02 August 2011, 13:54
Country: Sweden
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Rib for sail coaching
I've been recommended a 5.4m Tornado as an excellent choise for coaching sailors because it's dry, sturdy and have excellent sea handling. Searching this forum has made me aware that other brands might have very similar hull shapes. I realize this is a sensitive subject, but I still like to ask what alternative brands you would recommend for me?
Also I'd very much like to know if anyone has experience of the 5.4 or 5.8R VSR rib? That brand is specifically designed for my purpose but very extreme in the shape?
Please don't refer me to old threads if possible, thanks!
02 August 2011, 14:43
Country: UK - England
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Regularly use a Searider 5.4m RIB with Honda 50 hp on the back for coaching/safety on an inland water.
Searider is a good all round boat and flooding hull provides stability at slow speed/rest.
02 August 2011, 16:17
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Originally Posted by CoachRib
I've been recommended a 5.4m Tornado as an excellent choise for coaching sailors because it's dry, sturdy and have excellent sea handling. Searching this forum has made me aware that other brands might have very similar hull shapes. I realize this is a sensitive subject, but I still like to ask what alternative brands you would recommend for me?
Also I'd very much like to know if anyone has experience of the 5.4 or 5.8R VSR rib? That brand is specifically designed for my purpose but very extreme in the shape?
Please don't refer me to old threads if possible, thanks!
just sharing experience but this will be just another opinion: reckon it would be better to try it yrself and drive them both to get a good comparison... suppose one national event for the class you are dealing with would give you the opportunity?
I did a run with a VSR 5.4 the other day on the IJsselmeer in the netherlands and it proved ok for slow speeds in short steep waves (i.e. relatively dry boats) but i welt less comfy downwind at speed (they tend to 'choose' themselves which side of the wave they like to surf from and they are have not so much volume in the bow).
My impression was also it was not a very 'roomy' boat, although as a coach you will not really consider that as a downside. Looking at how the various nations power them, they seem to do well with relatively small engines but that (apparently) low weight also made the boat i drove feel 'light' and expect at heavy weather you will notice.
my vote would be for the tornado - did you consider an XS ribs ? on that list i think you will find some alternatives on this forum since everybody has/will have a personal preference and please note that ribs are all about 'compromise suited for your precise needs' .
For example for sailing race management we have flat floored joker 515's at our yachtclub and they prove to be sturdy, reliable, idiot proof boats with plenty of room to haul around with large coursemarks, however personally i would never buy one neither would i consider them good sailingcoach boats.... another compromise!
02 August 2011, 16:30
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XS 5.4 are extremely well built and are used extensively by sailing clubs.
Talk to Laurence at Barnet Marine you will find him very knowledgeable with
over 30 years experince in the RIB business.
02 August 2011, 17:19
Country: Sweden
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Is XS similar hull shape to Tormado?
02 August 2011, 21:21
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The XS you can buy now is effectively the Tornado of a few years ago. Tornado is now owned separately and built overseas (China, I think).
I have owned both (as well as Avon Searider, Atlantic, Ribtecs, Leeway, Valiant, Ribeye and others) and think the XS would suit you perfectly.
Assuming you are operating at Coastal events, for what you want it is the right boat.
As said above speak to Lawrence at Barnett Marine
03 August 2011, 07:50
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Tornado 5.4
Firstly I need to declare an interst here first, I am MD of XS Ribs
The craft you speak of was based on a power boat hull.
When I say based I mean the look was replicated, with the destincrive spray rails added.
Over the years many manufacturers have made versions of this craft, Tornado being one, XS being another, Ring have also made the odd rib. They are all different as each builder has taken the principle and developed it to suit there own style and range of craft.
XS have a 5.3 and 5.8 m version of this craft in the new boat range and we have a fully refurbished second hand 5.8 Tornado (Boat Only)
The VSR is also a version of this craft, you can see that in the spray rail geometry. They are as you say marketed for coaching but the feel and ride is very different to a "normal" Rib and this is a craft you need to test to make sure it meets all the needs you have re stability.
Contact me if you want discuss the craft further
03 August 2011, 08:06
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I guess the other question nobody has asked is what are you coaching? For Oppies you could use an Avon Redcrest wit hanybodt's 2Hp pn the bracket (I've been there!) but if you are coaching Tornado Cats you'll need something a whole lot different!
The Scottish national coach of <yikes> ago used a stripped 5m Delux searider - Plenty of room in the back for a coaching platform and lots of Dry(ish) space under the front cover for the gear. It was driven in a crouching position.
I would say get a 4- stroke whatever hull you choose- just so you can actuially have a conversation with your coachees without the use of a megaphone......
03 August 2011, 09:42
Country: Netherlands
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Originally Posted by 9D280
I guess the other question nobody has asked is what are you coaching? For Oppies you could use an Avon Redcrest wit hanybodt's 2Hp pn the bracket (I've been there!) but if you are coaching Tornado Cats you'll need something a whole lot different!
