19 August 2007, 18:09
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Removing Paint from tubes
Picked up a searider today, my first RIB
This afternoon I stripped the boat out, removed seats and dashboard, then scrubbed the boat down.
The tubes have cleaned up nicely, however someone has painted orange squares on the tubes to make it more visible. Its been done with polymarine flexible paint (I've been given the rest of the tin). There is also some silver and green paint splashed on the tubes. Any tips on removing the paint?
19 August 2007, 19:19
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which paint do you want to remove, the silver and green splashes or the orange.
I think I'd be tempted to leave the orange myself, there's a lot of it there and it does not look badly done. I can't see you being able to remove it without damaging the tubes underneath.
It was also probably done for a reason - it's damn hard to see a grey rib against a dark sea on a grey day
Congrats on your purchase by the way  - did it come with an engine?
What are your plans?
19 August 2007, 22:01
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I saw that one on Ebay-nice price!
I'd leave the orange on there too-I have to put my nav lights on way before anyone else or my boat is hard to see and it's almost invisible in the dark.
If the paint splashes aren't hypalon paint then it'll probably come off with elbow grease and hand cleaning wipes like these (which are good for getting Sikaflex off your hands too)
A tip-if you're planning on a centre console conversion don't remove the hypalon bow dodger until you're sure that's what you want-it provides useful dry storage.
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19 August 2007, 22:07
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I removed grey paint from black Hypalon, I first tried standard thinners, although this worked it was very messy and took forever, then I tried Nitromors paint remover which worked a treat and did no apparent damage to the Hypalon. You can just about make out the work in progress in this photo. Left side - before / Right side - after
19 August 2007, 22:31
Country: UK - England
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Yea it was on eBay, infact it was on there twice, the first ad listed it as 3metres, the guy I bought it off was very dissapointed to find out it was 4metres so he readvertised it. I went to view it as it was local and bought it then for £300  .
I think I'll try removing the paint from a small area first, if this fails I've still got half a tin to touch it up and improve the current paint.
I didnt plan on using the rib until next season, I was going to spend the winter fitting a console etc, however it requires less work than I expected, so I am going to do a couple of repairs, and use a 25hp with tiller for whats left of the season.
19 August 2007, 22:41
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by samt
I was going to spend the winter fitting a console etc, however it requires less work than I expected, so I am going to do a couple of repairs, and use a 25hp with tiller for whats left of the season.
Get it ready for the winter
It only took me a week to do mine. I did about the same amount of work as you'll have to- see here
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29 August 2007, 22:02
Country: UK - England
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I couldn't put up with the orange paint so attempted to remove it. I've had some luck with removing the paint. I used a heat gun with the gun held back a good distance. The orange paint peeled off easily, however it has now exposed what it was covering.
Underneath is red paint with 'RESCUE' written on it in black paint, this paint is stuck down a lot better, and I can't remove it without damaging the tubes.
I think sticking large wear patches in either dark grey or orange over these areas is the best idea, providing I can expose enough hypalon around the edge for gluing.
I will also try some paint stripper on a waste piece of hypalon with this red paint that i removed from the spray deck.
If this fails then I will re-paint the orange patches on.
29 August 2007, 22:34
Country: UK - England
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Congrats on the boat...
It looks about the same era as the one I bought about six weeks ago.
You have the old A7 valves I think from the pics you posted.
I would advise to swap these to the C7's when you get a chance.
Is there a serial number anywhere? you can tell the boats age from that, but I would guess yours is a late 70's boat. It looks in good nick.
I have gone the centre console route.
Added some heavy duty rubbing strake and fairlead. I want to tidy up the electrics, and repaint the deck, and tidy up the grey Hypalon paint on the tubes....(why dont you go for painting your tubes with the Polymarine grey hypalon paint?)
Its pretty much together now and just needs some more cosmetic tidying.
I chopped out the spray dodger and the boat feels bigger. I was in two minds about it, but after having done it I have used the Hypalon to make up some patches etc, and not missing the dry storage factor too much.
