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Old 29 September 2014, 19:20   #21
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Based on what I've seen Belfast Coastguard (who took over from Clyde) quite happily respond to calls to Clyde (and indeed to "Oban" who have been gone for 14 yrs!). Similarly Aberdeen respond to calls to Forth - so I'd doubt a Portland/Solent is an issue. When they closed the stations they were quite clear they were not removing coverage or masts just merging offices. So I think that's mostly a lot of scare mongering! Which is a shame because you probably had a couple of good points to make that are lost in the noise.
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Old 29 September 2014, 19:24   #22
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So you call Solent now for either. But they should respond to Portland.

The distance makes no difference the masts are all still there. You aren't talking to the building more like talking to a mast that's skyped to Fareham.

There has been some critique of the new staff skills on other fora, as most staff didn't move.

67 and 73 remain an option. 67 is certainly being watched.

Aberdeen vs Humbert from Farnes? You aren't trying to reach Aberdeen just a mast someplace... The whole concept of the joined up service is you could be speaking to Shetland from Solent... Not possible yet but that's the grand plan.
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Old 29 September 2014, 19:28   #23
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
So I think that's mostly a lot of scare mongering! Which is a shame because you probably had a couple of good points to make that are lost in the noise.
Which means what?

Lost me with these comments.

I know I'm talking to a mast when I call a CG station. I know exactly where the old stations were..and where the new building is.
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Old 29 September 2014, 19:36   #24
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Originally Posted by PeterM View Post
Which means what?
It means that I think at least 1/2 of Boris' OP is waffling about a non-issue (coverage changing - it hasn't AND call signs changing when the old one will still work).

Borris made some pertinent comments about Radio checks and talking to the CG promptly when a situation starts to develop. Of course he's preaching to the choir here anyway, but now people are worrying about whether the masts have moved or they might use the old call sign when they should be thinking - when did I last check my radio, or I wonder if my helmsman would call it in if I drifted away.
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Old 29 September 2014, 19:38   #25
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Split thread time?
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Old 29 September 2014, 20:36   #26
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I was south of Ventnor the other day, SE 5 or 6, on my own, 1600 hrs, horrible sea, lost one engine......called Solent to let them know before I investigated the problem. Didn't ask for assistance just wanted them to know. Once I'd chatted with them then I found the problem, fixed it and pressed on. Happy days!
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Old 29 September 2014, 21:10   #27
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Originally Posted by Johnscubanut View Post
I was unaware of the changes, thanks for giving the heads up on that one!
As for those twat divers, if they are BSAC members they should know to check out with the coastguard & leave word ashore. Give a radio check, carry a spare radio as a back-up & inform coastguard asap if missing divers, giving their last known position!
I can only think that they were private dive boats?
At least this time no-one was lost!
As a matter of due course we always radio the coastguard when launching, this does two things;
1, ensures the Fixed VHF works.
2, lets the coastguard know who we are (CG66), where we are going, how many on board and when we are due back, (you can always radio and tell them you are running late).

Originally Posted by Johnscubanut View Post
A few weeks ago we were diving off the Farne Isles, Northumberland. Called Humber coastguard to inform them of our plan, no answer from after calls. Aberdeen coastguard eventually answered us & dedided to relay the message on!
Similar distances away from us, but I guess the atmospherics as suggested played a part in the reception, or non-reception???
I have to confess I have not been out of late owing to a further expanding family but I also have the number for Humber and Forth CG in my phone.
I once had to call the CG from a friends RIB when the fixed and hand held VHF failed, we were a long way off, I was surprised and chuffed when I realized I still had a signal on my phone.

Originally Posted by Peter_C View Post
Losing divers is bad...really bad. Especially if the fog rolls in.

First of all the divers should have their own safety gear. A Storm Whistle, and an SMB (Surface Marker Buoy) to make them self seen. I also carry an air powered whistle that hooks to my reg set that is so loud you need to put your head underwater. Probably my single most important piece of rescue equipment, and also my most fragile, is my Nautilus Lifeline VHF DSC equipped radio. If I am going diving, let alone drift diving I will always carry a PLB or radio. A PLB is hands down the best piece of equipment for survival a diver can carry. The ACR Resqlink + floats and fits into a pretty small canister.

Nautilus LifeLine Official Website: Marine Rescue Radio With GPS
After being lost at sea whilst diving twice, once off Mexico and once in the Indian ocean I now have a Nautilus lifeline. Touch wood have not yet and I won't have to use it in anger.

And for what its worth, (my own opinion on divers overdue), they get 5 mins grace, nothing more, nothing less. then its a pan pan, it can always be stood down but in the mean time the emergency services are primed and ready for action when you do push the OMG button.

Safe diving

Silent but deaf-lee
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Old 29 September 2014, 21:44   #28
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
Based on what I've seen Belfast Coastguard (who took over from Clyde) quite happily respond to calls to Clyde (and indeed to "Oban" who have been gone for 14 yrs!). Similarly Aberdeen respond to calls to Forth - so I'd doubt a Portland/Solent is an issue. When they closed the stations they were quite clear they were not removing coverage or masts just merging offices. So I think that's mostly a lot of scare mongering! Which is a shame because you probably had a couple of good points to make that are lost in the noise.

Yup when we where around Oban I received calls from Belfast & Stornaway CG
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Old 02 October 2014, 11:23   #29
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News to me that Portland no longer exists!!!

Obviously very recent as they were answering to it only a few weeks ago.

Shall check up to see what the latest is thanks for the heads up.
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Old 02 October 2014, 12:25   #30
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Originally Posted by cptsideways View Post
News to me that Portland no longer exists!!!

Obviously very recent as they were answering to it only a few weeks ago.

Shall check up to see what the latest is thanks for the heads up.

Was it not scheduled for closure in Sept?

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