View Poll Results: Do you subscribe to RIB International, and what do you think of it?
I subscribe to RIB International and think it is okay 6 9.52%
I subscribe to RIB International and think it needs a lot of improvement 26 41.27%
I have never subscribed to RIB International 20 31.75%
I used to subscribe but cancelled my subscription 11 17.46%
Voters: 63. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06 October 2002, 08:00   #61
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Thanks for the offers of RI folks. I've got some being posted up to my house in Scotland by David Manning. Thanks for all the offers.

Keith Hart
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Old 06 October 2002, 21:45   #62
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Recieved my copy of "The lifeboat - August" the other day (RNLI members magazine)

Interesting article about how the RNLI train their RIB crews in the Solent from their Cowes base - lots of pictures too.

Worth taking a look if you get a copy


(and no - Keith - you can't have my copy )
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Old 07 October 2002, 08:16   #63
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Originally posted by jools
Worth taking a look if you get a copy
Or just read it here!

Thanks Paul

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Old 07 October 2002, 11:28   #64
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I have not had time to open mine so I had better take a look tonight

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Old 07 October 2002, 16:00   #65
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RIB International

As editor of RIB International I note with interest your current discussions on RIB International. I have always approached the matter of publishing RIB International from the standpoint of an enthusiast. My wife and I started our fascination with RIBs as owners of an Avon 3.45, hence our continued recognition and furtherance of this size of RIB within the magazine and the events we stage. As the market/industry grew, so did the size and complexity of craft and hence we are now responsible for covering all manner of RIBs from high spec commercial, FRC, record breaking, racing and a variety of cruising craft both large and small. We have to operate with a set number of pages due to costs and sometimes it really is very difficult to get the balance right. Not only that, but we tend to publish that which comes to us as current and this too is a determining factor as to what you see in RIB International. Your readers are realistic when they say we are not perfect and I understand we cannot expect to please everyone all of the time. However, be assured we have always tried to do our best. Whether such is good enough is I guess beside the point from a readers/purchasers view - but our best is what we give nonetheless.

I don’t think I’m unreasonable when I say that it is easy to criticize. I have been guilty of this myself in the past – only to find that when I’ve tried to do better my efforts have sometimes been found somewhat wanting. I very much hope though that your readers will take the time to contact me personally either by phone or letter if they feel they can make a constructive observation or contribution. We welcome editorial from anyone who feels they can contribute in a worthy way to the pages of RIB International - the contents of which we shall always seek to improve and refine.

Collectively, we constitute a small collection of boating enthusiasts. Therefore, it would be a fine thing if we were to build up rather than to tear down that which seeks to promote the pastime we all love. When you call the office just ask for Hugo, the number is 01884 266100 or email me on
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Old 07 October 2002, 17:12   #66
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RI in WH Smith

Just for info and for anyone that wants to read RI without 12 months subscription. I have just seen this months in the Cardiff W H Smiths.

I do subscribe to RI and although I agree it may be lacking in some areas for me it is worth its money.

As an avid skier I also tend to pick up magazines in this area and dispite greater competition I would not say that there was one magazine which was substancially better for skiers than RI is for Ribsters and some of the more specialised freestyle mags are substancially more expensive.

Sorry to be blunt but IMHO you have a choice if you don't like RI do not re-subscribe.

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Old 07 October 2002, 18:00   #67
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RNLI Article photos

RNLI Article

I note John's new link to the RNLI article that has just appeared in The Lifeboat. If you want to see some more photos you can see loads more at and select RNLI Photos from the menu

Paul Glatzel
Powerboat Training UK, Poole & Lymington & Aquasafe Powerboat School, Lymington,
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Old 07 October 2002, 20:22   #68
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RIB International Magazine

Dear All

Sitting here with a glass of wine I decided to check out Ribnet to see if there is any interesting new threads. I sat in complete shock whilst I read your "RIB International" poll vote and all the comments.

As the Advertising Manager for RIB International I cannot believe how some people can say "you only get editorial if you advertise". This is completely untrue and I feel hurt that you supposedly RIB loving people could be so mean. I personally worked night and day for 6 months for all you RIB people out there to enjoy a challenge around Ireland whilst raising money for the RNLI and so I cannot believe your attitudes.

I have never said to someone that "if they advertise they will get editorial".

When I joined RIB International and went to boat shows/RIBEX I always understood the RIB community to be "one" and thought everyone to be friendly and certainly glad that RIB International was there. If you have critiscms about RIB International why not tell us directly instead of giving us what feels like a huge stab in the back. We are there for the RIB community.

Comments about the supply of the Round Ireland land support vehicle are completely unjustified.

As Hugo has said earlier in this thread we are open to critiscm and we are big enough and ugly enough to take it. Be adults and grow up. Let RIB International know your thoughts!


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Old 08 October 2002, 06:18   #69
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Keep an eye on the post. My article and photos should be with you within the next 4 weeks. Will you consider an article on SIBs? I'm sure that not all of your readers can afford to run large RIBs and would be interested in an economical alternative.

