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Old 16 September 2011, 23:33   #21
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There's always the RC 545 which is closer to the SR5.4, & will keep the weight down compared to the 585-6m boats. Might be worth a look, I assume the 545 is a cut down 585, which is still a damn fine hull despite recent bad press Re workmanship.
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Old 17 September 2011, 09:51   #22
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hi guys, just wondering, do you think a mercury 2-stoke 90hp will be enough power for a 1999 ribtec 585 ? thanks in advance
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Old 17 September 2011, 11:42   #23
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would of thought so for general use but it won't be a flyer or any use if carrying divers. Max i think is 150, but that would fly. Ideally you want 115 or more.
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Old 17 September 2011, 13:15   #24
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Originally Posted by HUMBER P4VWL View Post
How do you find your 5.5 destroyer Markyboyo?

The thing with the OP we have is that the extra 6cm width and 0.9m length really does make a bigger boat. As i said, we saw the 6.3 x 2.34 parked next to the 6 x 2.28 and it was unbelievable. Plus the associated bigger engine 2.5L V6 instead of 1.5L 3 cyl and console and batteries etc it is just a much bigger/heavier rig to tow around.

I'm just trying to work out what combo somewhere between that and our old 5.4 SR would be.

The max hp on the SR was 90 and having seen the 5.85 with a 115 it just looked really appealing further down the line so was wondering how people find their boats of that size.
The 5.5 does everything I ask of it really though I do wish I had something more practical for relaxing on with a beer in hand! I used to have a 19ft Orkney fishing boat and you could load it with about 8 people, camping and BBQ gear and not feel like you were pushed for space!
I considered going for a 5m first so it would fit in a garage but it looked so small when I went to the factory. I'm glad I went for the 5.5 and have managed to tow it with a mk1 Octavia TDI for the past 3.5 years although you really couldn't tow it with anything smaller.
Any more modern 2.0TDI should pull it like its not even there.

I think mine feels a little stern heavy with the e-tec V4 on the transom. The engine may be rigged a little low which will increase bow lift so that probably doesn't help. I'm going to experiment with that and report back if I see an improvement! I have an XL transom on mine as I heard that water tends to easily make it over the back of the smaller size humbers. It has been fine even with a cut out on one side to allow an aux to go straight on the transom with no bracket etc.

If I was planning on a boat in addition to your 6.3 I think I'd consider the 5-5.5m size myself. Some thing around 5m with a 90 would sneak onto an un-braked trailer and fit in the garage.
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Old 17 September 2011, 15:55   #25
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Originally Posted by NOKESY56 View Post
hi guys, just wondering, do you think a mercury 2-stoke 90hp will be enough power for a 1999 ribtec 585 ? thanks in advance
Can give you an almost definitive reply, my 585 had a 1994 Yamaha 90 2 stroke on it when I bought it. Top speed was a credible 30kts (3 up) no trouble getting on the plane, would pull up a wakeboarder with 2 others in the boat. Yes a 90 will be enough, won't be big on performance but adequate
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Old 17 September 2011, 17:24   #26
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Thanks guys definitely helped a lot !
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