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Old 02 November 2013, 17:19   #1
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Renting rib for day charters

Hello I was wondering if anyone knows what the legalities are of renting my rib out for day charters with or without skipper are?
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Old 02 November 2013, 17:38   #2
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You need to read the joy that is MGN280 on the MCA website.

Essentially the boat needs to be coded, and if with skipper it needs to have a Commercially Endorsed Helmsman suitable for the type of water it has been coded for - anyone who has been recently commercially endorsed (or renewed recently) should have some idea of the requirements. They are not trivial and for a sub 5m boat with a 75HP engine are unlikely to be economical unless your are doing it as a full time business and have a clear differentiator.

It is worth mentioning that there are local authority rules if the boat isn't being used 'at sea' (which means you need to understand that phrase because it doesn't mean 'salty water' in the law). Local authority licensing is particularly viable in the Solent Area - but its not that much less onerous than full MCA coding.

There is a whole "Commercial" section to the forum for your information.
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Old 02 November 2013, 18:00   #3
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Jim Robinson on here is a solent guy who has some "budget" rentals from Bembridge Marine as self drive deals.

But he uses local authority rules rather than MCA as far as I know. and he has a fairly easily definable area of use as you can tell people where they are allowed to take the boat - no risk of going 'out to sea' and not knowing it.

If you were renting at his kind of rates (£90 a day he mentioned in another post today) and managed to rent 10 weekends a year you'd only make £1800. I suspect your insurance cost will rocket, plus you'll have wear and tear, extra engine servicing and damage that the customer doesn't mention when returning and isn't claimable on insurance...

Not sure if there are any local licence fees if you went the local authority route but I suspect there will be.

Not to mention you can't actually use your toy for those days because someone else has borrowed it. Plus you have to be around to issue it and get it back.

You may need breakdown cover as well. Not sure if there is a 'Sea Start' service in your patch.

What if you agree a hire and the previous hirer damages it - how quickly can you get it back on the water. (I'm assuming you have a fleet of 1)

Fair amount of up front additional cost that you then can't be sure of the customer return.

That said, I can see uses - sailing clubs who need additional boats for major regattas (although they can often get members or visitors to bring boats), and the tourist trade - quite like the idea of hiring a cottage for a week and a rib being parked on the cottage's own jetty / mooring ready for me to borrow.
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Old 03 November 2013, 08:22   #4
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Originally Posted by Jwmarineuk View Post
Hello I was wondering if anyone knows what the legalities are of renting my rib out for day charters with or without skipper are?
We were looking for a another way to bring in some income when the economy and boat sales slowed. We decided to get into Rib hire which also kept some of the customers who could no longer justify the cost of boating on board.
It seemed rib charter round the Solent offered top quality Ribs but at a high price with 3 k excess and deposit. To me this would spoil my day as I would worry about the kids touching anything.
Most of our clients just want to hit the beach ,chase an optimist and have dinner at the Folly.
We bought 6 serviceable 5 -6.5 m Ribs and last year was our first full season. The boats are older but well maintained.
Insurance was around £350 per boat on top of our main company cover,£500 excess on each. As standard the area we allow is Wightcliff to Needles.
The boats have a simple safety kit on board. RYA PB2 or equivalent required ,over 21 yrs. Due to the cost of fuel we decided the max HP to be 115hp which made usage manageable especially round Bembridge where we have no on water fueling. The boats come with moorings in Bembridge or Seaview with SVYC sea taxi included. They can be moored else where at your expense.
We have a 5.5 Humber £80 per day.6m Humber £90 per day then 4 x 6-6.5 m Ribs £130 per day all plus fuel.
The operation works because we own a yard and can back them up and store them etc at minimal cost. They were all out around 7 weeks July and August. We had a blown gearbox, one prop and small hole in a tube in total.
If you are thinking of going into hire you need to decide how much you love your Rib. The expense of setting it up as a one off especially if you are outside the solent, where you will have to code it means the Rib then needs to be out quite a bit to cover costs. It will get damage.
Hope this helps.
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Old 03 November 2013, 08:45   #5
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Jim can you pm me some info on your boats I see enqs for bareboat and small sizes all through season and most companies hire 7-8 metres. We sold a smaller boat finally this year as demand was too low against costs

Anyone who wishes to hire out boats commercially will need se form of coding to stay legal. Certainly Solent way you can have the local authority code but that is slowly moving to same MCA levels and you can have cat 6 (think) will give a restricted area of use
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Old 03 November 2013, 16:13   #6
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS View Post
Jim can you pm me some info on your boats I see enqs for bareboat and small sizes all through season and most companies hire 7-8 metres. We sold a smaller boat finally this year as demand was too low against costs

Anyone who wishes to hire out boats commercially will need se form of coding to stay legal. Certainly Solent way you can have the local authority code but that is slowly moving to same MCA levels and you can have cat 6 (think) will give a restricted area of use
Cheers will do, some pictures on front page of the website . Will check in again with the local authorities for changes. We plan to code a couple of them this winter.
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Old 04 November 2013, 07:32   #7
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Would push enquiries your way as cheap rentals
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 04 November 2013, 22:19   #8
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by tim griffin View Post
Would push enquiries your way as cheap rentals
Cheers Tim much appreciated.
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