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Old 23 October 2002, 08:56   #61
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Re: My conspiracy theory

Originally posted by matiboy
I reckon that John Kennett is logging on as another user, under the guise of Flanker

is this a cunning attempt to spice up the forum and raise the ratings with a clever bit of confrontational discusion, John ?

Genius sheer genius John

Or have I been watching to many films LOL
There are some other forums where I know this has happened -- usually to give a boost where there's not much going on. Not something I've ever seen a need for here!

In any case, I have got far too much else to do to be messing around with multiple identities. If I've got something to say, I'll say it.

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Old 23 October 2002, 09:17   #62
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Perhaps it would be an idea for you to read the full details of what I am talking about, I realise it may be after the second line but please try. I was (or intended) to be talking about babies / very young children. If an unsupervised baby / very young child fell into the sea off a RIB, how would they get back on, what about the cold water. Anyway I have seen babies / very young children drown in garden ponds, my pond has been filled in since the birth of my daughter. You can say all you want and be the macho parent, but perhaps some reality about safety should be the No 1 priority, not pure selfishness. There is an age, time, conditions that you could take a child on boats, and that is great, but on the other hand there is the opposite when they shouldn't be.

Perhaps you or someone else should ring the RNLI and RYA and see what they would think about you taking a 1 - 18 month old baby out for a blast in a RIB with or without a life jacket!!!!!!!!!!

The RNLI are the ones that have to risk their lives to pick up the pieces of idiots who don't look at weather forecasts, don't take advice, put children at risk, or have the proper safety equipment on board. I'm an RNLI member and don't even have a boat yet, are you? and how many others are? or do you just live in cloud cookoo land hoping nothing will ever happen. It may just one day, and then it is too late, regret for the rest of your life!

At least I will know I have done my best with a correct risk assessment to the best of my abilities, and have piece of mind. The decision is yours, but I would ask that you don't risk an innocent babies life for your own satisfaction.

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Old 23 October 2002, 09:24   #63
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Are there any comments from RNLI or RYA members, to guide the masses that read and believe everything on this wonderful Forum.

P.S. I will take it by any silences that perhaps I am the only RNLI member on here unless you say otherwise.

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Old 23 October 2002, 09:51   #64
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Whassa problem. Bungey the baby to the back of the jockey seat and the little 'un'll be fine!

Before Flanker sets the RNLI, RYA, RNSPCC, MI5, CI5, RSPCA, CIA, FBI, UNMOVIC and TTFN on me, I'd just like to point out that I have no kids so would need to borrow someone elses for this experiment!

Flanker old chap, you seem just to want to create highly emotional debate for the sake of it. Just 'cos you have a RIB doesn't mean that you have to go out and expose yourself, your crew (of whatever age) to mountainous seas and dangerous conditions. Frankly Flanky thats a ridiculous assumption so my assumption in turn is that you are trolling. You've made your choice to buy a Glastron. Damn good luck to you and have fun.

But we're ribsters here. And pretty knowledgable / Responsible. Do you really think that anyone would put their kids at risk for cheap thrills?

Don't bother answering. Just give it a rest.
Have a nice day.
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Old 23 October 2002, 10:20   #65
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Alan give it a rest, you don't have children therefore how can you understand how a responsible parent feels?

I suggest you stick to threads that you are able to comment on with authority, I am sure there are some, why not have a browse around the others. You are however entitled to comment on this, but not try to silence me, it is a free world you know.

Now off you go, see you later after you have had a little lie down.

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Old 23 October 2002, 10:27   #66
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Troll Troll Trollity Troll Troll.
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Old 23 October 2002, 10:32   #67
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Kids n Ribs

I think we've worn this one out dont you. Flanker has his opinion and we have ours. I know which boat i would put my kids on (if I had any that is ).

Time for a new thread

Julian Lyas
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Old 23 October 2002, 10:47   #68
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You are really a nasty piece of work, Flanker! All you ever do is insult people. This forum is best suited WITHOUT your type. You have nothing to offer anyone here whatsover, except getting peoples hackles up. Why don't you take a hike!
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Old 23 October 2002, 10:56   #69
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Careful Charles, are you sure you can comment on that with authority?!

