I have been watching this thread with interest/concern and like has been said before we all know the manufacturer concerned even if they have not been directly named....on this thread anyway
I will put over another side to the manufacturer which to be honest is the way that I had heard they were.
I have just brought back to Scotland my second boat manufactured by them that I had bought from a private seller and had delivered to them for some work to be carried out prior to me collecting it at the weekend.
I had never seen the boat and arranged for transport to their yard. The boat arrived last Tuesday and they called to say that the boat was there and in very good condition and that they would have her ready for me too collect at the weekend.
We arrived at thier yard on Saturday morning after being collected at the airport (by a taxi arranged by them). The first thing that I noticed was that the MD was down on his knees busy giving the boat a very good clean. He greeted us along with his Salesman/right hand man and apoligised that the boat had not been finished i.e cleaned prior to our arrival. He then asked if we had had breakfast and gave us his car and direction to a cafe to go and have some, by the time we have had our brakfast the boat would be cleaned and fueled.
True to his word when we arrived back...stuffed after a great breakfast

the boat was ready.
We had a look at the many boats that were there and of the boats being moulded, the quality was very very good with the moulding area being spotless, I was very interesting to actually see what is under you.
I noticed that my boat did not have any showers fitted to the legs, I am a firm beliver in the cooler the leg is, to a degree, the better. I asked them if they sould send me a set over for me to fit at a later date, they did one better and fitted a set there and then.
All the work requested had been carried out and no mess left. Now the fun begins (1000 Hrs), they launched the boat and we went on sea trials and a bit of teaching for me as I am used to boats with tubes all around.
Port engine starts to over heat

, slacken of the speed, engine cools down

. Back to pier and check the usual suspects with the MD, Salesman and A N Other, strainer clear, impeller new, thermostat okay, right remove thermostat and try again.......over heat on full revs

Okay intake pipe off....very little water....lift boat out.
Know the trailer that my boat was on is away so MD launches his boat so that I can use the trailer. Boat out and back to yard MD tells me that if he cannot get it sorted then he will arrange for accomodation for us and get his mechanic to work on it till its ready, all night if nessesary to allow us to sail on Sunday.
So its leg off, nothing blocking, back flush intake pipe no water
After much rodding, flushing and blowing with compressed air a mussel pops out

. Time to try back flushing again.....nothing like what there should be, back to the airline, another mussel then yee ha full water backflow
Build everything back together relaunch and go, everything fine.
Salesman jumps in with us and we start to head across the Channel. Salesman transfered to MDs' boat after a good run. We head home and stop overnight in a fine hotel and get pished after the stressful day
I know that I've blabbered on a bit, but my point is this, I deal alot with companied in the construction machinery service, alot with marine companies (partner runs a charter business) and I have never recieved better service, the MD and his team could not do enough to help me, when they could have easily adopted the attitude of many companies and said that they could not help until Monday etc.
Yes I have had one of their boats before, but again I did not buy it from them, I had never met any of them before Saturday and yet when I finally left there at 1500hrs I had no doubt in my mind that they are a very proffesional operation who are extremely customer focus and will pull out all the stops to help you.
All the time that I was there there were owners coming and going and stopping to chat and the whole place had a good atmosphere about it.
Just another side to the coin.
PS I have no connection whatsoever with this company other than being an extremely happy customer.