View Poll Results: Do you subscribe to RIB International, and what do you think of it?
I subscribe to RIB International and think it is okay 6 9.52%
I subscribe to RIB International and think it needs a lot of improvement 26 41.27%
I have never subscribed to RIB International 20 31.75%
I used to subscribe but cancelled my subscription 11 17.46%
Voters: 63. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 01 October 2002, 19:11   #41
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Keith, for someone who has never read RI I think you have the business plan off to a tee!
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Old 02 October 2002, 09:13   #42
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Guess what! I just had a phone call from Hugo Montgomery-Swan enquiring about my motivation for starting this poll. I explained that it was at the request of one of our members (see the trouble you started Keith?!), but he didn't seem to believe me and thought it was somehow a strange thing to be discussing

I explained that as the only RIB magazine currently available, RIB International is a very natural topic for discussion by ribsters. You only have to look at the number of follow up posts to realise this.

When I asked him whether he had enjoyed reading all your views, Hugo said that he had only had a quick look and hadn't read it in detail. Seems a missed opportunity for RIB International really -- quality market research free and for gratis!

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Old 02 October 2002, 09:39   #43
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I have just spent a very enjoyable week-end (amongst others) with HMS, his son, Thomas and 19 other ribsters. On the passage from St.Malo to Iles Chausey, Hugo was sitting next to me and I decided to broach the subject of, RI etc, etc. My first question to him was if he had been aware, or even seen the poll on (I don't believe polls prove anything btw) which he had not. I briefly explained what it was all about and the results, as well as all the comments and feedback. He was not surprised and maintains that there is always room for improvement. This probably precipitated the phone-call. I have a lot of respect for Hugo, and all I can say is, if you can do it better have a go! Ultimately its your decision spending a few pounds 6 times a year. Yes, its the only Rib publication and there are articles that annoy me too........!!

He has attempted on more than one occasion to create a letters page, much like this forum, but no-one ever writes in. He has asked countless people to write articles on rib-related issues, no-one ever does. A magazine is only as successful as its readers, the input and then of course the editor delivering what the input has dictated. Unfortunately, we all like to critisise, why not drop him a line with a few ideas. If it is a good idea, I have his word that he will publish it.

Let's all work together instead of knocking each other, ribs and ribbing are a small part of boating and we all need to stick together and make it more enjoyable for all.
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Old 02 October 2002, 17:34   #44
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You have issued a challenge.

If YOU (that is the collective 'you', not 'you' as in Charles) think YOU can do it then write an article for RI and submit it to them.

I write articles for the magic press. I did one for Riblines (BIBOA magazine). I'm going to do one for RI. Although I suspect that the adventures of a George Clooney lookalike, in a 3.4m sib with a 15hp engine, might not appeal so much as adventures like your recent one Charles.

Keith (will RI publish my brackets) Hart
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Old 02 October 2002, 17:47   #45
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well I've written lots for 'em in the distant past when I had time to spare and I'm sure that if the article is up to your normal ribnet standards they'll print it Keith, particularly if the author's fee is right
Dave M
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Old 02 October 2002, 19:23   #46
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Originally posted by wavelength
particularly if the author's fee is right
Just out of interest, does anyone know what the going rate is for an article in RIB International?

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Old 02 October 2002, 20:55   #47
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Keith....I have had an article published and another one probably in the next issue. It does not bother me to be paid or not, or even if my name is displayed next to the article. I am not a 'guru' or anything of the sort, but if I have information that others could benefit by, then I will happily share it.

John...the fee is based on mutual agreement, so I believe. As an example, about 3000 words is worth £350.00, or thereabouts. You will certainly not retire on the monies acrued from submitting your (anyones) ramblings.

Articles such as Mike's (Garside) re-engining with accompanying photographs would go down well. Hugo is also interested in starting a cruising column. For example, if you have just completed an interesting cruise, you could write an article describing it, giving waypoints and other bits of useful information beneficial to anyone attempting to do a similar cruise. These are all good ideas we can all support, and hopefully learn from.
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Old 02 October 2002, 21:19   #48
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Don't think that the character of HMS is the matter for debate. I think he's a perfectly reasonable chap and I have a degree of respect for him for organising events such as RB4 in the face of healthy sceptism (to put it lightly) from some quarters!

