Disco passed the MOT, so that takes care of one little piggy
The other piggy should be ready to eat around 12:30 on Sunday
Marquee's up

so Lisa from Macmillan will be set up in there if anyone needs anything or info etc
Crew2's sorted some name tags if anyone wants one so you know who you're talking to.
Weather's sorted
Press is sorted
Writing PBR story at the moment, I will need your support
Macmillan Cancer support has wished us well
A lady cried on me yesterday when I told her what we had done and the 'Out of Nothing' concept
So much work has gone into to this behind the scenes so I hope you all enjoy a nice relaxing lunch in the sun with great company.
Map attached of where we are and where the RIB Rides are running from...
Dry Run can fit about 20 - 25 ribs in rafted up, moorings are near the RIB 4 Macmillan sign on the map below...
And dont't forget the following information copied from KB's website...
QHM Portsmouth are still rigorously enforcing the regulations for boats entering and leaving Portsmouth Harbour. On slipping from the pontoons and again when in the vicinity of the Camber entrance you are required to call up QHM on Channel 11 and request to cross from Camber Docks to Ballast Pile and upon return request to cross from Ballast Pile to Camber Docks. Boats entering and leaving the Harbour should use the small boat channel on the Gosport side.
See you Sunday