Smallest 3M wave that I ever saw, more like 3 Ft!!
Was having a great time, in front of twin engined Rico, behind the Greek boats but pacing with good speed, RIB sitting great, on top of the waves, just passing our check point when - BAM, got bowled out of the boat by a
7.5M bright yellow

boxing glove.
So funny to see Bruce comming to my aid driving a 7.5M surfboard with a 250XS on the back.
Seriously - I want to extend a big thank you to all the teams that stopped & gave assistance, It was good to know that when the S--t hits the fan, Ribsters look out for each other - again thanks.
The only reason that the tube parted was poor gluing / weak tube to flange joint tape and not enough preparation.
Great time had, made some great new freinds and met some old ones.
For next year - bring back all races destination to destination as with the first RSRR.
We will be back!!!