Ok, I'm back so I'll explain things as promised...
The launch event will be at
KB Boat Park Ltd | The Best Location for your Dry Stack Needs in Portsmouth on the 9th March from 11am as I believe there is a train station close by, car park, pub and you can also arrive by sea

I'm working on a hog roast and there is also a possibility of rib rides too. I'll see if the pub has a TV for the england v wales game at 3pm
I'll invite, the press, TV, Radio and Magazines. We'll also cover the story here and on facebook (and twitter?) too.
You can all see the rib and chat to the people that worked on her too.
With regards to the sale, I will set a realistic reserve no matter what, we have to get the best price possible.
We cannot do a raffle, firstly its classed as gambling and thats not alowed on here, secondly I saw a camper done this way for help the heros and they couldn't sell all the tickets, they had a 10k camper and sold about 3.5k of tickets. Not sure how it ended up but not the best situation to be in
Auctions are great but you need two people to bid to more or less the same amount to get your max sale price, for example if Mr smith bids 11k and at the last minute Mr Legend bids 18k then the rib sell for something like £11,050 so we miss out on £6,950. So we haven't maximised the sale price.
Sealed bids or best offers can be controlled by us, it can be advertised everywhere even on ebay and we can set a reserve, decide when to sell and how long they go on for. So if Mr Legend bids/offers 18k and he is the highest we then publish that £18,000 has been offered and you now have 7 days if you want to make a better offer and if that happens then Mr Legend gets another chance to up his offer so it becomes like a small auction until only one person is left. At that point the rib will be sold for the highest price possible. Everything is fair and we don't get someone come along saying I bid 25k but got it for 15k...
If you think the above is messy then we could put it up for sale at a high price and then except the best offer?
Nothing is set in stone and I am open to your thoughts on this as this is not my project, it's ours

But can we get to a firm decision by Sunday please