09 September 2011, 09:10
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Peter we all know your intentions are good so the thread itself and content does not distract me from an interest in supporting the event. It actually makes me more interested in finding out more. It's good you have made the effort.
09 September 2011, 09:14
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by HUMBER P4VWL
eg I'd love to see Willk skipper a Ribeye on the next Ardbeg trip with a flag saying, "Redbays are rubbish, Ribeyes rock". 
Oh thanks - something with some chance of survival would be nice...
09 September 2011, 09:44
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good luck to them,they are going to need looking at the forcast
09 September 2011, 09:45
RIBnet admin team
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On a more serious note, I think that it's to Peter's credit that he sprang for £100 first off. You'd need a corkscrew to get £100 out of my wallet...
As for the deleting of the thread, I think that when you start something on here, you have cast your bread on the waters and must see what comes. RIBnet is a bit like a pet animal, it needs a lot of patience and there's no point losing your temper with it or walking away from it when it doesn't do what you want. Work with it and it works with you.
I usually count to 10, you might want to pick a higher number Peter
09 September 2011, 09:52
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I too wish them all the best on their journey and hope they do raise money for the charity. I also congratulate you on trying to raise awareness of it.
However you can't blame people for being a little dubious to part with cash after your statement that said funding would come from corp sponsorship and donations. That's what prompted me to post, rightly or wrongly.
09 September 2011, 11:08
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why would anybody choose, St Andrews as stop over via a boat....unless it is St Andrews you want to see...
But I suggest you contact St Andrews Sailing Club , and let them know your coming...you might be able get money from them!
They not used to getting visitors to harbour...hope the tide is in when you arrive very tidal harbour, and if recovering from beach lovely surf...
SPRmarine / SPRtraining
RYA Training Courses & Safety Equipment Sales
09 September 2011, 23:45
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by willk
Oh thanks - something with some chance of survival would be nice... 
For example...
Sponsorship anyone???
10 September 2011, 06:43
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Originally Posted by willk
10 September 2011, 07:53
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I was going to reply the following "I'll supply you use of a Ribeye provided you pay for it as I wouldn't want to be supporting your jolly"
But then I did this 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
New reply. As the dragons normally say. I'm out!
It works:whistling
Peter ~ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
10 September 2011, 08:21
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Originally Posted by Polwart
I've discussed it with the Administrator and we can't see any reason to remove the thread
I'd take the view that Peter is a positive contributor to RIBnet...as a trade member he pays his fees, offers a buy and sell service, plus, is not short of advice to those seeking help.
It may be, having been given some 'advice' himself in this thread that he now appreciates that he may have reacted - to quote Wilk - before the 10 seconds were up.
How about cutting the guy some slack and deleting the thread?
10 September 2011, 11:20
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Originally Posted by Leapy
I'd take the view that Peter is a positive contributor to RIBnet...as a trade member he pays his fees, offers a buy and sell service, plus, is not short of advice to those seeking help.
It may be, having been given some 'advice' himself in this thread that he now appreciates that he may have reacted - to quote Wilk - before the 10 seconds were up.
How about cutting the guy some slack and deleting the thread?
We live and learn. It's an open forum so I bear no ill feeling towards the decision. At the end of the day it makes no difference if I'm a trade member or standard member we all should get the same treatment. I'm sure had this issue been raised by a higher standing/serving member the decision would remain.
In this instance it was a personal thread rather than trade, I am very short of patience, I do react to things personally when I should have given a "business" response based on it being on the back of the "business" name. I don't think I've done anything wrong but clearly it could have been done differently. I guess I was just disappointed to see such a "community" fail to support such an event. I accept I could have put more detail up to assist but I just did not have the time!
As I said, discussion closed. Trouble is it keeps rearing it head bringing it back to the top. It's an open forum so that's the way it is. I'd rather the focus go towards the actual event or similar events currently going on
Peter ~ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
11 September 2011, 00:14
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Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards
As I said, discussion closed
Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards
Trouble is it keeps rearing it head bringing it back to the top.
Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards
It has £130 of donations. £100 from me.
nevver mynd. a gud accowntant shud be abul too to maik dat at leest a munky forr de takks mann
fuk mee crismus leeve wiv noe ankul tagg
Wher doo I beegin?😃
12 September 2011, 21:45
Country: UK - Wales
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Hmm... Is this the same bunch that arrived in Barmouth yesterday (on a trailer...) and went off into some of the worst sea conditions I've seen in quite a while?
Initially I thought it was just a bunch of idiots - but it's even worse if a group of people from the emergency services launch into ridiculous weather, where if they needed help (which given the conditions, wasn't unlikely), would put the lives of others at risk if they had to rescue them. The fact that they made it would appear to be more luck than judgement - and on the basis that they were already trailering sections - it seems like stupidity to me.
(For info, that 3 hour trip takes less than 25 minutes on an 'average' day).
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