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Old 22 September 2004, 00:24   #1
Country: Canada
Town: Vancouver
Boat name: Hummer
Make: Southern Pacific
Length: no boat
Engine: outboard
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 2
Repair of Southern Pacific 10' RIB ???

Hello from Canada;

I hope someone here can give me some advice.

I have been looking for a used RIB to use as a tender to my (elderly) 48' sailboat. Being retired (fixed income) I am looking for the best deal I can find.

Recently I was offered a 10' Southern Pacific, by a friend, for next to nothing - but there is a catch. While cruising in Mexico, after pulling the RIB up on the beach, the tube, by the bow, exploded - blew out a seam. My friend says it also "blew out some of the "baffles" (???).

My friend contacted Southern Pacific because the RIB was still under warrantee but was told to go fly a kite (not in those words). He is very unhappy SP.

My question:
Has anyone had experience with having such a blow out repaired?
Could it be a "do-it-yourself" job?
If I could get a new tube from Southern Pacific could I replace it myself?
Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Roger (in the RainForest)
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Old 22 September 2004, 08:13   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Saltash, Cornwall
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Baffles are the pieces of material that divide the tube up into compartments.
The way you can test this is to inflate comparments one at a time and see if they hold air. I have heard of people re sticking seams before who aren't in the trade, but baffles are deffinatly beyond me. I've done patches large and small, which are fine as you already have the shape but for a seam you are making the shape.
If its free all its going to cost you time and a few $$ for the glue, solvents and abrasive papers. If you do a search on the forum there were some very good threads explaining how to do this.

As a thought Mexico and a blow out means that the tubes must have reached a very high temperature to create the pressure.
But if its free its only a few hours and a few $ go for it !!
good luck
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Old 22 September 2004, 16:30   #3
Country: Canada
Town: Vancouver
Boat name: Hummer
Make: Southern Pacific
Length: no boat
Engine: outboard
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 2
Thanks James.
I very much appreciate your comments.
Yes, the RIB is a freebe.
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