The Scottish national coach of <yikes> ago used a stripped 5m Delux searider - Plenty of room in the back for a coaching platform and lots of Dry(ish) space under the front cover for the gear. It was driven in a crouching position.
I would say get a 4- stroke whatever hull you choose- just so you can actuially have a conversation with your coachees without the use of a megaphone......
Everything is possible: A hungarian coach for the 470 youth worlds 2 weeks ago in Medemblik used a BRIG 320 with a 15 hp engine in 6 beafort on open water- the koreans had similar boats but i reckon they needed to carry that in their hand luggage;-). OFCOURSE nobody at this event wore a kill chord and even with 2 confirmed coaches dead in europe for this reason in the past years, that has still not changed!
4 stroke is definately the way to go, also from a fuel perspective - we had huge savings (35 pct calculated over a year) once on 4 strokes for our Race committee boats, just because of the lot of idle time the engines make for that purpose. with a modern 2 stroke things will be slightly different but still...
03 August 2011, 12:51
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I do coaching, race management and judging (RRS 42 and direct judging, Addendum Q). Classes range from Optis to anyrhing at Kiel Week and big boats at Helgoland, area open North Sea and Baltic
I am more than happy with my Parker 630 and its inboard Diesel: safe & dry , economic, spacious. Only modification would be 170hp rather than the 120...
Sent from my iPhone using Rib.net
03 August 2011, 16:47
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 9D280 I remember that searider, and scrambling round the windscreen etc,
happy days
03 August 2011, 17:17
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The top sailing coaches are just about all using the rib posted bellow. (or other very simular style ribs) I have never seen them before but there are LOTS of the in Weymouth now!
03 August 2011, 17:54
Country: Sweden
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It's because the major regatta charter rib company use VSR.
04 August 2011, 12:05
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I used the vsr 5.8c for a few seasons, great boat for coaching but very little space if you wanted to use it for any other purpose. The reason they are so popular is because of the fact they are light, need very little power and are very dry at slow speed. Not so sure about the r model.
05 August 2011, 11:19
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I believe the RYA commissioned some custom VSR ribs built to their specifications, purely as coach boats. I gather that they are not allowed to be sold on when their time is up, just broken up and VSR are not allowed to manufacture this setup for other customers.
One of our clubs RIB instructors has a prototype VSR with the near vertical bow. He likes it for instructing, but says it is not ideal in rough stuff.
The sailing club has a combination or around 10-11 ribs of around 5.5-5.7 size fitted with new 50 HP Evinrudes 2 strokes (which are surprisingly smoke free and quiet). They are mostly Tornado's, Valiants and Humbers, I think. These are used for instruction and safety boats. They are fine at these roles in Chi Harbour, but are not ideal out in the bay, if the going gets rougher. They are also too small to comfortably use as mark layers. We are disussing upgrading to a couple of probably 6.5 ribs with 115- 120 Hp, to use in the bay and for mark laying.
05 August 2011, 11:42
Country: Sweden
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Make: XS 545
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Posts: 34
Originally Posted by Rokraider
I believe the RYA commissioned some custom VSR ribs built to their specifications, purely as coach boats. I gather that they are not allowed to be sold on when their time is up, just broken up and VSR are not allowed to manufacture this setup for other customers.
One of our clubs RIB instructors has a prototype VSR with the near vertical bow. He likes it for instructing, but says it is not ideal in rough stuff.
The sailing club has a combination or around 10-11 ribs of around 5.5-5.7 size fitted with new 50 HP Evinrudes 2 strokes (which are surprisingly smoke free and quiet). They are mostly Tornado's, Valiants and Humbers, I think. These are used for instruction and safety boats. They are fine at these roles in Chi Harbour, but are not ideal out in the bay, if the going gets rougher. They are also too small to comfortably use as mark layers. We are disussing upgrading to a couple of probably 6.5 ribs with 115- 120 Hp, to use in the bay and for mark laying.
VSR 5.8R is the RYA model, but I believe you can buy that one, they are marketed on the web page, www.vsrlab.com, and I saw a second hand one for sale not long ago. The one with vertical bow is 5.8C. The major regatta charter company, www.coachboatmanagement.com , solely use the VSR 5.8R for their charter this season, and they are all sold after the season.
So which of the models you mention your sailing club uses handles the rough best in your opinion?
Thanks for input.
03 September 2011, 18:37
Country: Sweden
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Make: XS 545
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Posts: 34
Thanks everyone for your advice. I did get in contact with Laurence at XS/Barnet and I ended up ordering the new XS 530. I was really looking for a second hand rib but Laurence's knowledge and advice made me change my mind. I will now get a rib to my exact specs and the the new model is exactly what I was after.
04 September 2011, 09:37
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I've been using these Port Tack Charter for sailing events.
A tad odd to get used to but designed for sailboat following - so they say.
Might be worth trying one to see if it does what you need.
04 September 2011, 11:24
Country: Sweden
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Make: XS 545
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha 70hp 4stroke
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Posts: 34
That must be a Chinese copy of the VSR, That Ling Bo manufacturer also made Tornado copies for the China Olympics.
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