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Old 06 September 2014, 00:56   #21
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pembroke
Boat name: Rapscallion
Make: Humber Destroyer 6.0
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-TEC 150
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 360
IMHO absolutely nothing wrong with any of the 4 brands / models you're thinking of. I've no experience of the Ribcraft or Tornado so will only comment on the SR and Humber.

The Searider really is the benchmark small rib. 30+ years of experience and the new ones aren't that different from the old ones - i.e. they got it right first time. Means you have a huge range of ages & conditions to choose from to suit your budget. Obviously older / heavier used boats will need a bigger dose of looking at to make sure you're not buying a money-pit.

Humbers are great, purposeful boats, aimed at the commercial and more serious leasure market. Earlier posts have commented on the various models / Assault / Destroyer / Ocean Pro. I find the assualt a great flat / sheltered water boat but hard going when it gets rough. The Ocean Pro does what it says on the tin - it's a heavy-weather weapon. Probably way beyond what you need. The Destroyer is half way between the two and probably the model you should look at if you want a Humber. They're all at least 2.3m beam though.

If you can't get a test in a destroyer, I am down in Pembroke and have a 6 metre Destroyer - I'd be very happy to take you out for a spin if that was helpful. PM me if you'd like to do that.

I'd echo previous posts on combination of 'wants' - if you can solve the storage problem and go to 5.5 / 5.8m, you'll be a lot happier esp if you intend to carry 6 adults regularly.
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Old 06 September 2014, 06:29   #22
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pembroke
Boat name: Rapscallion
Make: Humber Destroyer 6.0
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-TEC 150
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 360
If you could find somewhere bigger to store it and a little more cash, this might be just what you're looking for
Humber destroyer rib 5.5, diving, fishing,water skiing | eBay
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Old 06 September 2014, 16:33   #23
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Only other thing to remember about the SR is the flooding hull gives extra stability when stopped. So may be nicer for fishing and wild life viewing etc.
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Old 06 September 2014, 20:26   #24
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pembroke
Boat name: Rapscallion
Make: Humber Destroyer 6.0
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-TEC 150
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 360
Originally Posted by ShinyShoe View Post
Only other thing to remember about the SR is the flooding hull gives extra stability when stopped. So may be nicer for fishing and wild life viewing etc.
.......and also makes it slower to get going from a standing start vs a non-ballasted boat, but it's a good point and worthy of note.
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Old 06 September 2014, 22:39   #25
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Originally Posted by Jon Tallis View Post
.......and also makes it slower to get going from a standing start vs a non-ballasted boat, but it's a good point and worthy of note.
Not if you block it off
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Old 06 September 2014, 23:31   #26
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Measure the garage so that you know exactly how big you can go, then find the biggest and most powerful boat within those specs that you can. A 4.7m Searider won't take 6 but may be your best bet. Will be a tight squeeze though if the garage is only 5m...
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Old 07 September 2014, 14:14   #27
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Swansea
Boat name: Julie Ann
Make: Bayliner
Length: 8m +
Engine: Inboard
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Posts: 9
Hi Guys,

Quite a response I have had and thank you all, for contributions. The main central problem is storage, whilst i appreciate 5+ metres is better, it still won't fit. Hence why I am resigned to a sub 5 metre.

As for carrying 6, well that was me not making myself clear, this would be tops and only occasionally. That said, if and when, then it would be a compromise and how keen the passengers are to be packed in - don't like it, stay behind.

Life is full of compromises and this will have to be one of them I'm afraid.

John, thank you kindly for your invitation, I am very tempted to come all the way down to lovely Pembroke an idyllic part Wales. Whilst I would love to take your offer up, nevertheless, I am unable to get away, thanks all the same.

As for the Avon Searider, I have seen a 4.7 in an RNLI configuration, so must be tough and very sea worthy, so worth investigating (I am aware of the flooding hull, which has its good and bad points). That said, I have also seen some great Ribcraft 4.8's - 1 is really really nice - way way over my budget but still very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In addition, the is a 4.5 Buffalo (I have no idea what that is like) and the there seems an abundance of Vanguard Valiants, & Ribeye Zodiac's (again, I have no idea what they are like either), also the odd Lomac, which I have never heard of?

That said, no sub 5 metre Tornado's - apart what looks a fab boat, it appears to be a scam - it was sold on ebay in June, then again in July and now somewhere else - with the same right up & pics but all in different parts of the country - shame!