So far I have managed to partially flood the boat twice !! and have fitted a Rule bilge pump now...although both times it was my own fault!
Mine is fitted with a 2001 40hp Yam 2 stroke.
I managed to get 29 knots out of it on some lumpy water off Fowey last week when on the hols, but it was skittering about all over the place, so I backed off. I got the feeling it would go a little faster especially in some smooth water.
Hope you have fun with it, so far mine has been an education!
29 August 2007, 23:04
Country: UK - England
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I have one A4 valve and two newer avon valves, C7? Will replace that one at some point, but at the moment it works fine.
I don't want to repaint all of the tubes because they're good condition. Its just me being picky about the orange patches and paint splashes.
I havn't used it yet as I havn't found an outboard  (Looking for a 2 stroke 40) , but I plan on using it as a open rib for a bit, then fitting the console etc.
The photos show the rib as I got it, I needed to do quite alot of work to the transom. Someone had done a bad job of strengthing the transom, Luckily when I removed it there was transom underneath!! A repair was needed to the hole at the back, it looked like it was dropped off its trailer. The transom is all fixed now  I just need to find some aluminium channel to run along the top. The orange patches are now red and the remains of the spray deck have been tidied up and glued flat. Its all useable now, just need to tidy up the tubes.
P.S. How have you or plan to fix the console down?
29 August 2007, 23:19
Country: UK - England
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good paint job... just noticing though...looks like the transom supports have been replaced by someone. Mine are tubular stainless steel, and I thought they all were....I'm sure its not a problem.
The console on my boat is stuck down with a load of Sikkaflex and 6 big stainless self tappers and washers per side. It hasn't budged. I swear the Sikkaflex would hold it down by itself!
The console I have is a two man, I got if from Healey Engineering in London.
I mounted it quite far forward ...on the deck there are two lateral "ridges" that stand proud of the deck, and my console is tight against the second of these. The concept of drilling into the flooding compartment in the hull took some getting over, but with loads of Sikkaflex its been wateright.
Nos4R2 on here has some stuff about his Searider conversion on here and that was really useful.
Good luck on finding a motor. I will keep my eyes open.
29 August 2007, 23:22
Country: UK - England
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I see you cut off the spray dodger then !
I actually glued down that inch or so flap that remains onto the top of the tube.
29 August 2007, 23:37
Country: UK - England
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I don't think the supports are original. They are extremley strong but its just steel painted with black enamal. They work fine as they are, and its another thing that can be replaced later on.
I was also worried about screwing through the floor, but after searching the forum, it seems this is what most people have done.
Originally Posted by MustRib
I see you cut off the spray dodger then !
I actually glued down that inch or so flap that remains onto the top of the tube.
I left quite alot on while I was cutting the main part off, then went back and trimmed it neatly and glued it down. I now want to finish this off with seam tape, when I find some!
29 August 2007, 23:46
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You can still buy the transom supports from Avon. Was about 40 quid each two years ago. Speak to your local Avon dealer for some prices.
04 January 2009, 18:51
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Avon searider
I have read with interest attempts to remove paint from the tubes. I have just bought 4mtr Avon seamaster 1995 with mariner 40 on it. I have a similar problem on that paint has been put over RESCUE sign. Unfortunately it seems to be flaking off so was wondering best way to remove and repaint. Thrown photo on but will try to add one later in the week to show flaking. Any advice would be great
20 April 2009, 11:02
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mee to mate, Im trying in vain to get all this off the strakes -
20 April 2009, 11:16
Country: UK - Wales
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I sanded my strakes off with wet or dry sandpaper. They sand OK and you can start with a coarse grade and go finer. The trouble with mine is they are a bit thinner now as they were badly gouged with an angle grinder to several mm depth by someone previously "roughing " them up to glue an orange hypalon rescue sign on them. its tedious work but they do come up OK.
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
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