Originally Posted by purplerobbie
But would it matter what size?
general principle is the longer the more comfortable the ride in choppy conditions.
I assume the longer and heavier it is the more HP it will need?
yes - although hull shape also makes a difference.
And what sort of HP will i need to get a reasonable speed?
Depends how big the boat is etc! I would suggest for a typical rib to get 30 knots then 4m => 40 HP; 5m => 70 HP ; 6m => 100 HP but that is very much a guestimate, and hull shape, weight etc make it impossible to provide a simple rule of thumb. DON'T rely on these numbers - but if you see a 5.5m boat with a 50 HP engine be doubtful it will do what your want...
Longer = more expensive, or in your case older/tattier.