18 May 2003, 08:57
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Obviously, you are entitled to your opinion - it's your money, you choose whether to buy the mag or not.
18 May 2003, 11:12
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RIB International
Me? Full of B******t? Well, sometimes. But, normally fuller of Bass, London Pride and Butcombe.
Anyway, I was brought up to believe that being ignored is the greatest insult you can pay somebody - so keep the compliments flowing!
Tony Riseley
18 May 2003, 11:22
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Well if its of any interest I used RI information as well as otheres to get built a better designed boat built.
I over the yrs I got to the bottom of what I saw as others mistakes withought having to buy 100s of engines or boats.I learnt from those that had the knolledge withought haveing to be involved,both on here and RI.
I get it every month and think its the best mag I get for the money.
I would be quit happy for it to go monthly but understand the reasons why not.
18 May 2003, 14:13
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CH we are looking forward to the unveiling of the Eurocruiser, I dare say that RI will be able to do you a nice article on it. How is it coming along anyway?
I'd be interested to know which articles in the last eighteen months actually influnced your design......one of my complaints has been the lack of in depth info in the the articles (paucity?)
I think last months issue was an improvement, and was the first to say so, but it has a long way to go before it 'get's real' I am definitely in agreement with Whiteshoes here
Charles, the mainstay of my argument has always been that an alternative would be welcome as the competition would improve things all round. At this moment we don't have a choice if we wan't to read a dedicted RIB magazine.
Tony may I add my welcome to the forum and hopefully you can become a normal forum member as opposed to a defender of RI
18 May 2003, 17:28
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Wavehumper I am glad your interested in the eurocommuter when it gets here.
Build is starting in the next 4 wks time,so I am told.
To list all the information that influenced my views on design would take for ever but you can have a look back youself for the last 6 yrs in RI and Rib Net and I am sure you will find something that you may find of interest that you would use should you ever be in a position to buy your own new boat,or to just nick ideas from other experienced people who have learned the hard way as the rib reviews are also a good place to get ideas for all boats old or new.
See http://www.ribmagazine.com/online.htm
also see
I shall continue to buy it on a regular basis and think it is great.
Wavehumper what do you mean it has a long way to go before it gets real, ? I have been BUYING THE MAGAZINE FOR 6 YRS and believe I have got real.
Some of the contributers are very experienced ribsters for yrs being involved at the begining.
And they have a wealth of experience on boats and ribs and the sea,not just a couple of yrs with an secondhand rib or somebody just starting out in the trade trying to sell second hand ribs or do a bit of commercial work?.
Although you may have a story to tell, who knows?
They have been dealing with the RIB buisness for a long time and are moving with the times,thats why they are listening,as I believe they want to make improvements.
I agree that a healthy pass over of ideas from some will not do any harm and hopefully improve the product for all.
You always have an alternative, dont buy it?, or put your hand in your pocket and launch a competitive product.
Let the market dictate
By the way who is we?
If tony believes in RI then let him say so.
Its his rightful oppinion as s yours and mine.
18 May 2003, 18:32
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Why did you make this reply so personal? did I touch a nerve?
I stand by my original; comments, right then I am off to sell a seconhand diesel engine
18 May 2003, 18:53
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I do appologise for you seeing my responce in a personal way,it was not meant.
I find RI very good and have done for some time and I rate the contributers who some I know and I respect there objective views.
It cant be all things to all men as if I had my way it would have more on cruising offshore but that doesnt sell Magazines,but I still am interested in engine/rib developments and all that stuff.
So soory Wavehumper and I will be a good normal forum member from now on.
18 May 2003, 18:58
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I think some people whinge and complain just for the sake of it. This is not targeted at anyone specific, just a general observation.
18 May 2003, 20:19
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Not been a long time reader of RI, never subscribed to it, never bought a copy of it. I have however spent hours looking through the huge pile of back issues that Stuart has due to having nowt to do other than work over new year. The emphasis seemed to most definately be on the upper end of the market, there was very little in there to interest someone like me, certainly not enough to warrant me buying it. And also, it's not exactly brilliant to go off the reviews in just one magazine and trust them totally, especially not in the place of actually going out and trying the things yourself. You've no idea of the bias of the review until you actually give it a go yourself, you never know if there's been any reason for the author to twist the truth here and there, perhaps for financial reasons or whatever. RI might, however, be spot on with it's reviews.
