01 March 2011, 11:13
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Rib mould
Good day to you all,just bought a phantom derived 9.5 metre plug/mould off ebay,going to be making 7.5 8.5 and 9.5 ribs from it,sold all my shakearspear moulds on,concentrating on a single 27ft phantom derived hardboat (demo boat ready for test drives end of march at abersoch,twin 225 optis on)and three ribs as above,demo boats ready for test drives easter weekend,anyone interested,p.m.Can be sold as mouldings only for home completion or fully finished,will be right money for boat madders and ribnetters.
01 March 2011, 11:49
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Do you know who you will get to make the tubes yet?
01 March 2011, 12:17
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Originally Posted by Channel Ribs
Do you know who you will get to make the tubes yet?
Who do you recommend?Was going to use a guy up Preston way.
01 March 2011, 12:23
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Dowdy - Do you still want these brackets I've ordered in for you? I emailed you last week?
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
01 March 2011, 12:43
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Originally Posted by dowdy
just bought a phantom derived 9.5 metre plug/mould off ebay
This one?:
Good luck with the new venture.
01 March 2011, 13:38
Country: UK - England
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this the hull made up?
01 March 2011, 22:21
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is there anyone in the boating business that isnt a splasher??? Or have I misunderstood? Many of the early rib oracles appear to have a phantom or revenger ish mould under their wing
02 March 2011, 06:46
Country: UK - England
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Starovich that is the old flatacraft enforcer possibly using a hunton hull (with permission not splashed) Gtflash Dowdy has not splashed the hull he has brought a plug from a third party that was based on a phantom evolution ,the company that made it may have spashed a phantom evolution or might have based their own design on it .but dowdy has not spashed the hull and should be wished the best of luck with his new venture no matter who is making the tubes
02 March 2011, 07:05
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Originally Posted by dowdy
Who do you recommend?Was going to use a guy up Preston way.
I would strongly recommend Paul Tilley down here in Devon. He has tubed 8 boats for us now and we have always been very pleased with his quality and service.
South West Boat Transport
Professional Boat Transport across England, Wales, Scotland, Europe & Scandinavia. Any boat up to 50ft.
02 March 2011, 07:29
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Originally Posted by paul tilley
Starovich that is the old flatacraft enforcer possibly using a hunton hull (with permission not splashed) Gtflash Dowdy has not splashed the hull he has brought a plug from a third party that was based on a phantom evolution ,the company that made it may have spashed a phantom evolution or might have based their own design on it .but dowdy has not spashed the hull and should be wished the best of luck with his new venture no matter who is making the tubes
Paul as you quite rightly say this may be a legitimate 'original' design or a licensed copy... but if someone else splashes a hull and I buy the moulds surely I'm still as guilty as the splasher? Or are you suggesting I can pop over to the IoW and buy a mould from ribnet's most infamous splasher and set up in business and I'll be morally and legally fine?
02 March 2011, 07:38
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Paul as you quite rightly say this may be a legitimate 'original' design or a licensed copy... but if someone else splashes a hull and I buy the moulds surely I'm still as guilty as the splasher? Or are you suggesting I can pop over to the IoW and buy a mould from ribnet's most infamous splasher and set up in business and I'll be morally and legally fine?
Totally agree - it is the buyers responsibility to make sure they are not buying non unauthorised splashed moulds when buying second hand.
Whether these are - who knows - but from the advert it does not sound good.
02 March 2011, 12:13
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 823
the response i got from the ebay seller intimated that they were not a splash but he may have been fibbing
02 March 2011, 12:33
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Originally Posted by paul tilley
Starovich that is the old flatacraft enforcer possibly using a hunton hull (with permission not splashed) Gtflash Dowdy has not splashed the hull he has brought a plug from a third party that was based on a phantom evolution ,the company that made it may have spashed a phantom evolution or might have based their own design on it .but dowdy has not spashed the hull and should be wished the best of luck with his new venture no matter who is making the tubes
Originally Posted by paul tilley
almost identical to phantom evolution made and modified by the then owners of flatacraft to become their new enforcer model of rib according to the seller
Wasn't suggesting anything, just wondering what it would look like.
02 March 2011, 14:43
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Paul as you quite rightly say this may be a legitimate 'original' design or a licensed copy... but if someone else splashes a hull and I buy the moulds surely I'm still as guilty as the splasher? Or are you suggesting I can pop over to the IoW and buy a mould from ribnet's most infamous splasher and set up in business and I'll be morally and legally fine?
