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Old 11 May 2005, 02:30   #21
Country: USA
Town: earth
Boat name: which one
Make: several
Length: 7m +
Engine: outboards
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 14
dc tucker,

I am new to the site, and have followed the discussion regarding the ribcraft as i to saw it recently on the internet. I see its now on ebay and after 5 days with no bids, i suspect most people are not only afraid of the cost but more so the shipping costs which become money not well spent in the greater scheme of things. I think most people would be discouraged by the price while having to tack on another several thousand dollars in shipping and return to shopping locally, not to mention buying the boat sight un seen on ebay. I recently bought a car on EBAY,, oops , never do that again. Its a classic so in a couple of years LOL, i might cover the shipping costs and the inflated price i paid for the car versus the deal i was supposed to be getting due to the stated condition of the vehicle. Anyways, back to the rib. I have been looking for one for our commercial towing company and if the price is right on his boat, maybe i will make him deal. We currently run aluminum boats and are looking to add a soft sided boat to release us from potential liability coming along side glass boats who are in distress. I am very familar with protector boats as well as zodiacs. Its un fair in my opinion to compare a protector to the ribcraft or zodiac, its simply a class above the rest. However as stated its very pricey. anyhow , glad i found the site.
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Old 11 May 2005, 02:52   #22
Country: USA
Town: San Diego.California
Boat name: Bayshots
Make: XS-550
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF90
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 877
you dont happen to hail from San Diego do you??
Circumstances you mention sound familiar to a discussion I had with a skipper of a tow boat I had out in Mission Bay??
cheers dal
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Old 11 May 2005, 02:58   #23
Country: USA
Town: earth
Boat name: which one
Make: several
Length: 7m +
Engine: outboards
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 14
Originally Posted by limeydal
you dont happen to hail from San Diego do you??
Circumstances you mention sound familiar to a discussion I had with a skipper of a tow boat I had out in Mission Bay??
cheers dal

No, actually from Lake Tahoe.
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Old 11 May 2005, 13:40   #24
Country: Canada
Town: Iqaluit, Nunavut
Boat name: Turaagaq -North Star
Make: Bombard WB 385 -2002
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 25 4-Stroke
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by InfBoatsMag
this is all very true and proven.
unfortunately people here are still pretty ignorant on inflatables. I still get the question at boat shows "what happens if a shark bites my boat" or " what if my fishing lure pops the boat"

sometimes its all I can do to keep from laughing.
Funny you mentioned that fish-lure scenario I did that last year but luckily nothing happened, it did however make my heart skip a beat when the lure passed a few inches in front of my friends face before hitting the tube. I'm now brushing up on my fishing skills and I am considering a larger RIB too (Pro 16 man), we use nets most of the time anyway but 3.85m is too small for some of our sea conditions. Still a very safe feeling boat in 4-5 foot waves and couldn't be happier with my first boat purchase for $4500 cdn. I could have bought a 20' freighter canoe like most people in the region for the same price but I would have been terrified out in cat. 6 seas which we often see.
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