20 November 2004, 18:29
Country: UK - England
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Re-Tubed Rib
Hi experts...
What are the pros and cons of buying a re-tubed RIB? The one I am looking at has been done professionally, on a tornado 4.5m hull, but I am interested in knowing whether re-tubing a rib presents any serious problems/issues?
Also, what sort of price do you reckon is appropriate for a re-tubed 4.5m tornado with no engine?
20 November 2004, 19:24
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If it's been re-tubed by a reputable tuber, then the tubes will be as good as new....
20 November 2004, 21:20
Country: UK - England
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Re-Tubed Rib
Faced with the choice of spending about £2500-£3000 on a ready to go 4m ish RIB, or buying a re-tubed (and generally refurbed) 4.5m Tornado hull for £2200, and adding bits over time, I suspect that even as it will run to more, buying the 4.5m Tornado while it's still available will give me the better purchase.
Anyone selling a secondhand engine to go on a 4.5m Tornado, with a budget of about 50p...?
Hmm, might need to do a bit more saving for that one, either wait for student loan, or see if anyone wants a website designed (shameless plug - www.edgeoftheenvelope.net)
Cheers for info Jono.
21 November 2004, 08:38
Country: UK - England
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The outfit looks good and certainly is from a well respected professional in the re-furb business.
Check the hull and ask them whether they have done any repairs to it.
Don't forget the cost of a trailer ...... as well as the engine ........ and electrics/electronics - though you can add these over time.
Ribs are a great way to blow money - but I can't think of (m)any better ways to have fun doing so
Good luck
21 November 2004, 09:16
Country: UK - England
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Re-Tubed Rib
Cheers Jeff.
I'm currently trying to sort out a trailer at the mo, any ideas how much a suitable trailer for a 4.5m should be?
I'm in a fairly good position in that I 'won' a Fishfinder, GPS and VHF from a dive Rib destined for the chop, so I can fit them as and when, which saves me a chunk of money.
Then, I'll be looking to buy an A Frame, and have a crash course in fitting Nav Lights, VHF Aerials, GPS Antennas, and then how to wire it all in. If I buy the Rib, watch this space for further discussions...
21 November 2004, 13:08
Country: UK - England
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Jimbo, was in with Lee Fairweather yesterday and saw he had a 55 hp Evinrude VRO 2 stoke (VRO is oil mixing). Price £850. Its the 2 cylinder model that Mariner also did. Looked in good condition.
What is the dive boat that is going for the chop ? always interested in a project.
That Tornado looks good with the two tone tubes, good ribs, RN had the 4.9 version. Seemed indestructable.
21 November 2004, 16:21
Country: UK - England
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Re-Tubed Rib
Re: Dive boat, it has already gone, I think they sold it to someone looking for a project. It was driven by a know it all into a wall at 30kts, he got out with a sore back and bruises, the RIB was not so lucky! I poached the electronics off it before it went, then I know not what happened to it.
The tornado boat does look nice, I reckon the extra half meter really gives it the edge over, say, a 4m searider. Problem is getting down there before Uni end of term, guess if he sells it before, hard luck to me, if he still has it, I'll go down take a look!
Thanks for info on engine, guy with the Tornado Rib has a 1997 Mariner 50hp that he is refurbing, he will let me know what the status of that is. If anyone else was interested in the boat, he's a really helpful guy!
As I said before, anyone want a website designed? Either that, or is anyone clairvoyant and can give me next weeks lottery numbers...
I'm most of the way there, think I'll go home and do sad face for Daddy...
21 November 2004, 17:13
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21 November 2004, 19:00
Country: UK - England
Town: Dorset
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Jimbo, is this the boat:
I am sure Olmec post on here as Ribraff!
Nice looking boat.
21 November 2004, 19:32
Country: UK - England
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You can do a lot worse than deal with Ed at Olmec (ribraff), he's very helpful and that looks like a nice boat! good price.
21 November 2004, 20:27
Country: UK - England
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 1,850
Re-Tubed Rib
All looks positive then, I guess it all comes down to me getting the cash to him before anyone else!
Don't break up until 17th Dec, so can't get down before then, just hope nobody gets in before me!
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