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Old 08 July 2003, 17:10   #1
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Ravenspring vs Musto HPX Drysuit

I'm considering replacing my dry suit, which is for RIB usage only, and wondered what the difference was between the Musto HPX suit and the Ravenspring suit ( or any other breathable suit ), other than the huge price difference.

Given that both suits are breathable what does the Musto have over the Ravenspring to justify the price difference?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Old 08 July 2003, 17:45   #2
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Having lived a Musto HPX drysuit for 21 days back in 1997 they definatly are the business but in answer to your question about value for money that is another questionand only you can make that decision.
The Musto suit is not designed for sportsboat / rib use although this might change now Bear Grylls is using them for his trip later this year.
If you go with the musto set up it is important to use the other two layers in order for it to work correctly and this is when the price starts to shoot up.

Do you want to stay dry or warm? if you just want the former, most suits will do the job. We also used th esuits on th eLondon - Monaco run and we each lost a stone in 4 days! only joking but they do get hot.

Cheers Alan P
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Old 08 July 2003, 20:35   #3
Country: UK - England
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Mark, it's after 9pm, past my bedtime and the past the time at which Diana reckons I get into trouble when I start friggin' about on the wild wild web.

Just to let you know that I've got an unused Gold HPX suit that I have no use for. It would fit you. I prefer my eccentric frog Guy Cotten funny when I venture outside my nice warm cabin.... Make me an offer (not too silly cos I plan to give the money you offfer to the RNLI - I'm a tight fisted bastard) before I put it up for grabs on John's "For Sale Forum" - an it's yours.

Mike G
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Old 08 July 2003, 21:31   #4
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Hi Folks,
I use a Ravenspring Drysuit. No probslems at all and have had it for about 3 years now.
I prefer having the wellingtons already fitted ratehr than the socks.

P.S. Mike, I tried waving last week when you were in dartmouth but no response!!!! I was following you for a bit whilst teaching a L2 course.

Torbay & Dartmouth Powerboat School
01803 855508
The South West Premier RYA Powerboat Training Centre
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Old 09 July 2003, 05:47   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: St Mawes
Boat name: Magellan Zulu
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 7m +
Engine: 2 x Suzuki DF150
MMSI: 235094135
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 483
Sorry I missed you, Dave. If I did see you waving, subconsciously I may have presumed you were shaking your fist at me. Rather like other drivers do when I'm on the road.

Actually, it was a very bumpy old ride home, not at all pleasant. But obviously no problems with tubes. Ed and Paul did a great job. If anyone wants their tubes sorting I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending either of these hardworking, good hearted guys.
Mike G
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