Let me see now...bear in mind all single handed (

1..Park boat on pontoon.....
2..amble up pontoon and have a chat with the chap on the fuel bay. 7mins
3..Amble back past boat and stop to admire the way she sits on the water.
4..Notice the people in the folkboat have arrived back and have a chat to them.... 5mins
5..Amble along the pontoon to the gangway, wait for gate to open, up gangway to car and trailer..... 2mins
6..Realise car keys still in locker on boat...... 1sec
7..Amble back to get keys... 2mins
8..Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5.... 8mins
9..Reverse car to top of slipway and notice the people who arrived 1/2 an hour ago are still there deciding whether to go out or not and making a few phonecalls to people to get weather reports ! (I kid you not).... 10mins
10..Offer assistance to above people (

).... 5mins
11..Reverse down slipway.... 1min
12..Lock car and walk back up to gangway, down gangway as far as entry code pad.... 2mins
13..Code has been changed, wait for passer by who is 'in the loop' and obtain said code.... 3mins
14..Saunter back to boat (unless other people waiting to use slipway in which case I will upgrade saunter to mosey) 2mins
15..Brief passing chat to persons from 2 and 4... 2mins
16..Boat from pontoon to trailer.... 1min
17..Secure boat... 1min
18..Chat to Crane operator... 3min
19..Drive up slip and away!!!!! 1min
I make that 56 mins and one second. Phew it was a bit of a rush that day!