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Old 10 August 2007, 08:24   #1
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rib runs into cowes breakwater

And another cowes week casualty.

Story here.

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Old 10 August 2007, 08:53   #2
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Quotes from the report 'told by police not to set off because it appeared they had been drinking and had no life jackets or lights'

and 'shortly after the police had advised the crew, the vessel attempted to leave Cowes at speed and hit the breakwater'

completely unprofesional.

Whilst I would not wish anyone physical harm, if this report is correct then they deserve to be prosecuted.


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Old 10 August 2007, 10:49   #3
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Sad story. Hope those injured make a good recovery.

Have to say though, am seriously surprised that there haven't been more similar accidents, having witnessed the antics down here this week.

I've long given up counting the number of RIBs we've seen this week with not a lifejacket in sight ... sadly some regular contributors to this forum have been among the offenders...

There is also a notable absence of additional safety gear on the majority of vessels ... no VHF/GPS etc and I reckon the closest thing to flares on many vessels is a cigarette lighter.

There's just no talking to some of these people.
Girls like RIBs too!
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Old 10 August 2007, 11:29   #4
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the rib was a right mess - both bow chambers and hull damaged, driver impaled on steering wheel, which was unrecognisable as a wheel.....

like others, i am appalled at the standard of seamanship displayed, however i do believe the biggest culprits were the chase / crew ribs operated by drivers who maybe have a pl2 but is a yacht racer by trade - so uses it purely as a hack, not a true ribber....!!

to make matters worse, an hour ago i was on the green fuel pontoon with the nozzle in the tank for some utter $$nker in a class 4 yacht to smack me in the transom doing 2 or 3 knots - so took his insurance details then showed him his yacht has come off worse as he now has a vertical split in the bow about 8 inches..... our damage was a small impact mark about an inch across..

I was inspected by the MCA on Tuesday, and i know Tim was as well, anyone else know Sian... she's a honey...!!

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Old 10 August 2007, 12:01   #5
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These twats get no sympathy fom me, all they do is strengthen big brothers case to legislate an activity that is largely trouble free.
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Old 10 August 2007, 12:43   #6
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Of course3 any legislation brought in would no doubt cover the whole country even though some areas are worse than others.

I have noticed that MOST of the people who keep boats in Burry Port harbour are pretty experienced - the sort of people who have been around boats all their lives - to be honest you need to be as the waters are so dangerous.

Swansea marina on the other hand seems to attract many boaters who just think a boat is a cool thing to have - the standard of seamanship overall seems to be lower. I suspect the Solent area is pretty similar.
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Old 10 August 2007, 13:56   #7
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Originally Posted by nikster View Post

like others, i am appalled at the standard of seamanship displayed, however i do believe the biggest culprits were the chase / crew ribs operated by drivers who maybe have a pl2 but is a yacht racer by trade - so uses it purely as a hack, not a true ribber....!!

We went up to the Folly for dinner on Wednesday night, coming back in the dark. In the short run back down to Cowes there were 3 ribs on the river running without lights, with no lifejackets on either. Even when we illuminated them with a dive torch they failed to get the hint about lights!
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Old 10 August 2007, 14:25   #8
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Swansea marina on the other hand seems to attract many boaters who just think a boat is a cool thing to have - the standard of seamanship overall seems to be lower. I suspect the Solent area is pretty similar.
I kind of agree, however its not so much the Solent but more the time of year.

Last 2 weeks of july and August up until the bank holiday is the silly season
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Old 11 August 2007, 22:11   #9
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Originally Posted by NautiAndNice View Post
I've long given up counting the number of RIBs we've seen this week with not a lifejacket in sight ... sadly some regular contributors to this forum have been among the offenders...
Go on, spill the beans...who were they?

I would be hilarious if they turned out to be some of the the ribnet "elf 'n safety" policemen!
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Old 12 August 2007, 01:09   #10
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Originally Posted by timw View Post
Go on, spill the beans...who were they?

I would be hilarious if they turned out to be some of the the ribnet "elf 'n safety" policemen!

Hmm. Tempting.

Silly season still alive and well down here...

Watched from the Parade yesterday as a bloke in a ~5m RIB (complete with club burgee) picked up two teenagers from the water ... teenagers climbed over the transom, levering themselves up by placing feet on tubes and sides of engine ... and yes, you've guessed it, engine was running the whole time.

Worse sighting today though ... was leaving Shepards at about 12ish and watched as about 6 adults with 2 babies (no more than 2-3 months old) piled into a ~4m RIB and headed off ... not a life jacket in sight.

It must've been the day for general muppetry today though... this afternoon we came across a small motor boat on the rocks by Gurnard Ledge. Poor Cowes Inshore Lifeboat crew stood by the sod for almost 5 hours until they saw him safely floated off and on his way.
Girls like RIBs too!
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Old 12 August 2007, 02:17   #11
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Originally Posted by timw View Post
Go on, spill the beans...who were they?

