26 July 2009, 16:29
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Rib advice.
Hi Guys,
I'm looking to buy my first rib. Trouble is I've no idea about the things! I did mess around in a speedboat while at Uni' 30 years ago but I'm assuming things have moved on!
what I think I'd like is the marine equivalent of a lotus elise. ( but it would seat 3). Any hints on what size/brand i should be looking for?
( just to reassure you all I've booked my VHF course, and wll do a RYA Powerboat course as soon as is practical :-) )
Edit>>>Ops as pointed out below I forgot to mention I should be able to sneek C £5K past the Mrs.
26 July 2009, 16:31
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Budget is the most important think to know first!!!
26 July 2009, 17:13
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Originally Posted by martin_b
what I think I'd like is the marine equivalent of a lotus elise. ( but it would seat 3). Any hints on what size/brand i should be looking for?
which bit of the lotus elise were you hoping for:
- only really useable in good weather
- "look at me" image
- fast sporty/lively handling
- top speed and h.p. (or power to wt at least) more important that practicality
I guess what I am saying is tell the forum a bit more about what you intend to do with it (where will you use it, how far do you want to go, what do you want to use it for (skiing/ringos, cruising, getting to/from secluded beaches etc), is three the maximum no you will want to take (are there kids going too), how fast do you want to go, what conditions do you want to be able to go out in, do you (or the kids) mind if you get wet a lot)
26 July 2009, 17:14
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Originally Posted by martin_b
Forgot to mention I should be able to sneek C £5K past the Mrs.
Not convinced you will be able to afford a Lotus Elise equivalent on a £5k budget. For this kind of money, you can probably pick up a second hand 5.5m Tornado or Humber with jockey seat and console, powered by a 90hp on a semi-decent trailer. Might be a good starting point.
26 July 2009, 17:44
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£5k is more a 'what can I find at all' budget to be honest-unless you want a Searider.
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26 July 2009, 17:58
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I know someone who might have a very nice Avon Jet rib going for that sort of money.
not a boat for rough seas but it certainly has the fun / bling factor down.
Let me know if you are interested.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
26 July 2009, 18:27
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OK looks like i need to give a bit more info.-
>> fast sporty/lively handling
->>top speed and h.p. (or power to wt at least) more important that practicality
That sums it up nicley! :-)
But add to that small! I already have 3 cars that wont fit in the garage, this has too!
I've no ambition to do long distance travel. I would like to fish for Bass off it occasionally, and it might need to carry my wife and daughter around.
As too budget-- if £5K isnt enough how much do I need? looking at the classified, it would seem that £5`K buy a nice conventional used speed boat, hence my inital estimate of the budget.
26 July 2009, 18:40
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Originally Posted by martin_b
OK looks like i need to give a bit more info.-
>> fast sporty/lively handling
->>top speed and h.p. (or power to wt at least) more important that practicality
That sums it up nicley! :-)
But add to that small! I already have 3 cars that wont fit in the garage, this has too!
I've no ambition to do long distance travel. I would like to fish for Bass off it occasionally, and it might need to carry my wife and daughter around.
As too budget-- if £5K isnt enough how much do I need? looking at the classified, it would seem that £5`K buy a nice conventional used speed boat, hence my inital estimate of the budget.
OK - so why go down the RIB route? You will get more "speed boat" for £5k than RIB, and it will probably be faster/more powerful.
Another possibility would be a big jet ski (you get them to carry 3). Not sure of costs though?
26 July 2009, 18:48
RIBnet admin team
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What sort of weather do you want it to be able to cope with?
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26 July 2009, 18:59
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
What sort of weather do you want it to be able to cope with?
Blazing sunshine!
but seriously lets say 3 season, and nothing too rough.
26 July 2009, 19:18
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Originally Posted by spartacus
Not convinced you will be able to afford a Lotus Elise equivalent on a £5k budget. For this kind of money.........
More of a lowered Corsa with a bass bin in the boot kind of rib.
26 July 2009, 19:35
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RIBs do hold money quite well. Probably the most bang for your buck would be something like a Fletcher 21 or similar with a 200hp outboard. And no things haven't progressed much in 30 years despite what people like to think.........
Smaller RIBs are more fun. A zapcat would be withing your budget but doubt the wife would like it much - never know though............
26 July 2009, 21:51
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Actually Codders, a Zapcat would be pretty close as a rib equivalent to an Elise and one would come for £5k.
26 July 2009, 22:08
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....and much easier to get in and out of.
26 July 2009, 22:12
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
....and much easier to get in and out of. 
This is true, unlike the Elise, the Zapcat has an ejector seat in the bow
27 July 2009, 04:47
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Originally Posted by Mollers
More of a lowered Corsa with a bass bin in the boot kind of rib. 
Shame I guess boats are going the same way as cars then.. I just picked up an excellent condition 97 Merc SL500 for £5K because no-one wants big engined cars anymore.
27 July 2009, 04:50
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Originally Posted by codprawn
RIBs do hold money quite well. Probably the most bang for your buck would be something like a Fletcher 21 or similar with a 200hp outboard. And no things haven't progressed much in 30 years despite what people like to think.........
Smaller RIBs are more fun. A zapcat would be withing your budget but doubt the wife would like it much - never know though............
I was going to get a traditional speedboat but I'd been advised that a RIB was safer, and more fun than a comparable SB.
Thanks for all the advice guys.
27 July 2009, 07:48
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Avon Jet Rib
This is the boat that I mentioned. It is for sale by MattH on here and is immaculate.
Lots of fun too!
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
27 July 2009, 08:56
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Isn't something like this ;
a better bet ? Scope to take people , will probably do 30knts + , rightmoney .........
A few of these types of boat are about for this money & less.
27 July 2009, 09:59
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RIBs tend to be more money than comparable speedboats, but you get what you pay for in terms of safety and all weather usability.
I suspect from what you are saying that you want something that will perform like the speedboat you mention, but with the added safety that a RIB brings, allowing more use over the year. Add in taking your wife and daughter out, and I get the feeling you are looking for a RIB with a little space and the ability to cope with a bit of chop in reasonable comfort - nothing much more.
The smaller RIBs will cope with a great deal, but I suspect they will be too uncomfortable and short on length and space, especially if you are using them at sea rather than on a lake? I reckon an ideal boat might be around the 5.5 - 6.0 metre (90hp-ish upwards) range for comfort and overall usability, but given your level of experience, cost and garage constraints, nearer 5.0 metre/ 60hp plus would work for you better. You may find your budget stretched here though! Loads of good boats to choose from though - Ribcraft, Humber, Tornado, XS, Avon, etc - all make good solid boats.
RIBs are inherently safer than speedboats, but will you be using it in the kind of conditions that warrant the extra ability? perhaps a speedboat would fit the bill?? I would suggest that a test drive of a few RIBs and speed boats in the conditions you want to use them would be a good start point, although bear in mind, as you get more experience, you may find the RIB suits your growing confidence better!
Good luck
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