But I really don't believe that its all a question of us Ribsters pulling together to help him make RIB International into the magazine we apparently all want. RIBLINES (Biboa mag) yes - its a club, a non profit making organisation. But RI is a business and we are consumers. We can chose to spend our hard earned on a RIB Magazine or not. The message that seems to come across loud and clear is that many do because there is no alternative whilst some don't at all. If HMS is truly bothered about improvement why has there been no significant change to date?

A letters page was mooted. A cruising club did exist momentarily, the website puports to be the "information centre for ribs" but offers very little. Fact is, THE place for Rib info is the forum which is run as a part time non profit making operation by JK with input from you, me and a number of others who probably ought to be doing a lot more work during the days than posting here!

RI is a professional operation. HMS and his team are professional magazine publishers, editors, writers etc. So shouldn't they do a professional job?

And whilst you personally may wish to contribute articles with the very public spirited motives of educating others, I have to beg to differ. I don't mind writing for RIBLINES for free or posting my drivel on here for free. But I believe that if one writes for a proper grown up magazine (supposedly) then one should be paid the fair rate for it! (Not that I have a clue what the fair rate is or any particular desire to write for RI or any other magazine.)

The interesting thing with this thread and this board right now is that there are clearly people about with publishing experience. Is a game afoot? Who knows but its fun watching isn't it?

Alan (Keith Hart is my guru) W!
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Old 02 October 2002, 21:40   #49
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Well they cannot publish articles if they don't get submitted in the first place-and its not difficult particularly these days with word processing and e mails, you can write the piece in word and not even have to go out to the box to post it, so go for it. But good quality photos are always in demand to go with any article. I'm looking forward to seeing the revitalised RIB int when the ribnet articles go in.
ps I'm too scared to send any more in now with you lot watching Dave (wimp)
Dave M
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Old 02 October 2002, 22:37   #50
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to HMS, I submitted an article on a cruise from pwhelli to dublin (which was a bit hairy) a couple of years ago. He was quite prepared to publish it if I could get down to Salcombe for a photo shoot of the boat and crew, ( apparently pictures are more important than words but with no knowledge of publishing, I will accede to this.) which was not possible at the time. So maybe the opportunity is there for us all to become authors in print. But only if you have got a camera with you. Lesson learnt. D.M.
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Old 03 October 2002, 06:24   #51
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apparently pictures are more important than words but with no knowledge of publishing
I can understand this with a 'glossy' magazine. I'll contact RI and check out what their photographic requirements are. I know that the up market magazines (SHE, COSMOPOLITAN, Sunday supplemets) use transparencies. Magazines I have submitted to in the past take good quality colour prints.

One of the magic magazines I occasionaly write for does not pay me. Hovever as a 'magic' dealer (see website under Black Artefacts catalogue) anything they publish under my (stage) name serves as free advertising, so I am happy with that arrangement.

Keith Hart - I just made my brackets disappear!
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Old 03 October 2002, 18:13   #52
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When I first started "BOAT FISHERMAN" wanted black and white prints (I really must be an old git) but they soon went onto transparencies and both sportsboat and rib have wanted them in that format in the past, although they will sometimes use GOOD prints. Lack of photos should not totally kill any ideas though as they often use stock photos to illustrate someone else's piece. I have seen some of my photos turn up out of the blue (gotta keep an eye on 'em) for someone elses piece and even more often someone elses photos used on an article of mine, probably cos mine were c**p!! Keith ifyou are talking to hugo see what the situation is with digital these days-I know one or two boat fishing titles are using 'em now and it would be a good excuse to buy 'er indoors one for her birthday and then i could borrow it !
Dave M
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Old 03 October 2002, 20:42   #53
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Alan, well said.

No self-respecting editor should be looking for help. A publication lives or dies by its' circulation figures. Editors chase those figures voraciously. If they don't get (and keep) the readers their publishers sack them. Team effort and self-sacrifice from readers is not what it's all about. Unless, of course, a skillful editor can b******t fallguys into writing for free. (Heh,heh )
Mike G
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Old 03 October 2002, 22:15   #54
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Not only in writing the articles for free but also in trucking their boat down to the editors locality to facilitate a photo shoot?! Maybe I AM underestimating HMS

I believe that HMS is both publisher and editor so that would explain things Mike?
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Old 04 October 2002, 07:09   #55
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Precisely so, Alan.

