22 June 2007, 10:34
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Rib Fenders
Please what are people views on the flat "rib fender" style?
Do that work are they worth it ?
I've got a couple of normal style ones but was wondering if the flats were better?
Also anyone got any bright ideas for stopping spring mooring lines chaffing the tubes where the run over them?
My tubes are a little thin on the top layer in places and could do without wearing the top layer off anymore!
Cheers James
22 June 2007, 10:37
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heavy duty tube patches?
22 June 2007, 11:12
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Feed the ropes through pvc hosepipe or if they won't fit through flat rolled hose - you can get it in Machine mart etc.
As regards the fenders if you can get a large sheet of polypropylene you can make you own - put a curve into it using a gas fire or hot air gun. Polyprop is incredibly hard wearing. You can cut them to shape using an electric saw - just sand off and round the edges.
22 June 2007, 11:15
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RIBshop do some good flat fenders, already shaped.
Born to stuff!!
22 June 2007, 12:10
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I got some of those knee board type things from Lidl, sold as flat pieces of moulded plastic you kneel on but I use them as fenders. They are flat so stack into a small space, best thing was they were only 2e each so if get nicked, lost or grubby I´ll just chuck them. They are a bit light so I put some metal strips (edges rubbed off) in the bottom air chamber.
Also, yesterday I bought some wet suit shoes from Aldi, a whopping 4.5e.
Lidl & Aldi stuff is tops, don´t clean it just chuck it & buy new every season.
22 June 2007, 12:29
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Compass in Dartmouth make them - they're what we supply with our boats!
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
22 June 2007, 14:51
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I have Flat fenders from the Rib shop and they are very good.
The only downside is if you are trying to tie up where the surface of the wall, etc is uneven they do not give you any clearance, so th etubes may touch the wall in other places. Apart from that
22 June 2007, 17:26
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Bought mine from Compass Marine - good service and nice people.
I bought 3 middle sized ones and a small fender just in case. So far they have worked very well, look neat and fit the tubes well.
22 June 2007, 19:13
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For years I used the round, traditional fenders. They roll around and work themselfs up.
The last years I use the flat ones. Three of them on one side. Prefect!
22 June 2007, 19:22
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Low freeboard fenders
I bought a couple of these and they seem to work well so far. Don't roll like the traditional ones.
22 June 2007, 19:51
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Originally Posted by codprawn
As regards the fenders if you can get a large sheet of polypropylene you can make you own - put a curve into it using a gas fire or hot air gun. Polyprop is incredibly hard wearing. You can cut them to shape using an electric saw - just sand off and round the edges.
Where's a good place to buy that stuff from.
22 June 2007, 19:55
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Exactly what I found, lots of piers not to many pontoons here so for that reason they they get 2/10 from me.
Better with a couple of large cylindrical jobs,they have a tendency to semi float if you hang them right, almost shoving the rib off the whatever.
Originally Posted by Tony
I have Flat fenders from the Rib shop and they are very good.
The only downside is if you are trying to tie up where the surface of the wall, etc is uneven they do not give you any clearance, so th etubes may touch the wall in other places. Apart from that
22 June 2007, 20:15
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It's kind of frustrating needing fenders on a boat with a giant fender. But if you want to keep your pride and joy looking great, there's no choice.
I really like the flat fenders especially for tying up alongside a rough harbour wall. Sometimes, if I'm alongside a floating marina dock with some rough bits, I'll tie the fender on the dock itself.
Any ideas for how to stop people tying alongside and chafing tubes?
22 June 2007, 20:54
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Originally Posted by FreeTrader
It's kind of frustrating needing fenders on a boat with a giant fender.
That's one of the reasons I love my Mil-spec Searider, the rub strakes cover the entire side of the tubes.  Fenders? We don't need no stinkin' fenders!
22 June 2007, 22:09
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Originally Posted by Biggles
Where's a good place to buy that stuff from.
You will have to go to an industrial plastics supplier I suppose - yellow pages or Google should do the trick. It comes in 8x4 sheets - we used to use the 3mm thicK stuff I think.
Don't know how much it is now - haven't got around to using them on my RIB yet but we used to buy loads years ago. Nothing will stick to it and it is amazingly tough - flexible as well so doesn't crack.
24 June 2007, 21:51
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<edit> Ignore me, I got polyprop mixed up with polycarb.
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25 June 2007, 08:55
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I tried to get some polyrpop but was told it was not UV stable and would breakdown
25 June 2007, 11:20
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Originally Posted by Jelly
I tried to get some polyrpop but was told it was not UV stable and would breakdown
Well it is used in garden furniture - car bumpers - rope and millions of other things so I don't think it should be too much of a problem!!!
27 January 2008, 15:22
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I am going to try these kneepad inserts only cost £3.98 a pair
27 January 2008, 15:29
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Failing that I also got some 'Contractors Kneepards' which I reckon will provide good protection 2 cms of sponge padding on the back of plastic shell
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