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Old 24 June 2008, 15:29   #1
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RB08 results

Results for Bangor to Oban are up. RIBs take 8 of the top 10 places so far, and Goldfish are looking very good with places 1, 3 and 9.

I've put together a spreadsheet for anyone who is interested. It's quite basic, but you can sort by leg/class etc. I'll try to keep this updated for the rest of the race, but if anyone wants to do a more clever version then feel free!

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Old 25 June 2008, 09:24   #2
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At this stage of the race, the positions only tell a small part of the story. With four legs still to run, and only six hours between the top thirty boats, a lot can change.

Here are the current placings and the time differences:

1 22 Lionhead Goldfish RIB 00:00:00
2 333 Blue FPT Buzzi 00:13:09
3 33 Gutta Boyz Goldfish RIB 00:23:37
4 55 Braveheart III Scanner RIB 00:37:48
5 4 Hardleys Revenger 00:41:32
6 9 Vilda Dahl RIB 01:03:55
7 80 Seahound V Scorpion RIB 01:07:10
8 12 Birretta Buzzi RIB 01:21:17
9 77 Sealbay Goldfish RIB 01:24:34
10 2 Hot Lemon Scorpion RIB 01:32:39
11 7 Going Lean Sunseeker 01:33:22
12 471 Silverline Buzzi 01:38:37
13 43 Phantom 01:57:42
14 96 Mr Mako Pascoe RIB 02:12:51
15 69 The Bandit Hunton RIB 02:22:58
16 343 Carbon Neutral Revenger RIB 02:25:01
17 8 Power Products Marine Phantom 02:26:43
18 5 Northern Spirit Flipper 02:45:43
19 47 Relentless Revenger RIB 03:09:26
20 110 Seafarer Scorpion RIB 03:11:39
21 111 Venturer Buzzi RIB 03:15:51
22 88 Tequila Scorpion RIB 03:26:59
23 16 Team Scorpion Dubois Scorpion RIB 03:41:06
24 3 My Pleasure II Osprey RIB 03:51:05
25 17 TFO Revenger 03:54:57
26 130 Fugitive Shakespeare 04:02:31
27 102 Team Pulsar - Vampire Ribcraft RIB 04:53:53
28 15 Buro Botnia Targa 04:56:24
29 185 GEE Souter 05:54:33
30 101 Team Pulsar - Wolf Humber RIB 05:59:35
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Old 25 June 2008, 09:25   #3
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Looking at the individual classes there are some real scraps coming up:

1 185 GEE Souter 00:00:00
2 747 Team 747 Fairey 00:19:58

1 333 Blue FPT Buzzi 00:00:00
2 55 Braveheart III Scanner RIB 00:24:39
3 80 Seahound V Scorpion RIB 00:54:01
4 12 Birretta Buzzi RIB 01:08:08
5 16 Team Scorpion Dubois Scorpion RIB 03:27:57
6 15 Buro Botnia Targa 04:43:15
7 6 Mystic Dragon Scorpion RIB 10:46:56

1 8 Power Products Marine Phantom 00:00:00
2 5 Northern Spirit Flipper 00:19:00
3 17 TFO Revenger 01:28:14
4 130 Fugitive Shakespeare 01:35:48

1 111 Venturer Buzzi RIB 00:00:00
2 81 Buzzi 03:27:35

1 471 Silverline Buzzi 00:00:00
2 69 The Bandit Hunton RIB 00:44:21

1 22 Lionhead Goldfish RIB 00:00:00
2 33 Gutta Boyz Goldfish RIB 00:23:37
3 4 Hardleys Revenger 00:41:32
4 9 Vilda Dahl RIB 01:03:55
5 2 Hot Lemon Scorpion RIB 01:32:39
6 7 Going Lean Sunseeker 01:33:22
7 343 Carbon Neutral Revenger RIB 02:25:01
8 47 Relentless Revenger RIB 03:09:26
9 110 Seafarer Scorpion RIB 03:11:39
10 88 Tequila Scorpion RIB 03:26:59

1 77 Sealbay Goldfish RIB 00:00:00
2 43 Phantom 00:33:08
3 96 Mr Mako Pascoe RIB 00:48:17
4 3 My Pleasure II Osprey RIB 02:26:31
5 102 Team Pulsar - Vampire Ribcraft RIB 03:29:19
6 101 Team Pulsar - Wolf Humber RIB 04:35:01
7 14 Mud Swell & Beers Picton RIB 04:43:53
8 45 Team Jersey Mannefelt 14:35:13
9 10 Black Gold Scorpion RIB 16:35:13
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Old 25 June 2008, 09:26   #4
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I've updated the spreadsheet so it's a bit clearer, and added the time differences.

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Old 25 June 2008, 13:33   #5
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[QUOTE=John Kennett;254179] At this stage of the race, the positions only tell a small part of the story. With four legs still to run, and only six hours between the top thirty boats, a lot can change.

Listening to the drivers briefing in Bangor yesterday morning there appeared to be dissatisfaction with time penalties imposed on some of the boats for infringing restricted areas. Teams were told that they need not file a protest at that time, but just register their intention to file a protest at a later date.
So it may be a while before any timing changes are revealed.