Keith (fleet street) Hart
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Old 08 October 2002, 07:54   #70
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Hear, hear

Well said Hugo and Jo Kemp!
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Old 08 October 2002, 07:59   #71
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Dear Mr Keith Hart

Saw the message, why don't you give Hugo a ring instead of posting a message for him on here, I am sure he would be most happy to discuss any ideas you may have. Hugo's number is 01884 266100

Please do bear in mind though that our Nov/Dec editorial has already been written by our contributors, so any article would only be considered in the Jan 2003 one onwards.

The Ad Manager
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Old 08 October 2002, 13:12   #72
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Hi Kempy

Thanks. I've telephoned Hugo and discussed it with him. I'll be submitting the article within the next month.

Keith (have a go) Hart
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Old 08 October 2002, 14:39   #73
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So, Keith, I trust you are treating us all with the earnings from your journal at the annual circus?!
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Old 08 October 2002, 21:54   #74
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Articles for RIB Intl

Hi Hugo,

I noticed in a recent post on this thread that you welcomed articles from Ribsters.

I have sent you a few ( unsolicited) articles in recent months by email , but never even got an acknowledgement.

I now write a monthly "Safety" Column for a new Irish Powerboat magazine called Motorboat and Leisure

My offer still stands !

Best wishes ,

Stuart McNamara
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Old 09 October 2002, 00:05   #75
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Jo, Hugo Toby

Welcome to the forum, out of interest why are you trying to pull this discussion out of the Public forum and into Private telephone calls.

This is how the hundred or so of us enthusists communicate, if you are genuinely interested in our opinions why don't you start a thread asking for ideas.. It would serve two purposes, a it would divert attention from this possibly derogatry thread (spell Cjesker pleae JK) and give you some constuctive ideas to work on

This thread all started because I suggested that a photo shoot of an engine change in a boat would be worthy of an article in RI, I admit it was a little tounge in cheek as Mike and I had a discussion previously about the magazine. I didn't however realise realise the depth of feeling this forum had on the subject.

I believe that competition is the only true way to change a poduct or service, but I am pragmatic enough to accept that the burgeoning RIB market is not yet ready to support 2 magazines

But the fact remains I would prefer to see a detailed description and photoshoot of an engine swapout than read about the Cruise Control on a Volvo 4*4 unless we are talking about 4 Volvos installed in a RIB.

That's my sivpeneth and I suspect I am worth listening to as I am a died in the wool Punter, I have bought and equipped three ribs in two years and am just working on our 4th , surely I must be exactly the type of fool your advertisers want to reach.

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Old 09 October 2002, 06:14   #76
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Hi Stuart

(spell Cjesker pleae JK)
Simplle solution here. Write yoiur post on a Microsoft Word documment. Spell chek it (myne is set to do this as I go aloong) then copy it and payste it into the RIBNET posting box. Voila!

It is great for those loooooooooong postings.

Keith (techno nerd) Hart
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Old 09 October 2002, 09:07   #77
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RIB International

Dear Wavehumper

In response to your quote about why we are trying to get people to contact us directly by phone....because we are RIB International Magazine and this is, two completely different things. If you want to talk to someone about your criticsms about RIB International you should be talking direct to the person(s) involved rather than talking behind their backs.
If people want to put their ideas forward about the magazine you won't get anything done by just "moaning" and "Whinging" about us on here.
Re the 4x4 thing, over 70% of our readers drive a 4x4 vehicle and therefore we do think it of great relevance to our readers. Don't you have one Stuart? I thought I saw it on Round Ireland once or twice?
You are very much worth listening to, don't think your not but we cannot listen to you when its mere mutterings on here.
Tel : 01884 266100
Dear Powerboat,

Please let me know the email address that you sent your articles to.
Cheers for your message!

The Ad Man
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Old 09 October 2002, 11:29   #78
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Greetings Kempy, Ref your comment that 70% of your readers drive a 4x4 so it makes it relevant. Sorry but I disagree. I drive a 4x4 but if I want to read about them I'll buy a 4x4 mag. I buy RI to read about ribs. You could quote percentages of what your readers do for ever and a day e.g. 90% of ribbers eat too many fryupps.( Not referring to you Mr. Hart). Lets see an article on greasy spoon cafes then. Exaggeration, yes, but the same principal. As for" moaning and whinging" on this forum not getting anything done, again I disagree. Hasn't it made you think? Understandably, you are upset by some of the criticisms, some of which are unfair, but most are honest opinions, from genuine people without an axe to grind,of which, you have the freedom to either take note of or ignore as you choose. Regards David.

Also sent by Email.
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Old 09 October 2002, 11:39   #79
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RIB International

Dear David

Thank you for your comments.

Kind regards
The Ad Man
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Old 09 October 2002, 12:42   #80
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Rib Interbnational


The thing I find hard to understand is why you never mentioned any thing about Alan Priddys round the world attemp in the magazine. We all know Alan and indeed he has written articles for Rib International. His exploits could have filled the entire magazine with information that we are all interested in. It seems that you had no interest in his adventure. You should look at what Alan has achieved over the past 15 years. He has helped put ribs at the forfront of the boating world.

Julian Lyas
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