All i want to do is build good solid boats using british labour,here in good old sunny shropshire,for dead right money for all boatmad/ribnet followers,the phantom 25 is my own boat extended to 27ft to qualify for the min 26ft in a certain race,to do this we had to extend the p25,we also altered the windscreen and gave the sides an extra 4" in height to balance out the seat suspension we plan on fitting in that boat,last year i spoke with Mr.Fuller via p.m.s,regarding legalities and proposals and he said p25 mould was sold to someone in spain years ago,the original owner of phantom(Steve Baker)has retired anyway and isnt arsed what people do,is the impression he gave at that time,but now we have gone and done it and the new STEALTH 27 (not Phantom) looks similar to his 28,he started dissing me on boatmad,if i can build you a similar boat to the 28,slightly lighter,sleaker,more modern,faster and for half the price of an original 28,purely for all of us boating enthusiasts who could not afford to enter the realms of the p25/28 elitists club,does that not make financial sense? The only thing i can think of why J.F and TAZ want to ridicule my efforts is presumably to protect both their investments in their current 28s,be assured,you have nothing to fear,you both have originals,mine are totally different to yours and will not be sold as phantoms.Regarding splashing,the Rib plug /mould is a legimate copy which would have gone into full production,but for reasons of the sellers circumstances did not,we are just taking over the reins on this project,taking it to the next level and see what transpires,one thing is for sure,they will be very affordable,we need the work,its been spend,spend and more spend for last 12 months,recent super sale of Shakey moulds,two boats and two 4x4s has genereated 35k,every penny and some more is going into this,i doubt we will see anything back for at least two years yet,so please,please keep dissing me,it spurs me on," WE WILL F*****G SHOW EM" is our new motto. To the Genuinly nice guys who have sent P.Ms offering help,support,advice and encouragement,thanks,that spurs me on too,its for you guys we are doing it anyway,90k for a P1 boat,JESUS,someone is cleaning up,we are aiming at a quarter of that figure,going now,got a luton van full of shit going to tonites auction,need more cash to pay for mat,resin,gel,the list goes on.
02 March 2011, 15:40
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Originally Posted by dowdy
they will be very affordable,we need the work,its been spend,spend and more spend for last 12 months
It's a pity you did not spend a bit more money and design your own boat and do your own plug work. Just ask Cookee how many hours he has spent and how much money he has invested in his new 34'.
It takes legitimate companies 100's hours to do this work and then some chancer comes along and rips of a hull and then is able under cut in price the legitimate company.
Sorry but in my opinion it is wrong and is a version of theft.
02 March 2011, 16:41
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Originally Posted by A.C.
It's a pity you did not spend a bit more money and design your own boat and do your own plug work. Just ask Cookee how many hours he has spent and how much money he has invested in his new 34'.
It takes legitimate companies 100's hours to do this work and then some chancer comes along and rips of a hull and then is able under cut in price the legitimate company.
Sorry but in my opinion it is wrong and is a version of theft.
Everyone has opionions,thats why the world is round,Cookies boat is for himself,if he can prove it by winning a race or two and i sincerely hope that he does after all his investment in time,sweat and money,then gets a sale or two,GREAT.Incidently,am meeting Cookie early next week to buy certain items from him and hopefully will be back for more on a regular basis,so any money we manage to generate will go straight back to people in the industry,the more people that comment on anything that ANYBODY does can only generate interest ,if i get sales,so will other boaty people get purchases and so it goes on,from where i am sitting ,looking in ,the boat bizness is on its arse and has been for a while now,hopefully,goin to give it a boot and stir things up a bit,thanks for your comments,about what i expected anyway,no doubt there will be umpteen others,have a nice day.
02 March 2011, 17:16
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Originally Posted by Adam Younger
Totally agree - it is the buyers responsibility to make sure they are not buying non unauthorised splashed moulds when buying second hand.
Whether these are - who knows - but from the advert it does not sound good.
ADAM,you may be a part of another product we are contemplating,think you have already spoken to my new biz partner,dont go rockin the boat,thought i had left all that crap on BM.
02 March 2011, 17:26
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by dowdy
thought i had left all that crap on BM.
Flippin' forums, same crap on every channel
02 March 2011, 17:43
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 180
Dowdy, not only splashing boats but cant even be bothered to take out Trade Membership when you want to push them on the website. Just about sums you up.....
02 March 2011, 17:54
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by A.C.
Dowdy, not only splashing boats but cant even be bothered to take out Trade Membership when you want to push them on the website. Just about sums you up.....
How much and to whom?Thanks for the direction.
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