02 March 2011, 18:17
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Dowdy, read this re. commercial posting & trade membership, although in my opinion you haven't breached any forum rules as it stands.
02 March 2011, 18:56
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by martini
Dowdy, read this re. commercial posting & trade membership, although in my opinion you haven't breached any forum rules as it stands.
Here's the link since Matt seems to have omitted it,
As far as I can see I agree with Matt. The bloke hasn't even built any yet so how can he be pushing something that doesn't exist  Sure he's following the "any publicity is good publicity" but so far he ain't contravened the guidelines directly.
A dowdy mentioned, I think we ribbers try to be a little more civilised than those on BM, there is no need to have a go at the bloke especially on a forum like this. By all means pay him or his business partner a visit if you feel so strongly about it, but better to leave sleeping lions lie eh?
Edit: Just seen this:
Originally Posted by dowdy
Doing a survey,all answers appreciated.Inboard or outboard? Cabin Rib or Non Cabin? Seat Suspension or not?
Onwards ribbing soldiers, sailing as to war,
With the cross of Osprey, going on before.
Willk, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His Redbay go!
02 March 2011, 19:02
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy
Onwards ribbing soldiers, sailing as to war,
With the cross of Osprey, going on before.
Willk, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His Redbay go!
We all have our cross to bear, it appears
I know what mine is
02 March 2011, 19:07
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Dinard, Brittany
Boat name: Into the Red
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Length: 7m +
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy
Onwards ribbing soldiers, sailing as to war,
With the cross of Osprey, going on before.
Willk, the Irish Miser, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His Redbay go!
Originally Posted by willk
We all have our cross to bear, it appears
I know what mine is 
Sorted for you
02 March 2011, 19:10
RIBnet admin team
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The Rules, I must remember my Rules...
02 March 2011, 19:12
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Into the Red
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02 March 2011, 20:01
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy
Here's the link since Matt seems to have omitted it,
Thank you
02 March 2011, 21:06
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Originally Posted by dowdy
ast year i spoke with Mr.Fuller via p.m.s,regarding legalities and proposals and he said p25 mould was sold to someone in spain years ago,the original owner of phantom(Steve Baker)has retired anyway and isnt arsed what people do,is the impression he gave at that time
Your memory seems a bit hazy. What he said was "If you build them without specific permission from the owners it'll be a splash."
When I saw your plug in primer a few years ago Mike told me that he had splashed a Phantom and was stretching it. You can argue the toss about the origins and IP ownership of your plug, but we'll probably never know the real answer. I'm sure people will make up their own minds if they care.
Jon also asked who you would get to draw up the laminating schedule to make sure that the boats were built properly. I'm not sure if you answered that or not.
I think it's very laudable that you want to build good boats cheaply in the UK, but I'm not sure that you're going to find it easy. It's a bit academic for now though as you don't even have a mould yet. Are you planning to take pre-production orders?
02 March 2011, 21:08
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by martini
Dowdy, read this re. commercial posting & trade membership, although in my opinion you haven't breached any forum rules as it stands.
Originally Posted by gotchiguy
As far as I can see I agree with Matt. The bloke hasn't even built any yet so how can he be pushing something that doesn't exist  Sure he's following the "any publicity is good publicity" but so far he ain't contravened the guidelines directly
Originally Posted by John Kennett
if you use the forums to promote your business you are required to join as a trade member.
Seems quite clear to me.
02 March 2011, 21:36
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Dinard, Brittany
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
Seems quite clear to me.
So what is this business he's promoting exactly? I realise there's a bloke that's setting up a company around a mould he's bought off ebay but what exactly is the company called? As far as I can see there is no specific business being promoted
02 March 2011, 21:42
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy
So what is this business he's promoting exactly? I realise there's a bloke that's setting up a company around a mould he's bought off ebay but what exactly is the company called? As far as I can see there is no specific business being promoted 
The clue is in the original post:
Originally Posted by dowdy
Good day to you all, just bought a phantom derived 9.5 metre plug/mould off ebay,going to be making 7.5 8.5 and 9.5 ribs from it, sold all my shakearspear moulds on,concentrating on a single 27ft phantom derived hardboat (demo boat ready for test drives end of march at abersoch,twin 225 optis on)and three ribs as above,demo boats ready for test drives easter weekend, anyone interested,p.m.Can be sold as mouldings only for home completion or fully finished,will be right money for boat madders and ribnetters.
02 March 2011, 21:44
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Dinard, Brittany
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
The clue is in the original post:
There's a bloke who bought a mould off ebay and is planning on selling boats drawn from it.......
.....as yet how do I know how to contact the business...... so how can ribnet have furthered the business?
02 March 2011, 21:56
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy
.....as yet how do I know how to contact the business
You'll find the send PM and send email links in the profile/sidebar at the side of dowdy's posts helpful in that regard...
