Originally Posted by rik_elliott
Well done for helping. I guess he wasn't completely stuffed as he has sails, but a tow will have been much appreciated I'm sure. Portland is a scary place, I've not built up the courage to sail round it yet having peeped around it on a jet ski a year or two ago and seen horrifying towering overfalls. Funny thing was a few hours later it looked calm as anything - definitely a place deserving of respect
I've always found Portland Bill is one of those places that if you read the pilot/almanac directions carefully and get the tide times/wind right, it's absolutely fine. We've been round many times in both the sailing yacht and RIB, always using the inshore passage where you are almost scraping along the cliffs - at the right times that's almost flat calm, but you do have to read the tide tables and directions otherwise it could be bumpy!