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Old 29 July 2005, 16:24   #21
Country: UK
Boat name: Mingary
Make: Alfred Mylne Bute Slip Dock
Length: 18.6
Engine: diesel inboard
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 7

back on the original topic. I'd call the Coastguard (probably by mobile phone so as to try and avoid the embarassment of broadcasting to everyone that I had broken down) and explain the situation. Most times I suspect they will ask a local boat to assist (certainly it's what we used to do, maybe changed nowadays).

At the start of all HM Coastguard Saftey and Martime information broadcasts is an announceent to the effect that thier prefered method of communication is by Channel 16, 67 or DSC and not by mobile phone. Given their vast workloads should we not all try to work effectively with them? There is also a strong chance that any other vessell in your area will here your call and perhpas offer assistance without the need to waste the RNLI's rescource.
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Old 01 August 2005, 20:18   #22
Country: USA
Town: Oakland CA
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 6,653
Originally Posted by stan_deezy
back on the original topic. I'd call the Coastguard (probably by mobile phone so as to try and avoid the embarassment of broadcasting to everyone that I had broken down) and explain the situation. Most times I suspect they will ask a local boat to assist (certainly it's what we used to do, maybe changed nowadays).
Here in the US, you can use an "any vessel" call, give location and problem, and usually (well, maybe "often") someone in the area will come to your aid.

Karma, I think. Everyone knows that next time it may be themselves needing a hand.

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Old 01 August 2005, 21:55   #23
Country: UK - England
Town: Swanmore nr Fareham
Boat name: Greyhound
Make: Ribtec
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 Opti
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 155
Originally Posted by stan_deezy
I'd call the Coastguard (probably by mobile phone so as to try and avoid the embarassment of broadcasting to everyone that I had broken down)
The idea of VHF is that you DO want everyone to know, especially the fast ferry that will be on top of you in the next 5 minutes! - We all break down (or hopefully we dont!) and there is no shame in that (unless it the fifth time that week of course!)
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Old 02 August 2005, 08:16   #24
Country: UK - England
Town: Cumbria
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 126
I stand, embarrassed, and corrected. My boating days began long before new fangled things called mobile phones were invented: in fact the main comms problem we had was getting a bit of string long enough to go between the two tin cans for ship-to-shore communication.

A quick dit on an embarrassing engine breakdown that I was involved in (and has probably left me emotionally scarred for life!):

The scene is a lovely summer's afternoon at Largs on the Firth of Clyde, Scotland. The Coastguard boat was a 4m Avon Searider with a very unreliable Evinrude 25. We launched at the RNLI slip having already had the micheal extracted by the RNLI boys as they polished their new Atlantic 21 with twin 55 Mariners..........we were giving as good as we got and even offered them a tow in the future when their "cheap jap engines packed in".....

A quick jaunt across to Millport, chat to the locals and then leave the harbour. At which point the exhaust cover exited stage left on the old evinrude in clouds of billowing smoke, very pretty but not effective as a means of propulsion: stuck several miles from recovery point with only a set of paddles we decided to raise the lifeboat station on VHF CH16 and quietly get them to come and recover us without broadcasting the fact that we'd broken down. The conversation went as follows:

"Largs Lifeboat this is Ardrossan Bravo, will you be launching on exercise this afternoon?"


"Largs, are you sure that you won't be launching on exercise this afternoon?"

"Negative Ardrossan Bravo: we have no plans to launch this afternoon except on service"

"Largs Lifeboat station, is the Hon Sec at the shed?"


At this point we can hear the sound of hilarity in the background during the broadcast and realise that we have now drifted to a point were they can see us drifting helplessly with smoke coming from the uncovered engine......

"Ardrossan Bravo this is Largs Lifeboat Station do you require assistance?"

"Negative" (we lied a wee bit!)

"Ardrossan Bravo are you sure?"

"Largs Lifeboat Station NEGATIVE! but are YOU sure that you aren't launching this afternoon?"

"Ardrossan Bravo we will only be launching if we see a distress signal. Do you know what distress signals are ardrossan bravo?" (giggling in the background and obviously the radio operator having a real hard time talking without creasing)

"Largs Lifeboat station, roger, thanks very much for that. We ARE well aware of distress signals. We just wondered if you fancied coming out to join us?"

"Ardrossan Bravo Negative, we are about to close up and go home............unless of course there's something you'd like to share with everyone?"

silence, apart from cursing in the Coastguard Searider........
and finally..........................

"Largs Lifeboat Station, request you launch and rendezvous with us at our present location"

"Negative Ardrossan Bravo"

"Largs Lifeboat Station request reason for not launching"

"Ardossan Bravo (sounds of howls of laughter in the background)'ll have to contact Clyde Coastguard and request launch"

Thirty minutes later we were towed back to the slip by a lifeboat crew who couldn't stop laughing to be met by a huge crowd of onlookers cheering, clapping and laughing......................
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