(Actually the word "publisher" is one of those terms that is often misused and its' meaning confused and confusing. There is a big difference between the publisher of, say, Motor Boats and Yachting - a hired hand and often lower in the pecking order than the editor of that mag - and, say, The Daily Telegraph and RIB International. Conrad Black and HMS are Propriotors as well as Publishers and can wave a very big stick at their Editors if they step out of editorial line. Being Propriotor, Publisher AND Editor makes you, well....Godlike )

PS I see I have now passed through the 200 mark with the number of trivial things I have posted. Do I get a badge to sow on the sleeve of my uniform now. I'd like it if I did. You and Keith must have loads of them by now.
Mike G
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Old 04 October 2002, 17:04   #56
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No badge yet!

Divils advocate bit, hold on!

Perhaps we should not be too harsh to HMS & co.
If you want a mag on your subject, as many have said, then there has to be some give and take in helping the mag promote the interest.

By having a full go at HMS here do we not risk upsetting the manufacturers who want to tell you about their product?

I'm not a a fan of the way RI has gone recently, but don't go to far and
a) put off those new to the pass time / industry,
b) loose the only product that out there

ps I don't count RIB + Sports boat - sunny day-boats in white not my thing despite how fast they go.
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Old 04 October 2002, 17:07   #57
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I'm with Tiger on this one

Despite being unimpressed with RI at the moment, and voting such in this pole i am thinking about writing something that i feel is more like what we (me and you lot) would like to see.

Problem is firstly i need to think of something and secondly i need to learn to write!

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Old 04 October 2002, 19:42   #58
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Re photos

Preferred format is transparency/slides. Digital images or prints will be considered but must be of good quality
This is from RI, so it is as I thought.

Right, money where your mouth is time. I am going up to Scotland at the end of next week. My photographer/film director daughter (youngest of the two) is coming up and we are going to do a photo shoot to accompany the article I am going to write.

Now, why am I telling you this? Well, I am telling you so I comit myself to doing it. You see, I know that YOU will remind me and if I don't write it I'll look a bit of a prat! (You look a bit of a prat anyway Hart) [Who said that - was it Davison?]

Keith [new trendy square brackets] Hart
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Old 04 October 2002, 23:55   #59
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Met HMS at Ribex this year, nice chap. My decision not to subscribe this year (as you can never find it in the shops!) had nothing to do with him more the fact that I can read the mag, cover to cover, in about an hour and a half. Although interesting, the majority of articles are lacking something. Quite what I don't know. I always looked forward to it dropping on the mat but always found it a bit of an anti-climax when it did. Also I have to agree with the car test commets earlier in the thread, irrelavent! Much better to cram the mag full of all different ribs. After all it is RIB international! I read with interest the RB4 article and round ireland trip, and to be fair the only reason I didn't subscribe this year is the fact that I found sportsboat & RIB mag a little more to my liking and decided to give that ago. I find the articles a little more reader friendly and there are more advertisers in SB$Rib that I find relevant to my interests especially the volume of boats for sale in the classified section,(may be upgrading next season) though that is no fault of HMS.
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Old 05 October 2002, 06:31   #60
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URGENT and cheeky request

It would be a great help to me if I caould actualy read a copy of RI before I write the article. Now this presents me with two problems.

1) It appears that I can't pop out to the local newsagents and buy it.
2) I'm off to Scotland next Thursday and I intend to write the article when I am up there.

The solution is down to the generosity of the wonderful people on Ribnet. (you creep Hart) - [was that Davidson again?]

Does any one have one or two back copies of the magazine I could have, please? If so could you send me a pm and I can send postal details etc. I know this is a bit cheeky to ask, but what the heck, throw caution to the wind and live life on the edge!

Of course after all of this I've got no idea if RI will be interested in my article. Still, if I don't submit one we'll never know.

Keith [I keep looking at these new brackets in the mirror] Hart
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