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Old 01 July 2012, 06:15   #1
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Rhino RIB vs Jet Ski

I currently have an old bowrider, it has proven to be a money pit. I am looking at buying a 2000 Rhino with a 25HP Mercury for $3500 US. I am toying with the idea of buying the Rhino or a Jet Ski. From what I have read Jet Ski motors don't last terribly long. (400-600 hrs) before they need replacement or major work. Outboards in my experience last longer than that.

I figure the Rhino will go about 20-25 MPH, while a Jet Ski can do 50+.

Tubing is something else I like to do, but I don't think the Rhino will be good for that. I know the Rhino will be better on rougher waters than a jet ski from a comfort standpoint.

Does anyone know of any pros/cons of either two of the boats/PWC?
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Old 23 July 2012, 01:15   #2
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I have a Rhino and it is a fun little boat, but it does have a very shallow hull and is not great in Choppy conditions.
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Old 23 July 2012, 14:57   #3
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Rockstar, welcome to ribnet!

How big is the Rhino? For a 25Hp on a 15-ish foot boat your 25mph guess probably isn't toooo far off the mark.

The next Q - can you up the engine size on the Rhino? (What's it's max rated HP?) If speed is your thing, you could easily get more speed with more horses on the back- if the hull can handle them!
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Old 23 July 2012, 15:28   #4
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Sort of depends on which you're going to be doing the most of:

Tubing/skiing: By US law, you'll need 3 people - driver, spotter/flagger, and rider. Hard to do (not impossible, but harder) on a jetski, as it has to be big enough to seat all 3, plus carry the tube. Can't speak of the longevity thing, as I have never been into jetski's.

Load carrying, lazing on the water, lots of passengers, fishing: RIB, hands down.

You're sort of talking about 2 different activities; finding one that will meet both without compromises is going to be tough.

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Old 26 July 2012, 03:50   #5
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i have gotten to use my rhino rider for the first time this week so i thought id give you some info from what i have learned, they are two differnt vehicles, jet skis fly and are a blast, the rino rider i have has a 25hp mercury and it is a nice little zippy boat, the hull is not deep at all and when driveing the boat you really feel like you are skimming along the water, turnes very fast and easy, again feels like it is just slideing across the water, i loved the way it drives, very fun, does not have a lot of top speep, mayby 25mph at the most. i will try to measure it with gps and let you know, the boat has a 20" shaft so need a long shaft motor, id say the jet ski would blow away the boat for speed and fun but also im sure the price reflects this, the boat is nice but really only a 2 person toy, boat is extremely stable but with the shallow hull you feel all the bumps, hope this helps
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