I think Hot Lemon and Mr Mako (amongst others) were questioning their times.

Good spreadsheet. Much easier to understand than the RB08 site.

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Old 25 June 2008, 13:52   #6
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I had heard that a couple of boats would be penalised for infringements on day one, but as far as I know that hasn't been confirmed yet. Given that the exclusion areas are clearly defined and all the boats will have a GPS record of their course, there shouldn't be much room for debate.

I hope that the decisions get confirmed one way or another because at the moment an hour looks like it could make a big difference.

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Old 25 June 2008, 14:53   #7
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This was mentioned. The organisers are relying on the Marine Track record but competitors argue that this system does not update often enough to accurately record the track of a fast moving boat.
Agree that it needs sorting quickly, but I'm not sure that it will be because the teams don't actually have to make the detailed protest yet!
Maybe the lay day will give the organisers time to look at it.
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Old 25 June 2008, 15:48   #8
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
all the boats will have a GPS record of their course, there shouldn't be much room for debate.
Except that there may be two versions of the truth.... the MarineTrack plot, and, if enabled, the boat's own GPS plot. If those disputing the alleged infringement haven't got this enabled, they may be kicking themselves.

Originally Posted by Allen View Post
The organisers are relying on the Marine Track record but competitors argue that this system does not update often enough to accurately record the track of a fast moving boat.
It's a fair point, and I hope that anyone using this system as "evidence" understands how it works.... from an observer's point of view it seems to interpolate between plotted points, so if it looses connection, a straight line appears to be drawn between the two known plots. Only the boat skipper and his crew know where they really went between those two points.
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Old 26 June 2008, 12:28   #9
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Just heard Hot Lemon has had the penaltey overturned and they are now 3rd overall. That should please them.

Not sure what the penalty was for though

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Old 26 June 2008, 15:46   #10
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Great News - Hot Lemon

Great news for Hot Lemon.

We will have to wait for the full story, I suspect, on this one.

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Old 26 June 2008, 22:01   #11
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The current "Overall Race Positions" published on the RB web site have several discrepancies with the results published for each leg.

Some of this is obviously down to penalties being dished out and subsequently taken back (or not). Some of it is just weird. There's precious little information on the RB web site, and from the statement on the home page this almost seems to be something that they are proud of . . .

From The Organisers of the Round Britain Powerboat Race.

We wish to make everyone aware that this Great Race is being run as a Corinthian Event primarily financed with the racers own money. It has therefore not been possible to have secretarial staff or any other expensive facilities supporting the event. We only have personnel who are giving their time free of charge to help the event and the racers. Therefore please understand that as the race and everyone associated with the race are moving everyday and due to the unusual format of the race, communications and information is very difficult. We make no apologies for this, our primary concern is for the racers and their race, everything else has to take second place.

It's not really helping the cause of powerboating as a spectator sport if they just give the finger to everyone who is following and supporting the race. I know that things aren't ideal for the organising team, but how hard could it possibly be to publish proper results (or just email them to someone to pass on) including details of the penalties?

Anyway, enough of my constructive criticism and back to the detective work. These are the differences:

Portsmouth to Plymouth
43 (+30 minutes)
88 Tequila (-16)
110 Seafarer (+30)
185 GEE (+30)
343 Carbon Neutral (-20)

So presumably 43, 110 and 185 received 30 minute penalties after the original results were published. No idea why 88 and 343 had time taken off though - typo? timing problem?

Milford Haven to Bangor
2 Hot Lemon (-60 minutes)
4 Hardleys (-1)
16 Team Scorpion Dubois (-60)
33 Gutta Boyz (-10)
81 (-50)
110 Seafarer (-60)
111 Venturer (-39)
185 GEE (-90)

My guess here is that 2, 16, 110 and 185 all had 60 minute penalties applied before the results were published, but all appealed successfully (with 185 also getting the 30 minutes back from leg 1). Again, no idea what happened with 4, 33, 81, 111

Bangor to Oban
Looks like nothing has changed. Yet!

It would be good to know whether the current "Overall Race Positions" are actually correct before we launch into the the rest of the race . . .

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Old 26 June 2008, 22:13   #12
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John - I agree its a bit crap to say "its all about the competitors"... their sponsors must be delighted to know that the spectator is not important.

I'm not really a powerboat racing nutter (although I did go to watch the oban leg and will probably try to get to the Edinburgh start) - but if they had put out a nicely worded plea for help with admin/webposting/updating etc I would have taken a week off work to help!

I saw mention in someones blog [can't remember who] - that as they had taken another competitor in tow the organisers would calculate a time "compensation" could that be where the 'negative' time difference?
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Old 26 June 2008, 22:32   #13
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
I saw mention in someones blog [can't remember who] - that as they had taken another competitor in tow the organisers would calculate a time "compensation" could that be where the 'negative' time difference?
Yep - we reckon that Gee was allowed a deduction for towing Mystic Dragon on the Milford Haven - Bangor leg.

