13 September 2016, 07:10
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Rib Patching
Could someone please tell me if having a patch on a rib devalues it at all?
I have recently taken my boat in for a service and they have crashed it into the trailer and tore a decent sized opening in the rear tube.
13 September 2016, 07:43
Country: UK - England
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Yes it does. Difficult one you have there. They have caused significant damage to your boat, this has reduced any future sale value & introduced a potential weak spot. Depending on the age of the boat & extent of damage you could possibly be looking at a retube.
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13 September 2016, 08:43
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agree with pikey Dave never be the same. unless you can get it repaired that will look as if its part of the boat tube design IE under a wear patch and done both sides but would still want compensating for the devalue. dont know how it works with insurance for a re-tube but best if you can.
13 September 2016, 08:58
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I agree with Pikey & Jeff.
It depends on the condition & quality of the boat before you had it serviced but I would say that it effects the looks, the life & reliability of the tube which effects the overall value of the boat; not to mention the time your not able to use it until it's fixed. Having said that, How big is the tear?
The company who are responsible for the damage should honor their mistake and make it right for you. It should also be fixed by a professional tube service, if not re-tubed which is the smart thing to do.
I will say a good professional tube service co. can be magicians with patches if it's not a bad tear, matching both sides making it look very nice or even better aesthetically but again a re-tube is best.
A substantial value of a rib is the condition/quality of it's tubes and engine.
Accidents do happen and most likely it was not on purpose however if it was no fault of your own, you should not have to take a financial (value) hit or your time to correct it. I will admit it's hard to get that value back, just like when someone hits your nice car but hopefully it will be made right for you.
Very sorry to hear that it happened and hopefully it will be resolved reasonably and quickly.
Whatever that company does will speak loudly about their character and hopefully they will honor their mishap.
13 September 2016, 10:58
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 8
Thanks for the replies. Trying to keep a long story short, they are claiming to have taken the boat for a test run once having received it and i had fully explained the engine had opened throttle fully by itself when coming off of a swell, and also throttled up slightly as i came to take the boat out of the water so i had killed the engine and paddled the remaining short distance. They say that the boat took off as they went to put it on the trailer and hit the trailer! The rip is at the rear left of the boat about 2m from the cone and is about 10" x 10" torn as half a square if that makes sense. I allowed them to do a repair as they said they could match it with the other seams on the tube. (doesnt look too bad). However, next to the repair is a scratch that once launched the boat, i was snorkelling underneath and noticed it was leaking slightly. I informed them the day after picking it up by email and had no response,waited a month and tried again, responded saying will come back to me later once the owner comes back to the yard, another month and nothing so i contact my insurance company and once they contact them, they email me offering to send me adhesive!!! They have now been ringing me saying they want the boat back to assess it and a really not happy dealing with solicitors etc. and the boat hasn't been devalued!! Firstly i don't see how the boat got damaged in only that area if the trailer is in the water and it has "taken off" and why such a big reluctancy to deal with insurance/solicitors other than having no insurance? The boat is a 2004 Bombard DB600 with 70 hrs on it, (Very clean and looked like new) hence I am really not a happy bunny and the insurance seem useless asking where to call to get a quote for a retube? Do any of you have any idea how much a retube would roughly cost? Sorry if i am ranting on but very frustrating and annoying. Thanks
13 September 2016, 12:28
Country: USA
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Boat name: VSR
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Posts: 116
No need to apologize, your frustration is valid and I'm sure no one would on this forum would blame you for it. Sorry to hear about your troubles, sounds like it's a mess. A 10" x 10" hole is significant.
Did you by chance pay them by Credit Card? You may have rights under section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974; That will get their attention.
Don't get too disheartened about insurance companies being naive, it's not unusual. Just get quotes and description of damage from one or two respected tube specialist, the insurance company could then use that information & numbers to file your claim; just bear in mind that your tubes are 12 years old and will effect valuation.
Hopefully things will get worked out properly and get you back on the water promptly.
There're several excellent retube companies that you could go to and depends where you are located. Prices will vary. I'm sure others on this forum can give other recommendations but here are a couple to start out with. I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of other good companies.
Henshaw has a very good reputation:
RIB tubes, RIB collars, yacht fenders and much more - Henshaw Inflatables Ltd
Rib Shop, I believe they use Henshaw tubes but are price competitive:
Bombard Rib tubes - Rib Shop Ltd
Venture Marine:
Venture Marine Ltd
Tilley Tubes:
RIB Tubes and RIB Repair - Tilley Inflatable Design and Engineering Ltd - Marine Engineers - Dartmouth Devon Plymouth Cornwall South West UK
For one, XS Ribs quotes on there website for 6m tubes is £4K with Hypalon. However I'm pretty sure Bombard was either PU or PVC.
