I change the tube to Sharc fabric from PVC about 3 weeks ago free of charge

, thanks of the insurance company of a very dangerous person that make me a 5 cm cut in my tube with his boat in the port a windy day

, three monts ago (about 5.600 euros with IVA, without instalation), except of that incident the old PVC tube was perfect without any problem, and has about 3 years ( I cover it all the time), but it is all the year over the jetfloat dock, with sun, cold, hot, wind and rain.
The first impresion having in my hand the two fabrics, the old PVC and the new PU based Sharc is that the new material is stronger, have best appearance and it,s a little heavier.
Also seems to be very easy to clean, have a especial termination on top that repel anything you can put on ( petrol, oil , dust etc).
Using the boat I notice 1 knot more of max speed with the new Sharc ( from 44 to 45 knots)

, could be more slippery , or deformed less than the PVC ? I dont know. Hope I have help.