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Old 27 September 2005, 19:45   #21
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Seems like a reasonable summary to me, Jim!
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Old 27 September 2005, 19:48   #22
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And I. Speak to any French yachtsman about their rescue services!
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Old 27 September 2005, 19:56   #23
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Yep - they want your card number before they come out, don't they? Or do they pass the swipe machine down with the tow rope?
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Old 27 September 2005, 20:06   #24
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'Their new training college is a good example - how did they manage up until now without it??? Also why build it in an area where land is so expensive??? Surely they could have built it somewhere else for a lot less money - Sunseeker have far less impressive premises!!!'(someone elses quote)

The new headquarters /training college is about people at the top empire building , it goes on in any organisation ,and may well be an extravagance.However that should not be confused with providing the people on the front line with the best and safest,for them and us,equipment available.If they think that the Atlantic 85 is it then that is fine by me. [/QUOTE]

Just to clear up any confusion ,the first paragraph of this post was a quote from somebody elses post earlier in the thread and for some reason it did not register as such .
I make regular donations to the RNLI and was actually trying to be supportive of the organisation, if you read my full post then i hoped that would be clear. As for my comment about the headquarters i stand corrected by the later posts .
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Old 27 September 2005, 20:13   #25
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Originally Posted by Richard B
Yep - they want your card number before they come out, don't they? Or do they pass the swipe machine down with the tow rope?
That's about the size of it. I believe there were several incidents this year involving french yachts who put themselves in quite serious danger in UK waters rather than call for assistance on Ch 16 because they thought the system was the same! Had a close look at the French lifeboat in Cap de la Hague and while it looks sturdy enough, just didn't have the kit. RNLI is the envy of the world and is quite unique.

However, I do believe we've now reached a stage, at least in the Solent, where you can get yourself swamped in the rush to be rescued! There are some very serious rescue efforts out there quite apart from the RNLI like that extremely serious black & orange twin outboard RIB effort that was very busy on Cowes Fireworks day/eve. Is that the Hamble boat?
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Old 28 September 2005, 08:30   #26
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Atlantic 85

The RNLI have been known to waste money from time to time but this boat is an example of how to do it right. The concept of the 85 is an off the shelf stretched atlantic 21 although no completly the same bare with me.

The atlantic 21 was replaced by the atlantic 75 witch is a stretched version of the 21 but with the bow tanks and the extra deck space was a much beter boat. The 85 is a strected version of the 75.

The equipment this boat can carry will mean that it is capable of doing jobs that an inshore boat has not been able to do befour.

I will not say this to often but I belive that the RNLI have built the perfect tool for the job And at £125,000 it is very cheep.
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Old 28 September 2005, 08:52   #27
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Originally Posted by hard1
.....However, I do believe we've now reached a stage, at least in the Solent, where you can get yourself swamped in the rush to be rescued!........
The BBC are trying to record a ‘fly on the wall’ documentary about the activities of Solent based SAR helicopter (India Juliet I think) and I gather that they have been struggling to get any juice rescues because of the competition with other Solent based groups By the time they turn up the event is over Des
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Old 28 September 2005, 09:24   #28
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I always fail to see why the RNLI is not disbanded and a navy type organisation is set up.

It could provide a rescue service, a border patrol, fisheries enforcement, environmental protection and many others.

It would be a lot cheaper to roll these services into one and take the very vital role of rescue off a volunteer organisation. (we have a government funded fire/rescue/ambulance service for on the land why not at sea?)

Now that is a good idea - plus it will get you lot talking

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Old 28 September 2005, 10:13   #29
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not a bad idea, but I dont think it would be a cheaper or practical solution -the cost of having permament crews afloat or ashore ready to respond to incidents all accross the uk (there's got to be 00's of rnli stations) would be prohibitively expensive. Just consider the cost of keeping one patrol vessel in service over the course of a year and then multiply this by the number of these you would need.. In practice, the RN already covers a high percentage of SAR work through the Naval Air Stations at Culdrose and Preswick, manages all fishery protection except in scotland, an element of border control and environmental activity in addition to global committments and with tony blair at the helm the number of hulls has already been reduced to a level where the fleet and people are at breaking point....
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Old 28 September 2005, 10:27   #30
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We've been moderated!!!

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Old 28 September 2005, 10:32   #31
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Originally Posted by CJL
We've been moderated!!!
Not moderated really, just moved a bit

Didn't seem to have much to do with the Southampton Boat Show, so I split the thread.

