21 February 2010, 09:02
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Originally Posted by Chris
How many cabin ribs have you owned Polwart?
The same number as donegaldan unless I am mistaken... ...whats your point? I have no specific allegiance to either Redbay or Excalibur but would happily take either if you're paying.

Let's see, huge argument between a crowd of Paddies about the relative merits of North/South. The Scottish quickly take sides and the English call for Clarification....
fkk mee im orf!
I'm not taking sides at all... ...I have been open in the past that I would quite like a Redbay - and seriously considered buying one not that long ago. I'd be equally as happy to consider spending money on an Excalibur. My only concern is that the debate is balanced and constructive.
Competition is great in any market - and I think is proof that Redbay have correctly identified a market need for all weather ribs particularly in our parts of the world where the weather is so often 'interesting'. Competitors will keep Redbay on their toes, ensure their prices are kept under control and quality high. I've no time for bolloks brand loyalty though - and just about everyone one here seems to do it whether they own a Ribeye, Ribcraft, Humber, Searider, Osprey, Redbay or Excalibur.
Somewhere back up this thread there was actually an interesting point which suggested that Excalibur were better suited to the SW Irish waters and Redbay to the N Irish / Scottish waters - anyone want to expand on that - or was it just a "peacekeeping agreement"?
21 February 2010, 09:10
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My point is this, I have no experience of either brand or any cabin rib, so I am leaving this discussion to people that do
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
21 February 2010, 09:24
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Originally Posted by Chris
My point is this, I have no experience of either brand or any cabin rib, so I am leaving this discussion to people that do 
Apparently you're not
However, (and I suspect Donegaldan is in a similar camp), would like to own a cabin/wheelhouse RIB at somepoint during my ribbing career; when that happens depends on a whole host of factors. I therefore take a keen interest in ensuring that discussions about the pro's/con's of differnet hulls/cabin styles/designs etc. are based on reason, experience and information rather than bizzare brand allegiance.
I would be equally quick to challenge anyone in a Ribcraft v's Osprey thread who said "Ribcraft have never had a hull failure investigated by MAIB" (which would imply that the other party had).
21 February 2010, 09:41
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Originally Posted by Cailín Baire
HI All,
I have been following the other thread on the Redbay 10 closely as I am considering a cabin rib.
I have spoken to Redbay directly and am very impressed with the spec and build.
I have also spoken to Excalibur about their new hard top cabin rib and it looks very nice.
I have being looking at many photo's of other Redbay 8.4m Expedition's and I can't help wondering why the bow looks so low in the water in comparison to their other boats.
Does anybody have any experience of this and if so how does it effect the handling and ride.
Would be interested in finding out the good and bad points of this boat before I place an order.
What a Hornet's nest!
Poor old Cailín Baire
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
21 February 2010, 11:24
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Originally Posted by Hightower
What a Hornet's nest!
itts jus a bit ov seltic worfair.
ther wil be a bitt ov arjy barjy, a bit ov hanbaggs att dorn etc etc.............
............an thenn ekscaliber an redbaiy will be tuk ovir bi a inglish ribb cumpany
eny waiy i recummend a kwin kwari
fuk mee crismus leeve wiv noe ankul tagg
Wher doo I beegin?😃
21 February 2010, 12:11
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Originally Posted by wiLlfish
eny waiy i recummend a kwin kwari
Aren't/weren't they Druid?
21 February 2010, 13:13
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Aren't/weren't they Druid? 
Much in the way that the Peugeot 107 is French.
21 February 2010, 17:27
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Somewhere back up this thread there was actually an interesting point which suggested that Excalibur were better suited to the SW Irish waters and Redbay to the N Irish / Scottish waters - anyone want to expand on that - or was it just a "peacekeeping agreement"?
I wondered too, I don't know. It does have an exposed lee shore with a shallow(ish) shelf.
Then again, the Cork lads are deeply patriotic (Cork being the True Capital of the Republic) so Special Water wouldn't be beyond their scope.
