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Old 03 September 2014, 15:56   #1
Country: UK - Wales
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Boat name: Julie Ann
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Request for help in selecting a suitable RIB

Although I have a boat (not for long), I am new to RIBing and looking to get a RIB. Having researched as best I can I am still trying to understand the differences between the myriad of manufactures and models etc.

So I am now looking for experienced hands to help me further in my understanding. What manufacturer, model type, size and seating arrangement should I be looking for (or avoiding). I need a selection of options, as buying second hand means they do not come to order and I will have to make compromises.

Absolute maximum, no more than £8,000, I am looking for less!

Boat – medium, between 4 to 5 meters, it is a compromise between the practicalities of: storage, towing, handling, running cost and the use we would like to get from it.

Engine - doesn’t come to order but I expect up to 60HP, again a compromise between the practicality of: use, handling and running cost.

General purpose utility – maybe medium to deep V hull. Hull made from the common GRP or aluminium (but not wood or plastic) and Hypalon or Polyurethane for the tubes (preferably above the waterline). Category C.

What will the boat be used for, mainly cruising with a little of everything e.g.:
Generally enjoying the sea and waterways
Wildlife and shoreline explorations
Occasional water sports – donating.
Short trips to other locations along the coast or inland water ways
Participating in occasional club activities

The boat be used mainly on the sea, with occasional river and canal (and very occasional lake) use.

Based in the Bristol Channel, will use in varying sea states (most of the time, in calm states).

May cross the channel or visit Lundy Island (after becoming more proficient and taking someone sufficiently experienced).

I will mainly be using the boat with my wife but will also include family and friends (anything from 1 to 6 on board). I have limited experience, I currently own a 28ft motor cruiser and passed my level RYA PB two – so the absolute minimum of competency. That said, I will use the RIB more and therefore, gain much more experience.

Carrying some or most of the following: picnic food and drink, fishing gear, sports gear, snorkelling, towing toys – change of clothing.

On a trailer, around the house or in the garage.


Avon Searider & Adventurer

Others I am not sure who they are or what they are like?

Thanks in anticipation!
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Old 03 September 2014, 16:15   #2
Barrowboy's Avatar
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Welcome to RIBnet and a crackin' first post.

You've clearly done a load of research and delighted to see that the Searider is first on your list. I don't have any experience of the other manufacturers on your list and am a relative newbie to ribbing myself but I've been absolutely delighted with my SR5.4 twinned with a Yamaha 90 two-stroke and would recommend it to you wholeheartedly.

My gut feeling is that you'll soon find out your wish list will require some trimming down because to fully cover all the features you've identified, I think you'll need a bigger boat. Storage is always at a premium, towing a donut with a 60hp and (say) four people on the RIB plus picnic items, etc. won't be a particularly exhilarating experience for anyone either but we all have to compromise somewhere...

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If you search on here for 'RIB for MacMillan' you'll find details of a very special Searider that's going to be auctioned at the Boat Show in a few days time but I think you'll probably need a little more than £8k to win it!

I'm sure Whisper will be along shortly in any event...

Good luck with your RIB hunting!
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Old 03 September 2014, 19:00   #3
Colin D's Avatar
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Hello Sea Bouy
The very best of luck on your search .From my personal experience of ownership of a Ribcraft 4.8 with a Honda Bf 50 on the back .I have no hesitation on going 10 miles from shore (weather permitting ) to visit the Fastnet rock and Whale watching here on the South coast of Ireland .After careful consideration and many sea trials the Ribcraft ticked the most boxes and the fact that I can garage it for the winter.The all important fuel question at 4000 rpm cruising at 20 knts ill get 2 miles a ltr . Happy Hunting
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Old 03 September 2014, 20:20   #4
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Swansea
Boat name: Julie Ann
Make: Bayliner
Length: 8m +
Engine: Inboard
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Posts: 9
Thanks for this, the 5.4mtr is too big for me to store, 5 is really pushing the boat out (no pun intended). Nevertheless, thanks for confirming the Searider as a contender, on paper it appears to tick the boxes, a 4.7 seems the perfect compromise but there are not many around.
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Old 03 September 2014, 20:23   #5
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Swansea
Boat name: Julie Ann
Make: Bayliner
Length: 8m +
Engine: Inboard
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Thanks for confirming the Ribcraft 4.8, I would have no hesitation, with the right configuration and price.
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Old 03 September 2014, 20:49   #6
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The way my boat is configured is single and a double jockey directly behind . I have a Garmin 7 inch gps , garmin hds f finder , fusion cd stereo , led deck lighting, extra wide trailer wheels .
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Old 03 September 2014, 21:33   #7
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Swansea
Boat name: Julie Ann
Make: Bayliner
Length: 8m +
Engine: Inboard
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Posts: 9
It looks a cracking boat and set up - thanks for the pix!
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Old 04 September 2014, 08:21   #8
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This time last year I too was looking for a RIB. After looking at everything I could on the internet I then visited a couple of manufacturs and finally went to the boat show with some idea of what I wanted and a budget to spend.

