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Old 28 August 2007, 20:05   #1
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RIB Shop rib covers


Anybody got one/how well do they fit? I am interested in getting a cover for mine but I don't want something that is going to flap as it is a windy place down here and a flappy cover will chafe the toobs in no time, as I have had enough holes in my toobs for the time being I would prefer to avoid that!!! I asked Humber about covers a while ago and they said something to the effect that their covers are normally made to measure for the individual boat and couldn't take responsibility if the cover didn't fit exactly - which suggests that a universal one is probably not going to be a good fit?
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Old 28 August 2007, 20:30   #2
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Boat cover

I just bought one two weeks ago from
I bought it through their ebay shop.
It arrived quickly, and to be honest I was surprised at how good it was.
I wanted it to fit on my SR4 for the trek down to Devon and Cornwall.
Its a generic boat cover but seemed to fit the SR4 brilliantly.
It has an elasticated cord sewn into the bottom hem of the cover, it fits the SR4 right back over the cones tucks back inside around the base of the A frame, but then is elastic enough to pull over the OB and cover almost down to the prop.
Their are four sets of nylon fasteners and the cover arrived with numerous rolls of strapping and push buckle fasteners. Basically, it has a nose loop with two fasteners either side, two more sets of fasteners in the middle section and two fasteners at the rear. The strapping goes over the top of the cover and on the trailer I can also run a set of straps under the hull to secure the cover both top and bottom. If your boats moored, I couldn't vouch for how well it would stay on the boat with a gale blowing and only the top set of straps on, but on my trailer it went happily up and down the Uk at 60 mph.
It cost £53, I would buy one again from them if I got a bigger Rib. Hope that helps. I could take a pic for you if you want?
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Old 28 August 2007, 22:33   #3
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what Humber have you got? I have a 5.3 ocean pro. I have just bought a cover. I can post a photo of it on the boat if you like so you can get some sort of indication.....
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Old 28 August 2007, 22:40   #4
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Boat Covers


I THINK a lot of rib shops sell covers that are similar (!) to those you ncan buy on the internet, particularly on Ebay.

Ours was bought on Ebay for sub £70. We had it modified to go around the A-Fframe and it is superb. Total cost was under half what we expected to pay.

I guess the moral of the story is.... Hunt around Ebay.

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Old 29 August 2007, 11:40   #5
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Originally Posted by psychopic View Post

what Humber have you got? I have a 5.3 ocean pro. I have just bought a cover. I can post a photo of it on the boat if you like so you can get some sort of indication.....
Mine's a Destroyer 5.8, console/seat is set forward with a twin jockey seat behind that, a mast (thank you again Tony) on the starboard side, and of course an engine hanging off the back (two in fact) which probably makes it a "different shape" to most RIB's - I should imagine the generic covers probably assume an A-frame since that seems to be the most common setup?

Tony - modifying it may be the problem - nobody here that would do that to fit the boat, and my needlework skills are some way behind my tube repair skills which says it all

Andy - yes please
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Old 29 August 2007, 11:55   #6
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Originally Posted by BogMonster View Post
I should imagine the generic covers probably assume an A-frame since that seems to be the most common setup?
Don't bet on it! Most standard covers that I've seen have needed modifications in the form of Zips, for them to fit an A frame or what have you.

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