I would be hilarious if they turned out to be some of the the ribnet "elf 'n safety" policemen!
Somehow I get the feeling you would hope that I would be one of these.

I must admit I felt very guilty today when I was on my RIB without a lifejacket for 30 minutes. But I was sat drifting outside Alderney harbour on a flat calm sunny day. I know I should have been wearing the jacket. And I certainly would have been if i'd had paying kids and grannies on board under my control and supervision.
But thats the difference I was in an environment in which i'm comfortable and aware of all the risks. For those where it is not so you might well need "ribnet "elf 'n safety" policemen!"
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Old 12 August 2007, 09:40   #12
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well im happy to put my hand up and say for all the 30 trips i did between east cowes marina and town quay (Red Jet) i did not insist on jackets - but if we left town quay and turned left towards the solent then it was compulsory.....

I believe in common sense not henious political pandering..
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Old 12 August 2007, 10:07   #13
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True lets get this life jacket and safety thing into perspective! if your out there on a sizzling hot day and anchored up somewhere for some lounging about, snorkeling, swimming, fishing or whatever then take the firkin fing off unless of coarse yu cant swim, after all i pay good money to own and run a boat for a few reasons the main one being to have fun too the maaaax but that duz not mean that i am being irresponsible, its just using my common sense in a situation to make things more comfortable, Er something like that anyway
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Old 12 August 2007, 13:09   #14
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As Nik says we got inspected on Tuesday morning. I'm surprised the MCA weren't being more hot with other boats that were there. They gave us a bollocking for two life jackets which had gone off the day before (despite us having 2 spares on board) yet they seemed to turn a blind eye to people driving around at high speed with no kill cords or life jackets. I saw a fellow commercial operator with punters on board coming out of Cowes putting his life jacket and then kill cord on whilst the rib steered it's self for about 30 seconds. Fair do's if you don't want to wear a lifejacket but IMHO there is no excuse for razzing round amoungst hundreds of boats with no kill cord whether you're a commercial operator or just out for a jolly.

It wasn't just the small boats though. The Pimms boat had a bit of a run in with the red jet on Wednesday and very nearly crashed into it. Not surprising really since they all seemed to be plying each other with Pimms!
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Old 13 August 2007, 08:17   #15
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks View Post
Anyone who gets done and banged up for this kinda thing gets what they deserve.
Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post

About this accident very unfortrunate and the skipper should be prosecuted for ABH at least.
Stu and John, while I said I have no sypathy for these guys, I think you are being a bit extreme. Sending this guy to jail does not solve anything, other than increase the burden on the tax payer.

I think at least one of you has to re think, it cant be that you are both agreeing!
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Old 13 August 2007, 08:28   #16
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I work very closely with the marine police down here in poole and we had an incident last month with a "Binliner" that struck a racing dinghy yacht and injured a lady crew on board, but the "Binliner" left the scene - so the only way to try for prosecution is thro forensics, boat marks and paint match... - alas unless the police attended the scene of the accident at the time - its unlikely much will come of it..

Apart from a lesson learnt for the guy helming......
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Old 14 August 2007, 11:40   #17
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Whilst this thread has gone a bit general in its direction over the 10 pages...

Following on from the earlier posts.

There is no way other than describing what happen as stupid and in the same vain totally avoidable, but as said he wasn't the only ‘without lights and life jackets’ RIB'er flying about the place. Its a wonder these kind of accidents are not more frequent.

Personally I hope there are no precautions resulting from this, its only going to serve as a restriction in time on all others enjoying their time afloat, be that in the form of licenses, legislations, insurances or what ever else may come from this kind of incident.

I think the BBC report with
Nigel Guyll, Solent Coastguard watch manager, said the type of speedboat they were on is capable of speeds of up to 60mph.
almost suggesting this was a 60mph RIB, sensationalises the incident some what. It most certainly was not a 60mph RIB.

And anyway, any kind of inappropriate speed in said conditions is chancing enough, let alone in the confides of Cowes and Cowes Week.

I understand the so called spinal injures were not the case, although as very serious as it was.

I can not, nor would, jump on the band wagon with those, not necessarily from RIBnet – this crash has been widely discussed elsewhere, stating to be holier the holy and condemn the man’s actions and suggest they should through the book at him and through away the key, an all that!

I know full well over may years and RIB’s & boat’s past I have not always worn a lifejacket, not always attached the kill cored, not always had a VHF, not always gone without a pint, not always been correctly illuminated at dark. All in the same vain I could not hand on heart say I have never exceeded the speed limit on the Queen’s highway.

So as in no way a defence for what occurred, but as mere humans, as we are, it’s an all too often a trait of the species to right royally f-up on occasion.

No one was killed, thankfully.
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