However, once at the boat show all that went out of the window

Given the boat show is not far away I would suggest going there and looking at a wide variety, taking them for a test spin and having a good chat to them all.
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Old 04 September 2014, 09:56   #9
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Swansea
Boat name: Julie Ann
Make: Bayliner
Length: 8m +
Engine: Inboard
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Posts: 9
Good point, didn't think of test opportunities at the boat show, will see if I can get the chance to get time off from work.
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Old 04 September 2014, 10:02   #10
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Sitting in them and having a go on the water help with the choice. You can then really see the build quality, size, layout etc.

Also you can compare lots and get a good idea of what the supplier is like just by talking to them.

I would recommend taking a full day. Go in the week when its less busy and go early so the exhibitors are not fed up or worn out.

I went with a narrow selection in mind and yet ended up with something quite different.
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Old 04 September 2014, 10:11   #11
Pikey Dave's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Sea Bouy View Post
Good point, didn't think of test opportunities at the boat show, will see if I can get the chance to get time off from work.

Ribcraft had a 4.8 on show at Seaworks, I don't know if they're taking it to soton.

.....sh1t happens.......
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Old 04 September 2014, 10:20   #12
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Looks like they're taking the entire range pretty much: Next Show: Southampton Boat Show, 12th-21st, September « Ribcraft Blog | Rigid Inflatable Boats | Yeovil, Somerset, UK
There's weather out there - must be time to RIB!

(Or dive, or ref rugby, or.......)
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Old 04 September 2014, 12:48   #13
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I'd go for 4.7m upwards - maybe even stretch to something over 5 if you can afford it. One quick search reveals a Humber 5m (reputedly a well built boat) with a 75HP engine.

It's 2001 which might put you off but it's only £4K. I have just bought a 2006 Ribcraft with low miles on the engine (which I have dramatically increased in a few weeks of great use!) and am delighted and sold a 2001 4m 4oHP RIB that was, if I say so myself, very well looked after and got a good price for it (over £4K through a broker) so there are good boats out there.

Good hunting!
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Old 04 September 2014, 12:49   #14
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
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Firstly welcome to Ribnet!

Iv'e mixed your paragraphs slightly to make my answer flow a little better, but not altered the content.

Originally Posted by Sea Bouy View Post
Boat – medium, between 4 to 5 meters, it is a compromise between the practicalities of: storage, towing, handling, running cost and the use we would like to get from it.

On a trailer, around the house or in the garage.
If you put it in the garage, before you go to any boat show - measure your garage!

Been there, done that, except the layout of my house means I can't store mine outside....

- if you have a sinlge door I can almost guarantee it;s 2.1m wide, thus restricting you to a 2m beam boat. (trust me, deflating the toobs every trip to get it in & out will drive you insane!) That in turn almost precludes side by side Jockeys due to the lack of beam.

- The trailer will need to go in as well. There's not many sub 2m wide braked trailers out there...

- LOA. This is a very fluid dimension when you compare tit to the length of a garage: I have managed to get a 5m boat into a 5.7m garage - just.
Things to remember: - take into account how far the engine pokes out the rear of the toobs (that dimension will drop by a couple of inches if you trim it right & turn it hard to port or Stbd); Trailers also usually are spec-ed in "suitable for" lengths - assuming a hard boat. Ribs have toobs that overhang & cones that poke out the stern. The "suitable for" size of a trailer can usually safely take a metre off for a Rib (the hard hull is less than the LOA)- thus preventing the rib trailer phenomenon of the mega length drawbar and potentuially allowing you to shut the door!

Originally Posted by Sea Bouy View Post
Engine - doesn’t come to order but I expect up to 60HP, again a compromise between the practicality of: use, handling and running cost.