02 March 2011, 22:09
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
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Posts: 6,299
Originally Posted by gotchiguy
how can ribnet have furthered the business?
By providing Dowdy with a vehicle for him to broadcast to the worlwide RIB community marketing his new venture.
02 March 2011, 22:11
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
Your memory seems a bit hazy. What he said was "If you build them without specific permission from the owners it'll be a splash."
When I saw your plug in primer a few years ago Mike told me that he had splashed a Phantom and was stretching it. You can argue the toss about the origins and IP ownership of your plug, but we'll probably never know the real answer. I'm sure people will make up their own minds if they care.
Jon also asked who you would get to draw up the laminating schedule to make sure that the boats were built properly. I'm not sure if you answered that or not.
I think it's very laudable that you want to build good boats cheaply in the UK, but I'm not sure that you're going to find it easy. It's a bit academic for now though as you don't even have a mould yet. Are you planning to take pre-production orders? 
Your 1st paragraph concerns the p25 i already own,specific permission from the owners of the p25 mould sold by Mr.Baker several years ago when he retired cannot be granted as they cannot be found,not even Mr.Fuller himself knows who or where they are,the plug for the RIB you link to this paragraph is a totally different boat and i didnt own it at the time of the conversation with your aforementioned friend Jon. The laminating schedule for the new rib,funnily enough will be discussed a.m.tomorrow in Manchester,wont say who it is yet,exept that he is already building RIBS and has been for several years. I will not be taking pre production orders,my intention is to build at least two first then let somebody like yourself,Mr.Fuller or RIB magazine appraise them,you/they will be paid for your services,in return i would hope to be given an honest and fair and unbiased report on our efforts,without any of the backbiting,sniping,sarcastic comments so far been subjected to by certain people,all i want to do is build boats,i am a very fussy person when it comes to buying a new boat,it has to be right,i will only be building stuff that i would like to own myself.
02 March 2011, 22:24
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Polwart
You'll find the send PM and send email links in the profile/sidebar at the side of dowdy's posts helpful in that regard...
Thought you might say that, however the wording of the guidelines specifically states business. Although dowdy obviously has or is in the process of setting up a business to distribute these ribs, at no point does he specifically mention the name of the business. Admittedly if in a few weeks time he comes along saying "here look I've built one" and it's got the website address etc emblazoned on the side then that would contravene the rules. Although dowdy is the joint owner of the company, dowdy himself cannot be the company by law can he? His username is apparently un-provocative and does not provide an instant clue to what the business is.
If I were to send dowdy a PM, I would be sending the man a PM not the business, so how can a business be promoted when we have no idea what the name is or any contact details of the business itself. As far as this thread goes there is no direct reference to setting up a business although this is obviously going to happen I would imagine.
03 March 2011, 05:32
Country: UK - England
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I'm quite clear that the only reason for the original post was to promote his new business.
Whether or not you understand or agree isn't really relevant.
03 March 2011, 07:46
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy
= John Kennett
03 March 2011, 07:58
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i've had a flick through these post's and i'm going to put my oar in, firstly nearly all the manufacturers have been guilty of splashing something, some of them walk round with tut tut tut on there lips and are quite famous in the boating world. i'm not saying it's right or wrong, i get mad when someone splashes my stuff, rather than jump on this guy and slate him, lets just wait and see what he can build, if it's crap then slate that, we can only benefit from his input be it good or bad.
secondly, i was reluctant to join ribnet as a trade member, one because i was unsure whether i wanted to do anymore work and secondly for the same reason as whats happening to this guy.
there is no doubt that i have benefited from going as a trade member and to that end he should take the plunge and go trade.
this guy may have some really good ideas, as he said he want's to build what he would like, that's exactly how my cabin rib came into being, if he comes up with some innovative idea's the chances are someone will splash him, but that's the way it goes, live with it and give the guy a chance
03 March 2011, 11:55
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Originally Posted by biffer
i've had a flick through these post's and i'm going to put my oar in, firstly nearly all the manufacturers have been guilty of splashing something, some of them walk round with tut tut tut on there lips and are quite famous in the boating world. i'm not saying it's right or wrong, i get mad when someone splashes my stuff, rather than jump on this guy and slate him, lets just wait and see what he can build, if it's crap then slate that, we can only benefit from his input be it good or bad.
secondly, i was reluctant to join ribnet as a trade member, one because i was unsure whether i wanted to do anymore work and secondly for the same reason as whats happening to this guy.
there is no doubt that i have benefited from going as a trade member and to that end he should take the plunge and go trade.
this guy may have some really good ideas, as he said he want's to build what he would like, that's exactly how my cabin rib came into being, if he comes up with some innovative idea's the chances are someone will splash him, but that's the way it goes, live with it and give the guy a chance
well said
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