If you respond to a troll you are playing into their hands. (As I have sadly today.) Best policy is to ignore 'em that way they get bored and go bother some other poor unfortunates.
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Old 23 October 2002, 11:53   #70
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Mike Garside

I might bactualy be 49 years old but I act as if I'm only 12. Well so 'er indoors tells me anyway!

Keith ( short attention sp...
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Old 23 October 2002, 12:00   #71
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Originally posted by Flanker
I won't go on too much as it seems that some people on here haven't got an attention span longer than a couple of lines.
Pete, if you make comments like this, the logic says you should put it at the start of the post, otherwise if the content is true, it would never get read.

David(mind of a butterfly)Manning.
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Old 23 October 2002, 12:04   #72
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Well done, you have passed the test!

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Old 23 October 2002, 12:14   #73
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Could someone please tell me what a troll is, I know of the Norwegian ones, but not the type I am supposed to be. As for you Charles why look at this thread if you have a problem with it. I have tried to help with my knowledge, do you have a problem with that? Not many RNLI members from what I can see, have any of you had to call them out? Just continuing on the safety aspect for Clive.
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Old 23 October 2002, 12:36   #74
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I don't think Flanker is really a troll, but he may as well be for the effect it's having.

The title of this thread is "RIB or Sportsboat" not "Should I take my young baby offshore in a gale -- in any boat?"

Flanker's general assertion that it is crassly irresponsible to put a baby in a RIB has been rightly challenged, because it is too general to have any validity. I don't believe that anyone here recommends putting a small baby in any boat and going offshore, but a low speed bimble around a harbour is not going to do anyone any harm -- whether it's in a RIB, a sportsboat or the local ferry.

The subject of small babies in boats bears very little relevance to the RIB v sportsboat debate, unless you assume that all RIB owners are irresponsible and incapable of boating sensibly, slowly and in sheltered waters from time to time. I think it is this assumption in Flanker's messages that is annoying people.

Anyway, that's enough of me being diplomatic for one day. I'm off for a lie down.

Play nicely

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Old 23 October 2002, 13:29   #75
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I think that some people miss understood what I was trying to say, I have tried to correct it, which caused more questions to me which I have tried to answer.

Anyway I am off before that nasty Jersey gang flush my head down the school toilets. I have to get my application filled out for the diplomatic corps by tomorrow. (Oops maybe that should be another thread)

Peter (or is it John?)
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Old 23 October 2002, 13:37   #76
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Originally posted by John Kennett
. I don't believe that anyone here recommends putting a small baby in any boat and going offshore

They did in King Herods' day and look what that baby went on to do.

Repent ye all.
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Old 23 October 2002, 13:40   #77
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I thought 'trolling' was when your boat was going along on tickover

Anyway, I remember seeing a load of 'sportsboats' last month at Kingsbury (see previous thread). They were going round and round on a flat calm lake, hour after hour after hour after hour.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Keith ( ) Hart

PS JK Has that got us back on line?
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Old 23 October 2002, 14:55   #78
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Originally posted by Alan

If you respond to a troll you are playing into their hands. (As I have sadly today.) Best policy is to ignore 'em that way they get bored and go bother some other poor unfortunates.
Good idea Alan - my Troll Firewall has been implemented.
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Old 23 October 2002, 18:17   #79
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Channel Islands Kangaroo Court ?

What a shame to see certain members of such great forum act so childishly. I guess it is easier to hide rather than discuss things in an adult way. Perhaps the court should review the transcripts and see where it all started. As for Troll expression perhaps this could be explained. I have met members of this forum in person, I have nothing but the highest regard for their knowledge, as for the childish Kangaroos, I've not had the pleasure yet.

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Old 24 October 2002, 14:56   #80
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As part of the RNLI crew In Guernsey, I have been on lots of shouts to lots of Boats and RIBS some with small children some with-out some times all the right preperation and planning, and still things do go wrong, at the end of the day the person behind the helm will make the boat go as fast or as slow as they want.
so all we can say is that people taking small children a float take the right precautions and act in the proper manner.
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