Hi Tony,
Cheers. Need tons of it.
E.g. I am looking to get a cabin or canopy. What are the pros and cons of each? Looks to me like the canopy might be more stable, but that is just an impressions from looking at the photos.
I have looked at Redbay for serval reasons, not least because I like the hardnose concept (although I may be over-rating it). Here, I have narrowed the size down to 74. or 8.4, but am undecided as to the pros and cons of these? The possibility to tow on the road is important.
Then engines: sterndrive or outboard? No doubt the sterndrive diesel drinks less and is quieter, but I have heard it can be a bugger for maintenance. Any other important factors?
I don't want to take up your time too much, but if you have any ideas from your experience, I'd love to hear them.
Use will probably be in Europe, and backwards and forwards from Gsy to Sark.
Enjoy your day. I am not in the C.I.'s at the moment.
How's the swine flu? Some of my friends were a bit psychotic the last time I phoned home.
p.s CHecked out your site on your profile, but it is forbidden. Is it secret?