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Old 28 September 2005, 11:45   #32
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Originally Posted by simonnud
Atlantic 85

I will not say this to often but I belive that the RNLI have built the perfect tool for the job And at £125,000 it is very cheep.
We obviously have different values, how can you think that a 23' rib at £125k is very cheap.

What on earth is the spec of such a boat that it can command such a price, or is it a case of think of a number and double it!
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
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Old 28 September 2005, 12:15   #33
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It wasn't so much the Atlantic I was complaining about - more like the new big hard boats. MOST of the RNLI rescues are carried out with the smallest and cheapest boats - rescues where a traditional lifeboat are NEEDED are quite a bit rarer these days - most accidents occur in the summer!!!

Again I am NOT attacking the RNLI - just saying they would be better off spending their resources in a different less glamourous way. For example FAR more hovercraft would be useful - especially in areas like the Burry Estuary etc but they have to make do with the smallest lifeboat class there is.

Also the RNLI are very good at bumping up the figures - I know a few people who have been recued when they didn't want to be!!!

One rescue lot who look VERY useful are these

Very good outfit using stunning Ocean Dynamics RIBS - and there are loads more like these around the UK.

The RNLI is getting TOO business orientated these days. I was shocked to discover that many of the crews don't have any other boating experience and are "trained" - it USED to be people who hadd the sea in their blood for generations that were picked!!!
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Old 28 September 2005, 12:29   #34
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venture rescuers - assuming these are the guys with the rib will call sign "venture rescue 1" who nearly destroyed my boat in the solent...Sure their intentions are top notch, but seemed to be lacking in the competence department - the rnli on the other hand are first rate in my own limited experience...
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Old 28 September 2005, 12:39   #35
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Ah the Venturers. Also a charitable organisation supported by donations, they are legends in the Solent and will often be first on the scene. The crew are mostly under 18 (even under 16) although the skippers are qualified. Now, it would not behove me to denigrate their activities one bit, 'cos you never know.....but.....sometimes, if they catch you even frowning on-board a boat, they'll be chucking you lines and circling you like hungry sharks. And don't even think about waving to your mates in another boat......that's a distress call!

All-in-all, I'd rather they were there than not though, and these days, they do work closely with the Coastguard.

One of the most unfortunate periods in their history, was the sabotaging of their equipment when either on-shore or moored off the Beaulieu River, by persons unknown, which was a disgraceful episode.

Sorry, just spotted this gem:

"The RNLI is getting TOO business orientated these days. I was shocked to discover that many of the crews don't have any other boating experience and are "trained" - it USED to be people who hadd the sea in their blood for generations that were picked!!!"

Make sure you only get rescued by someone who has salt water in their veins matey! You can just see it: "Hi there! Admiral Codprawn here awaiting rescue. What? You're a chippy by trade? No thanks, I'll wait for a pro"
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Old 28 September 2005, 13:08   #36
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You can never ever put a price on someones life.

If the RNLI have the money, which they do, then they should spend it how they see fit IMHO.

It should not be for wanna-bee's and arm chair experts to judge what they do.
No offence intended to anyone on here.

They are the experts in this field in the UK.

I have the up most respect for them and the crew.

As someone stated "bollocks the size of melons"
How very true.

How many of us would go out in all kinds of weather to save anothers life and not get a penny for it?

Just think if, god forbid, its you that that very expensive rib plucks from the sea one day how pleased you will be that they did spend that money.


Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 28 September 2005, 13:53   #37
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I couldn't agree more.....Just what I was thinking Jon
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Old 28 September 2005, 14:41   #38
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
You can never ever put a price on someones life.
Jon, are you sure? I know folk who are worth about a tenner.

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Old 28 September 2005, 14:47   #39
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Originally Posted by jwalker
Jon, are you sure? I know folk who are worth about a tenner.

Jeff, that a tenner more than some I know
Hard or Soft it's never BIG enough
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Old 28 September 2005, 15:13   #40
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The only thing that I find sad with the RNLI is that fact that they are looking to reduce or do away with the Sea Check/Safety part.
Someone on high wants to cut the cost there.

This is very sad I feel.
Whilst it is the crews whom are the hero's of the RNLI its the Sea Check/Safety team that I feel are its public face.

They do a great job and it would be a shame if they were to go.

After all no one can disagree that prevention is better than cure.

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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