Oh well, I will keep looking.
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Old 07 September 2014, 16:27   #28
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Hello Sea bouy

Iam putting my Ribcraft 4.8 up for sale in a few weeks due to starting building of an extension on house . Touch base with me if interested .Mobile 00353 87 7596417 or colin@digi.ie.
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Old 10 September 2014, 18:20   #29
Country: UK - England
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Highly recommend the destroyers, all bought from new, started off with a 4m searider, great little boat but low bow so often got a soaking, then more recent a 5m assault, very stable as the tubes are low to the water all the time, not much negative to say other than in a decent chop because it is more of a medium v hull and the tubes as mentioned it sometimes give a hard landing, slapping the water with a bit of spray aswell. Last was a 5.3m destroyer, just felt a lot more solid and more seaworthy in which it was, very smooth dry ride in choppy seas, loads more deck space as it's a wider beam (around 30cm). Downside being not as stable most noticeably at rest when your walking around or whatever, it rocks a bit as only the very back of the tubes are resting in the water but that's being picky.
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Old 10 September 2014, 19:49   #30
Country: UK - Scotland
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Boat name: Red Fox
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Have you been in touch with any of the dealers to see what they want to shift or maybe are aware of what might be arriving. Yampower is worth a try for one. Straight up the M6 and for the right deal distance should be no problem. I have a 4.7 zodiac (called pro 500 now) that has had 6 in it but for two adults and 2 lads has been great for all kinds of play and exploring. Much better than the 4.2 zodiac as far as stability and ride is concerned so don't go too small. Mine fits in the garage with 1cm to spare!
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Old 12 September 2014, 14:21   #31
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Swansea
Boat name: Julie Ann
Make: Bayliner
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The help and tips has been great, looking at your pointers tips etc, has lead me to conclude (if I can find one), the Ribcraft 4.8 preferably with a 4 stroke 50 to 60 HP Yam or Honda (Mariner or Mercury, may have to be a compromise), it is the compromise RIB I am looking for.

I would not rule out a Tornado 4.8 but they are too rare.
As seaworthy and rugged Seariders are Montu, confirmed what I had noticed (they have a low bow and prone to get a soaking, I'm ok but my passengers may not appreciate it so much). The smallest worthy Humber Destroyer comes in at 5M, as good though they are, trying to avoid 5M.

As for other RIB Manufacturers e.g. Buffalo, Vanguard Valiant, Ribeye, Zodiac, Ocean, X-Pro, Quicksilver, Lomac & countless others. I have discounted these, on the basis of, I do not know much about them, so I have used a simple philosophy - if the Navy, RNLI or clubs etc use them, then they qualify for me to consider.

So I am on the look out for a suitable Ribcraft - sorry Ribcraft4.8, you are over on the lovely Emerald Isle, far too far and logistically too difficult. As for budget, it looks like I will have to sell my motor cruiser first, to release the money - I will have a hell of a job convincing my other half to part with the kind of money to get a reasonable RIB.

Red Fox, when I can, I will use your tip too, concerning the dealers.

So that is my conclusion but other feedback is still ok, as they say, my mind can change with the facts.
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Old 14 September 2014, 18:11   #32
Country: UK - England
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Nice one!

This thread has been really useful to me too!
I'm currently considering a Ribcraft 4.8, Tornado 4.8 or Searider 4.7.

Any more info is gratefully received!
A RIB is for life, not just for Christmas.
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Old 14 September 2014, 19:32   #33
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At that size,those are the 3 most poplar ones, for a good reason
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Old 23 September 2014, 16:05   #34
Country: UK - England
Town: Morley,Leeds
Make: Humber Attaque
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Ribcraft - 4.8 Motor Boats for sale Plymouth :: Boats and Outboards
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Old 23 September 2014, 22:49   #35
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Swansea
Boat name: Julie Ann
Make: Bayliner
Length: 8m +
Engine: Inboard
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Hi Dominic,

I'm on it but there is a problem with it - thanks nonetheless.
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Old 24 September 2014, 09:52   #36
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
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Originally Posted by Jon Tallis View Post
..... if you want a Humber. They're all at least 2.3m beam though.
The O-Pro certainly has a 2.0 m beam version - I'm pretty sure the Destroyer does too (but check their website - I am going form memory here)

Originally Posted by Sea Bouy View Post
When it comes to the river and canal use, I have a short shaft Honda 2.5 Hp 4 stroke. I purchased this new in 2011 for my tender .....
Only thing to watch - a short shaft for a tender might only just reach the water off a rib transom..... (well, it just did on mine - I now have a longhshaft aux!)

Originally Posted by Sea Bouy View Post
On paper, the Avon Searider 4.7 , Ribcraft 4.8 or Tornado 4.5/4.8 metres (not sure of the Humber, due to size issues - sub 5 metre, but will look)
I was on the lookout for an SR4.7 when I tripped over my current steed.... Would have taken a Ribcraft, but most were out of my budget at the time - I put it down to an age thing!
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Old 24 September 2014, 11:26   #37
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XS460? I have no direct experience with the model but have spent time in an XS600 and it seemed to be a very good boat.
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