I was just slagging you about taking sides - you missed my point - the Scots took both sides in the North
On the point of brand loyalty - I own a Redbay and visit the works a lot, but I wouldn't blindly promote a duff rib 'cos I liked the label. I will be watching the Excalibur Cabin with keen interest. If I was in the market for a rib of that type, I'd want to get helm time on ANY suitable craft of ANY brand.
Just to stir the pot some more for Cailín Baire - have you looked at the Parker Cabin ribs?
21 February 2010, 22:19
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Under IMO resolution A.265 & the Stockholm Agreement there are significant wave heights agreed for the calculation of ships stability. Taking these figures in a general sense,the Western Approaches to NW Europe area has an arbitrary significant wave height of 4.0m.This reduces to 3.7m North of a line drawn between Mizen Head & the Southern entrance to the Bristol Channel. The Irish Sea is 3.4m reducing to 3.0m aroind the IoM. The North Channel between Northern Ireland & Scotland has a significant wave height of 2.6m.
The Western approaches will have a longer wave period v's the North Channel which will have a shorter wave period & shorter steeper seas.
So, yes the seas may well be different, other factors will be prevailing winds, tidal flow & atmospheric pressure.
22 February 2010, 09:23
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Originally Posted by Baydreamer
The Excalibur hull with its high bow profile really lends itself to the short steep sea's that we have down here and can out preform the Redbay's in their own back yard.
Whereas the Redbay design is more suited to the longer wave pattern found along the North coast and Scottish Isles.
I have experience of both.
Originally Posted by Zubenelgenubi
Under IMO resolution A.265 & the Stockholm Agreement there are significant wave heights agreed for the calculation of ships stability.....
....The Western approaches will have a longer wave period v's the North Channel which will have a shorter wave period & shorter steeper seas...
That's what's wrong with Redbay - someone's switched the water on them!
22 February 2010, 10:15
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Wave heights Scottish Isles
Interesting reading on the wave heights.
From a curiosity point of view do you have the wave heights for the Scottish Isles(inside and outside), Tory Island, Rathlin Isand.
Take it easy ....but, take it all the way.
01 March 2010, 16:43
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i agree with baydreamer those excaliburs area seriously good sea boat and are easy on the eye as well!!!!
01 March 2010, 19:50
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so Cailin....any closer to a decision?
01 March 2010, 20:09
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Originally Posted by willk
Just to stir the pot some more for Cailín Baire - have you looked at the Parker Cabin ribs?
i would watch this space for a while in regards to parker cabin rib, andre is a good friend and i know that he won't mind much if i tell you there is, i think , something in the pipe line, we had talk's a little while back and he may be bringing in a twin engined cabin as his next boat
02 March 2010, 07:25
Country: France
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Posts: 24
Eye catching
Just seen concept for Excalibur cabin looks good. Looks to have good ptotection from weather.
02 March 2010, 22:22
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Originally Posted by RibMan74
Just seen concept for Excalibur cabin looks good. Looks to have good ptotection from weather.
What sound does a fish make ?
02 March 2010, 22:31
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Originally Posted by RibMan74
Just seen concept for Excalibur cabin looks good. Looks to have good ptotection from weather.
Chris Stevens
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03 March 2010, 09:22
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Originally Posted by chewy
HMCG have to tender, thats why most CG vehicles are all different makes and shades of blue/grey!
Actually, (just to be pedantic and add a bit of thread drift) the different makes are part of policy - so that a recall or design fault found in one make won't ground the whole fleet leaving no cover. There's nothing to stop a public body specifying a certain make or model when tendering.
The colour change is due to the same reason as the police changed to silver - silver or grey has a higher residual value than the traditional blue, so the leasing costs are cheaper, plus the yellow bonnet/roof is done as a wrap now not a spray so easier to sell on.
03 March 2010, 11:16
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With regards to Biff's comment.
Spoke to Andre a couple of days ago and the cabin rib will not be over here in the near future. They are working on a new higher spec interior and want to get it right before launch.
03 March 2010, 11:56
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Originally Posted by 250kts
... They are working on a new higher spec interior and want to get it right before launch.
I'd assumed it was wall to wall Polish/ed Walnut and Soay Lambswool Axminster
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