Interesting comments, John, about there being precious little information, and the confusion. If enthusiasts like us can't follow it, what hope for the general public? That's one of the basic problems of an introspective sport, IMHO.
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Old 27 June 2008, 09:51   #14
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It is a pity the RB organisers did not ask for help from teck people like JK who has posted some great breakdowns of the classes here and boatmad, and with kind offers from Polwart and no doubt so many others on here and boatmad it may of made things 10x easier for them in getting the information out, which as pointed out their sponsors would no doubt welcome
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Old 27 June 2008, 22:01   #15
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Results for Inverness to Edinburgh are up:

Top 30 overall

1 22 Lionhead Goldfish RIB 00:00:00
2 333 Blue FPT Buzzi 00:12:45
3 2 Hot Lemon Scorpion RIB 01:02:52
4 55 Braveheart III Scanner RIB 01:03:39
5 4 Hardleys Revenger 01:12:39
6 9 Vilda Dahl RIB 01:18:03
7 471 Silverline Buzzi 01:39:26
8 77 Sealbay Goldfish RIB 02:18:19
9 80 Seahound V Scorpion RIB 02:24:31
10 111 Venturer Buzzi RIB 02:33:19
11 7 Going Lean Sunseeker 02:48:58
12 110 Seafarer Scorpion RIB 03:39:58
13 8 Power Products Marine Phantom 03:41:52
14 343 Carbon Neutral Revenger RIB 03:56:19
15 16 Team Scorpion Dubois Scorpion RIB 04:32:44
16 43 Phantom 04:43:17
17 69 The Bandit Hunton RIB 04:52:29
18 88 Tequila Scorpion RIB 05:12:49
19 96 Mr Mako Pascoe RIB 05:21:26
20 17 TFO Revenger 05:28:10
21 130 Fugitive Shakespeare 05:34:28
22 3 My Pleasure II Osprey RIB 05:44:56
23 81 Buzzi 06:37:37
24 33 Gutta Boyz Goldfish RIB 06:41:29
25 102 Team Pulsar - Vampire Ribcraft RIB 06:55:45
26 15 Buro Botnia Targa 07:44:39
27 185 GEE Souter 07:51:31
28 101 Team Pulsar - Wolf Humber RIB 08:33:55
29 14 Mud Swell & Beers Picton RIB 09:10:07
30 747 Team 747 Fairey 09:43:00

Only 12 minutes 45 seconds between the top two, and less than a minute between 3 and 4!
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Old 27 June 2008, 22:10   #16
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5 4 Hardleys Revenger 01:12:39

Hardleys is a RIB too innit?
Scorpion RIB Group on Facebook
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Old 27 June 2008, 22:13   #17
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I don't know. It doesn't say on the entrant details, and there's no picture. I'll take your word for it though!
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Old 27 June 2008, 22:15   #18
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Here are positions by class after Inverness to Edinburgh:

1 185 GEE Souter 00:00:00
2 747 Team 747 Fairey 01:51:29

1 333 Blue FPT Buzzi 00:00:00
2 55 Braveheart III Scanner RIB 00:50:54
3 80 Seahound V Scorpion RIB 02:11:46
4 16 Team Scorpion Dubois Scorpion RIB 04:19:59
5 15 Buro Botnia Targa 07:31:54
6 12 Birretta Buzzi RIB 11:28:11
7 6 Mystic Dragon Scorpion RIB 11:56:12

1 8 Power Products Marine Phantom 00:00:00
2 17 TFO Revenger 01:46:18
3 130 Fugitive Shakespeare 01:52:36
4 5 Northern Spirit Flipper 10:23:30

1 111 Venturer Buzzi RIB 00:00:00
2 81 Buzzi 04:04:18

1 471 Silverline Buzzi 00:00:00
2 69 The Bandit Hunton RIB 03:13:03

1 22 Lionhead Goldfish RIB 00:00:00
2 33 Gutta Boyz Goldfish RIB 00:23:37
3 4 Hardleys Revenger RIB 00:41:32
4 9 Vilda Dahl RIB 01:03:55
5 2 Hot Lemon Scorpion RIB 01:32:39
6 7 Going Lean Sunseeker 01:33:22
7 343 Carbon Neutral Revenger RIB 02:25:01
8 47 Relentless Revenger RIB 03:09:26
9 110 Seafarer Scorpion RIB 03:11:39
10 88 Tequila Scorpion RIB 03:26:59

1 77 Sealbay Goldfish RIB 00:00:00
2 43 Phantom 02:24:58
3 96 Mr Mako Pascoe RIB 03:03:07
4 3 My Pleasure II Osprey RIB 03:26:37
5 102 Team Pulsar - Vampire Ribcraft RIB 04:37:26
6 101 Team Pulsar - Wolf Humber RIB 06:15:36
7 14 Mud Swell & Beers Picton RIB 06:51:48
8 10 Black Gold Scorpion RIB 17:17:27
9 45 Team Jersey Mannefelt 18:07:09
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Old 27 June 2008, 22:16   #19
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Latest spreadsheet, showing penalties and time allowances . . .
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Old 27 June 2008, 22:25   #20
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Does anyone know what happend to Gutta Boyz?
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