The boat be used mainly on the sea, with occasional river and canal (and very occasional lake) use.
If you are seruious about rivers & canals definitely look at either a 4- stroke or an aux. Canals & rivers generally are in the "walking pace" speed limit - so your engine will spend hours at just above tickover. Modern 4- strokes are way more eficient at that sort of operation, other option is for that use you park a wee 4/5Hp on the transom & let it do the work! I did the Falkirk wheel 10th Birthday - and drove 14 miles to & fro on the Forth & Clyde at a sedate 4 knots - and nearly trebled my 23 knot consumption figures i nthe process!

Search the forums for fuel consumoption - there's been plenty of argume- I mean discussions on the matter, but the general rules seems to be 1L/mile regardless of engine / hull size as long as they are in proportion and you cruise around the 20-25 knot mark.

Originally Posted by Sea Bouy View Post


Avon Searider & Adventurer
Humber O-Pro is their Deep V equivalent to the Avon SR. The destroyer is the same basic hull but without the spray rails.(or whatever you call them!) - net result is a smoother ride in waves, but arguably slightly less precice handling. (search for the two names - there was a good comparison thread a while ago). The Assault is ther answer to the Avon Adventurer - a flatter V so better fuel economy for a given size, but very uncomfortable ride if it gets choppy.

Also if you are looking at used Humbers the O-Pro was a rename of the Attaque (and that was a rename of the "Seasafe"!) - many confuse Attaque with Assault, which is a totally different boat! Again do a search - there is a thread on old Humbers out there somewhere!

All the above are good - but it wil llikely be the price & internal layout that makes your decision for you!
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Old 04 September 2014, 16:01   #15
Country: UK - Wales
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Boat name: Julie Ann
Make: Bayliner
Length: 8m +
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Posts: 9
Hi 9D280,

Your experience tips have been really useful, good to have a heads up on all the points you raise.

I have a single garage but if push comes to shove I have access to not quite a double garage but with a much larger door. The plan is to cover the boat & leave outside the house most during Spring & Summer and in the garage in the Autumn & winter months. Therefore size really remains an issue - 5 mtrs, when factoring trailer and engine overhang is the absolute maximum; therefore, sub 5 mtr is more preferable.

When it comes to the river and canal use, I have a short shaft Honda 2.5 Hp 4 stroke. I purchased this new in 2011 for my tender and it is hardly been used. Unsure, as it is a short shaft, if it will reach the water - I will suck it and see. Otherwise, I take note of your advice of a four stroke; which I would prefer anyway - a Yam or Honda (the new Suzuki's are not likely to be around) would be nice but availability is the thing.

On paper, the Avon Searider 4.7 , Ribcraft 4.8 or Tornado 4.5/4.8 metres (not sure of the Humber, due to size issues - sub 5 metre, but will look) does appear to tick a lot of boxes (with out the direct experience) but like every thing else, when it is second hand, it is down to availability and price.

Which is why I was asking, given all the different manufactures (I am confident the ones I have mentioned are pretty sound) but they may not be around. Therefore, are there ones which I should avoid?

Thank you for your contribution.
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Old 04 September 2014, 16:06   #16
Pikey Dave's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Sea Bouy View Post
Therefore, are there ones which I should avoid?
Anything made in China/Egypt.

Ask here first, before parting with ANY money
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Old 04 September 2014, 18:18   #17
Country: UK - England
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I don't think it would be too comfortable 6 up in a sub 5m boat.

I was initially looking at a 4.8 Ribcraft but when I actually took a look at one, found it far too small for my needs (very similar to your own) and was very lucky to find a 5.4m Searider. The extra space really does make all the difference. It's a shame you can't store a larger boat.
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Old 05 September 2014, 05:39   #18
Colin D's Avatar
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Good Morning
6 up on a Ribcraft 4.8 is a little tight. My wife, 2 daughters and myself cruise the south coast of Ireland without any problems. When I was looking for a Rib at the time I was looking for something that would tick alot of the boxes that I had set out and the Ribcraft done that , sound build, dry ride, great second hand values, light on fuel, and easy to transport and launch. One of the most important issues for me was that I could garage it for the winter months.
My garage doors are 6 1/2 foot wide and the boat is 16 1/2 foot on the trailer ,
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Old 05 September 2014, 06:21   #19
Barrowboy's Avatar
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One has just gone up for sale this morning on the RIBnet 'For Sale' section.... Nothing to do with me, I should add!
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Old 05 September 2014, 06:24   #20
Country: UK - England
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We have 2 Ribcraft 4.8's available currently via www.BoatsandOutboards4Sale.co.uk

We also have coming up a Coastline 6.5m Rib without engine, priced around £4,995 - we will package it up when a suitable motor comes in.

Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale
07930 421007
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