quick look around .
Show is for anyone interested in all the above and ribs there to suit all pockets and levels of experience. There are lots of new features on the Solent compared to a couple of years ago new console on the 6.5 as there are on many of the other Ribs .
Sorry you felt disappointed by it .
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:48   #13
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because the enthusiast market isnt a profitable enough segment for either ribs or landrovers. LR arent interested in customers who tinker/improve/restore/rennovate their cars, they want those who dont have the time or inclination to do that and are happy to part with £1000 for a service each time its due, then upgrade to a new LR every 2/3 years. Other than the very niche builders, it would appear to be the same for remain competitive requires volume and the volume just isnt there amongst "enthusiasts".
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:48   #14
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
I never had much input into my parents buying decisions (maybe thats why they don't have a rib ) - and they wouldn't have thought twice about leaving me to get on with passing my exams by myself...
Well my parents would never buy something intended for family consumption without first consulting the whole family. It would be like buying a people carrier but not checking the pushchair fitted in first.
I have no problem passing exams, thats why im still in education at nearly 20.
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:49   #15
Country: UK - England
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No sea trials. Paul (of Poweboat Training) and JK's view was that most people had decidied taking boats out in the inclement weather would put newbies and wives off their possible purchases.

This seems a daft logic. The whole point of a rib is to be safe when shit happens. I have been in a F5/F6 SW approaching the Needles from the south going round the island clockwise. Three 16 year olds with me at Christmas tern half term. OK, probably should not have gone east from Cowes, but it seemed ok then. Forecast was F4 SW. By the time we got round St Catherine's, which was interesting but not really demanding - my 16 year old helmed - we were wet and a little gloomy. Lymington beckoned. Yes, perhpas I should have turned round. I took over the helm and had a challenging (never remotely life threatening) 10 minutes and the boat handled like a dream. Once across the bridge with a following sea, fairly raced home.

Today outside Cowes was nothing like as bad. And there were punters like me who would have liked to see how the offerings coped in classical messy chop with the odd bigger wave.

But no one offered.

Let us face it, I don't look rich enough, or scruffy enougfh, or hang out enough with the 'right' people....
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Old 11 May 2007, 19:50   #16
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Bruce - if you are looking for "serious" cabin ribs - I believe Redbay (who are not at Ribex) will be at Seawork... ...they will have a boat afloat.

I wonder if the way to get treated "seriously" is to call the company a week or two before have a serious discussion and arrange to meet them at the show for a trial.

I completely understand your point (and its not restricted to RIBs - I am just back from a tradeshow in a completely different sector) - but one of the challenges is isolating the many people who aren't serious buyers, from those who are.
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Old 11 May 2007, 20:00   #17
Country: UK - England
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OK, perhpas it is because I live in Lymington. Saw the Scorp cabin last autumn.

Not convinced there is anything really new as in innovative in engines or electronics - please tell me where I am wrong.

Originally Posted by tim griffin View Post
New Engines and Electronics - Ribs Solent 9 metre , Zar ribs Ribex Exige
Scopions cabin rib Stingher new model's Ceasar Ribs ,Parker Ribs new models (I think) new dock lifts to name a couple of things I noticed but I only had a quick look around .
Show is for anyone interested in all the above and ribs there to suit all pockets and levels of experience. There are lots of new features on the Solent compared to a couple of years ago new console on the 6.5 as there are on many of the other Ribs .
Sorry you felt disappointed by it .
Saw Zar last year, but not the big one with the bimini which I mentioned. Saw Caesar last year - ? SBS. Exige.... how really NEW??

New models - yes as in layout and styling, but new as in something genuinely innovative??

Not much in sub 6.5m I think.... actually sub 7, but perhaps I was wrong.

Yeah, Solent, interesting new console, and nice to see the new 9m. But is a redesigned console real innovation? Putting a bow thruster in is, and I mentioned it.

I do not deny people are making constant step wise improvements. But that is not radical innovation......
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Old 11 May 2007, 20:03   #18
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
I completely understand your point (and its not restricted to RIBs - I am just back from a tradeshow in a completely different sector) - but one of the challenges is isolating the many people who aren't serious buyers, from those who are.
But there weren't many people. It was dead. I was a buyer. So no excuses there. Redbay is a sort of different type of cabin.....
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Old 11 May 2007, 20:23   #19
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Originally Posted by brucehawsker View Post
But there weren't many people. It was dead. I was a buyer. So no excuses there. Redbay is a sort of different type of cabin.....
Bruce - not trying to justify it - but at tradeshows when it is dead - it can actually be harder to sort the wheat from the chaff - most of the people wondering aimlessly are competitors (or in the trade at least). If people know you were following your own rib venture recently - then they are less likely to expect you to be interested in buying theirs...
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Old 11 May 2007, 21:08   #20
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Totally agree Bruce. Best treatment I have ever had at a boatshow was from Sunseeker at the Southampton show. The most expensive boat there (£4.5million) and we were treated like royalty.

The worst treatment was by Scorpion at RIBEX - had money in the bank ready to buy a RIB and they wouldn't give me the time of day.

I have also noticed that the richer people are the more down to Earth they are. The people with the biggest boats in the marina tend to be the most approachable. It's the people pretending to be something they are not that I can't stand.
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