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Old 24 September 2017, 08:43   #1
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Removing tube paint!

I’ve just bought a Humber with orange tubes with black rubbing strakes and black reinforcing overpatches over the tops of the tubes.

The previous owner decided to paint some sections of the orange tubing black with Polymarine flexithane tube paint. (The rusty half full tin was still under the console) He has not done a very good job of it, but luckily it appears he painted it straight on without attempting to key up the tubes beforehand.

The paint has now rubbed off in places, and looks pretty scruffy, however there is nothing wrong with the actual tube underneath. Has anyone tried or successfully removed tube paint?

I was going to have a go with hypalon thinners and see what happened
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Old 24 September 2017, 12:16   #2
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I'd imagine either hypalon thinners or standard cellulose thinners will be the only chance keep the surface wet with a rag to soften it just try to stay clear of glued sections as it will soften the glue in time
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Old 24 September 2017, 12:35   #3
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Not too sure about Hypalon "thinners"?
Whatever you go with...and I imagine it would depend on the paint used
Just try/experiment with a very small area at first...and (after cleaning any/all residue you can) leave for 24 hours to see any potential reactions before continuing...and as said try to keep away or at least take care around joins/previous repairs.
It does beg the question why they were painted previously,or is it just a case you May be able to do a better tidier job when re-painting?

If you have contact with the previous owner it would be a good idea to ask what the Original reason/problem was.
With alot of Tube wear issues.."Strategic" use of wear/grip patches/strakes/name patches ect can work wonders,and quite often negates the need to paint at all
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Old 24 September 2017, 21:15   #4
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Have you asked Polymarine, they are very good at answering questions about their products.

I had good results on an old Avon Redcrest, carefully using a small power-washer. It took off poorly applied flexithane paint fairly easily, especially where it was already peeling/flaking. Where it was more stubborn a light wipe of Acetone on a rag to soften then power-washed off did the trick. However acetone will cut into the rubber and can change its shade. I used it on a beat up old old Dink, I wouldn't recommend using it on your pride and joy! There are better paint thinners out there that would work as well if not better.

A quick look at the polymarine website lists 'Flexithane 2681 Thinners' which may do the trick, but I would definitely ask Polymarine first.

Whatever you try, Maximus's advice is spot on!

I also wouldn't expect miracles - you may not get all the old paint off and you will likely end up with the hypalon under the old paint being a different colour shade to the rest of the boat. Worse case you may need to lightly sand and then repaint or patch over... so be sure that's better than leaving it as is... good luck either way.
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Old 28 September 2017, 16:08   #5
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How old is the boat? My toobs are so decrepit that an attempt to sand them took the top layer of the hypalon off and now in places I can see the reinforcing weave underneath.

Another half successful trick I used was a stuff bristled scrubbing brush.

The other thing is that pulling the flaking paint off in big flakes is remarkably therapeutic!
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Old 28 September 2017, 17:14   #6
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It’s a twenty year old plus 4.8m humber, but the tubes are in excellent condition. I believe the panels which are black have been painted to match them in with the triple fendering and reinforcing overpatches.

I have bought it as a stopgap as my 5.3 attaque desperately needs a retube.
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