Retube Refit Inflatable Boats Humber Ribcraft Avon Zodiac Collar Tube
13 September 2016, 13:02
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 116
Hi Carrich9073
If you want to give me a call I would be happy to provide a quotation for retubing.
Don't be too surprised that your insurance company seem clueless. We deal regularly with insurance companies and we often find they know little or nothing about rib tubes
13 September 2016, 14:01
Country: UK - England
Length: 6m +
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 8
That's great information and help Sailrib. Thanks.
Dave that would also be a great help. What number can I contact you on?
13 September 2016, 19:02
Country: USA
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Boat name: VSR
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Posts: 116
Pictures of the boat and the damaged area posted in this thread will be helpful. You'll most likely get very good advice by the experts who frequent this website. Cheers
PS> You'll be better served if you get this thread moved to the "Ribs & Ribbing" section.
14 September 2016, 07:05
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Interesting thread a shame when a boat gets substantial damage done,even worse when it's not your fault.
I and I'd imagine many others would be interested in the outcome of this as many of us could end up in a similar situation
I've found boat insurers sometimes have to be spoon fed but often that's a bonus as they will sometimes be swayed by your own ideas of what's right&wrong
Good luck and keep us updated
09 October 2016, 16:28
Country: USA
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Posts: 116
Originally Posted by carrich9073
Thanks for the replies. Trying to keep a long story short, they are claiming to have taken the boat for a test run once having received it and i had fully explained the engine had opened throttle fully by itself when coming off of a swell, and also throttled up slightly as i came to take the boat out of the water so i had killed the engine and paddled the remaining short distance. They say that the boat took off as they went to put it on the trailer and hit the trailer! The rip is at the rear left of the boat about 2m from the cone and is about 10" x 10" torn as half a square if that makes sense. I allowed them to do a repair as they said they could match it with the other seams on the tube. (doesnt look too bad). However, next to the repair is a scratch that once launched the boat, i was snorkelling underneath and noticed it was leaking slightly. I informed them the day after picking it up by email and had no response,waited a month and tried again, responded saying will come back to me later once the owner comes back to the yard, another month and nothing so i contact my insurance company and once they contact them, they email me offering to send me adhesive!!! They have now been ringing me saying they want the boat back to assess it and a really not happy dealing with solicitors etc. and the boat hasn't been devalued!! Firstly i don't see how the boat got damaged in only that area if the trailer is in the water and it has "taken off" and why such a big reluctancy to deal with insurance/solicitors other than having no insurance? The boat is a 2004 Bombard DB600 with 70 hrs on it, (Very clean and looked like new) hence I am really not a happy bunny and the insurance seem useless asking where to call to get a quote for a retube? Do any of you have any idea how much a retube would roughly cost? Sorry if i am ranting on but very frustrating and annoying. Thanks
It's been a while, any new news? Did the insurance companies come through? And did the shop who are responsible for the damage finally make things right or ?
13 October 2016, 10:55
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 8
Basically, they have been trying to contact me direct, which they have been asked not to do by the solicitors several times and on the one occasion i accidentally answered it to them he told me he wanted the boat brought back to him for assessment as the glue probably hadn't adhered properly, even though i repeatedly told him it was an additional scratch that was leaking the air. He then proceeded to tell me that it was rubbish that the boat had been devalued at all and that he will not and refuses to deal with insurance / solicitors as it will cost myself and him a lot of money!
He has since been told a 5th time not to contact me directly and all correspondence is to go through the solicitor, and i have heard nothing for about 3 weeks. I will chase them up soon but currently have family matters to deal with. Basically the guy aggravated me even more and would not listen to much i had to say
13 October 2016, 12:12
Country: UK - England
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This does seem to have become very messy, basically it sounds like the damage has not been patched internally. Zodiac / Bombard PVC fabric needs to be patched inside and out, otherwise the air simply travels along the nylon weave of the fabric and then comes out through the outer PVC fabric where it has been scratched or compromised.
As to whether the boat should be patched or retubed is a moot point. A compromise would have been to patch and match if it is in a suitable position. The repair could have been disguised as "go faster stripe" or something similar.
In the past we have shaped the external patch as a dolphin or shark and even a welsh dragon
13 October 2016, 13:25
Country: UK - England
Town: Chorley, Lancs
Length: no boat
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 116
Originally Posted by carrich9073
i have heard nothing for about 3 weeks. I will chase them up soon but currently have family matters to deal with.
I appreciate that other matters make take priority but I wouldn't leave it too long so that there is no danger of you being deemed to have accepted the repair.
You dont say where you are located but it could be worth taking the rib to a local tube builder/repairer to get an opinion on the quality of the repair.
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