Also, I'm sure Dive magazine have been learning some lessons from RI, 5 pages this month dedicated to 4x4 reviews. Was not particularly chuffed when the cover "story" is a review of 5 different 4x4s!
18 May 2003, 20:38
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Originally posted by narked
Also, I'm sure Dive magazine have been learning some lessons from RI, 5 pages this month dedicated to 4x4 reviews. Was not particularly chuffed when the cover "story" is a review of 5 different 4x4s!
Matt, Dive has always done that. It's one of their 6-monthly (or so) regular advertising features.
I used to own Sport Diver magazine ( the PADI associated one) and would always grind my teeth at Diver's success. Their circulation was seriously big (for a niche title) and much as I hate to admit it, they did a better job than my title.
However, mine made good money and I was content with 2nd place in a market that supported, believe it or not, 4 UK monthly diving magazines.
It seems incredible to me that the RIB world only can carry one bi-monthly.
It needn't. It just needs a bit of effort to stir it up. But I'm too old and tired to make the effort.
Mike G
18 May 2003, 20:44
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Used to get Diver through the BSAC subscription, but apparently a couple of years back Diver and BSAC fell out, hence the birth of Dive to provide a mag for us BSAC members. Was never really a fan of Diver, but yeah it's certainly a popular mag. Much prefer Dive as, most of the time, it's full of good stuff. Used to have a monthly police diver article that was really good, and they ran a great article on RN EOD divers sometime last year (guess where I got the idea of trying out to be a navy diver?).
Was just a bit annoying that they did such a large feature on 4x4s. I can cope with RIB reviews, as they're an accessory to diving, but the 4x4s are more of an accessory to the accessory, as the main focus of the reviews was towing, launch and recovery of a RIB.
18 May 2003, 20:53
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I dought if we realy feel so strongly enough to launch a rival publication on ribs becouse some of us feel there could be some improvements made.
I shall keep buying it till my money runs out or it changes beyond recognition.
As a side line, I once heard a comment from somebody who said he was fed up with buying Hi Fi Mags every month as if he hadnt ,he could of bought a good Hi Fi over the yrs,with the money he spent.
18 May 2003, 20:55
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....and before it changed it name to Diver magazine it was TRITON, named after some mythological sea sprite. Oh Gawd I feel old now,
I'll be ok when matron brings the Horlicks round!
18 May 2003, 20:56
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Wish we could have Diver back instead of the current offering Dive. Alway full of stuff for photographers taking pics of tiny sea animals. What happended to the wrecks, brass and salvage stuff. Wet weekends in Bovisand harbour and expeds to scapa in March, (used to pass the skiers in Aviemore on the way up north. They always complained about the cold until they saw the dive kit).
(Hot choc and another blanket for please nurse)
19 May 2003, 06:59
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Interesting and accurate observation Pete.
The diving world politics were evil in the year or so before BSAC went bust and Dive won the contract to publish a mag for the much weakened BSAC . (I actually tendered to produce a mag for BSAC but I don't think they could stomach the idea of my biz publishing for themselves and their bitter rivals, PADI).
The guy who founded Dive (was Dive International) was an ex-Times journalist. His mag from the outset was much more into glam travel and, as you point out, photography and "sea kritters".
I have always felt that there was a stitch-up behind the scenes when Diver lost out to Dive. But that's another story and probabaly libelous so I will not go there!
I always envied the old Diver mag's emphasis on, as you point out, wrecks, brass, salvage and wet weekends at Bovi. But this didn't fit the PADI line of holidays and learning to dive and so I bit the bullett and got on publishing what my type of diver wanted - and what brought in the cash!
Mike G
19 May 2003, 23:22
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Originally posted by Mike Garside
It seems incredible to me that the RIB world only can carry one bi-monthly.
It needn't. It just needs a bit of effort to stir it up. But I'm too old and tired to make the effort.
Sorry to here that........would a pack of Sanatogen/Red bull/Philosan help to change your views
20 May 2003, 05:25
Country: UK - England
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Not really, Stuart. The limited energy supplies I have left these days are well used up ribbing, scuba diving, trekking and rebuilding my Cornish house and its unruly garden.
I have plans to tackle the garage as soon as I can empty it of a Yamaha diesel and out-drive that some lazy b****r has abandoned there!
Mike G
20 May 2003, 10:33
Country: UK - England
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Yeah....I guess I deserved that.
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