07 February 2012, 08:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Bucks
Boat name: Blue & Ding Dong
Make: Ribeye,SR4 & Bombard
Length: 6m +
Engine: 115,50 & 15Hp Yams
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 3,252
Rib snobbery
Why is it that people on here want to slate Ribeye all the time?
I know they had a spell when manufacturing first went out to South Africa of questionable finish & build but that was years ago!
I have owned Osprey & Avon SR ribs & very nice they are too, but my Ribeye I have for quality of finish & attention to detail is way superior, but then it is not intended to be a work boat! If you want to look like a Life boatman or oil rig worker then fine but some of us want something with a bit more style!
If you want orange hull & grey tubes great, but don't knock others that don't, if you have something useful to say great but just to knock for no given reason is very boring!
Member of the Ribeye supporters club!!!
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07 February 2012, 08:59
Country: UK - Wales
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Someone tell Nick that twim has hacked into his account.
07 February 2012, 09:07
Country: UK - England
Town: Bucks
Boat name: Blue & Ding Dong
Make: Ribeye,SR4 & Bombard
Length: 6m +
Engine: 115,50 & 15Hp Yams
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Posts: 3,252
Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Someone tell Nick that twim has hacked into his account.
Member of the Ribeye supporters club!!!
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07 February 2012, 09:56
RIBnet supporter
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Well I've got a blue stripey Zodiac and a Ribeye...
07 February 2012, 10:22
Country: UK - England
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Agreed. I use this forum for gathering info but I'm not going to get actively involved because so much of the bias is towards industrial boats. Most of the comments about leisure based boats are just narrow minded.
End of rant I will go back to lurking and learning!!!!!
07 February 2012, 10:34
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Originally Posted by Nick Hearne
...if you want to look like a Life boatman or oil rig worker then fine but some of us want something with a bit more style!
Pulls up chair....
'Style' is very subjective...
07 February 2012, 10:54
Country: UK - England
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Once bittern twice shy !! if the boat name was no longer around I would publish the survey report from my South African built boat which lasted 54 weeks !! I will point out the manufacture now uses a different factory and I agree the South African’s build standard has gone up alot, but I lost out big time.
07 February 2012, 10:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Bucks
Boat name: Blue & Ding Dong
Make: Ribeye,SR4 & Bombard
Length: 6m +
Engine: 115,50 & 15Hp Yams
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 3,252
Originally Posted by Aries
Well I've got a blue stripey Zodiac and a Ribeye... 
Where is Me Me when you need him, he would have been there for you & the stripes!
Member of the Ribeye supporters club!!!
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07 February 2012, 11:07
RIBnet supporter
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And the Zodiac has a toilet on it......
07 February 2012, 11:15
RIBnet admin team
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Nick this debate has arisen before.
Undoubtedly Ribeye are doing something right as they have a strong customer base and repeat customers. This must be a good sign. I don't think I know anyone who has ever driven one who thought they were bad boats either. I don't think we've heard (m)any owners complain about the customer service, after sales etc. Obviously the Yamaha engines are usually well regarded but some people object to being told by the rib maker what outboard to stick on it (because they are creaming off more margin from that supplier). Other engines might be just as good or better value.
I do understand your comments about orange tubes and pretend lifeboatmen etc - but of course Ribeye are not the only builder who offers a range of styles, colours and finishes to their boats - indeed as I recall Ribeye don't offer this - if you get a Ribeye it will look like every other ribeye the same size, with the same seat layout, the same tubes, the same a-frame etc. That might appeal because you don't need to understand what you are speccing and you know a ribeye will work the way the designer intended it to - but if you want something even just a little different from the norm it might be impossible. Personally I think ribeyes look better than a lot of leisure oriented ribs but you could walk into any bespoke rib builder and he can make you something very similar. If I remember correctly the most vocal ribnet critics actually don't have orange tubes at all!
I don't think it is necessarily ribeye bashing for the sake of it - anyone who arrives here saying they have made a definitive decision on a brand of boat but aren't sure about size, engine, or other fairly big detail is likely to get a robust response.
To some up previous ribeye discussions: there is nothing wrong with the boats per se, but you may get better value for money if you bother to look elsewhere. Certainly if I were spending the sort of money ribeye's cost I wouldn't want PVC tubes.
07 February 2012, 11:25
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
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Posts: 11,642
Originally Posted by Portholme
Agreed. I use this forum for gathering info but I'm not going to get actively involved because so much of the bias is towards industrial boats. Most of the comments about leisure based boats are just narrow minded.
End of rant I will go back to lurking and learning!!!!!
 Ribnet is a community - it is whatever you make it, there is no "top level" editorial policy or control from outside which would make it the way you describe. I'd guess the vast majority of our users are consumer/leisure users rather than business/commercial so they will all have very similar issues. If I had to pigeon hole the vocal ribnet users I'd say they were all obsessed with top speed - a behaviour that makes much more sense in leisure oriented boats driven by people who only go out in nice weather!
Be prepared to stand up for what you believe and assert your opinion - otherwise any bias will last for ever. If your boat is excellent for the sort of conditions and activities you want to do in it then I don't think you'll find even the most ardent Pac22 owner, Redbay Cabin ship rib owner, or avid SR4 tell you its the wrong boat.
07 February 2012, 11:34
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Polwart;443495 If your boat is excellent for the sort of conditions and activities you want to do in it then I don't think you'll find even the most ardent Pac22 owner, Redbay Cabin [s
ship[/s] rib owner, or avid SR4 tell you its the wrong boat.
Are you picking on cabin ribs now ?  so discriminationalist...........
I'll stick up for ribeye, look nice, go well , good layouts too. I drove one once briefly and it handled fine as far as I could tell, and I like blue piping on white seats but the zodiac stripes are a whole differant thread
07 February 2012, 11:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambs
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: 225 Opti
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Posts: 356
Oh don't worry I stand up for what I believe. I just happen to get fed up with all the mickey taking of leisure ribbers. Like when I posted my request for info on what HP on a 6 meter rib. Much of the advice was Ill informed. I made it clear I wanted to use it for leisure, family days ringoing and all that happened was a barrage of abuse about how a six meter boat only rated for 120 hp must be crap. Not true, more like as you say fit for purpose.
Maybe what rib net needs is a leisure users section that people who want to share info and experience can do so without the dayglo orange brigade sneering in the background.
07 February 2012, 11:40
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
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Posts: 6,299
Originally Posted by Polwart
I do understand your comments about orange tubes ........ If I remember correctly the most vocal ribnet critics actually don't have orange tubes at all!
Grey toobs, mun - GREY, GREY, GREY - Searider stylee.
Only posh Seariders had Orange toobs and Nick, the OP, has one with Sooper-posh White toobs. Now they are like Royalty.
07 February 2012, 11:40
RIBnet supporter
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Posts: 207
Originally Posted by PeterM
but the zodiac stripes are a whole differant thread 
It has a sunshade and cooker too......
07 February 2012, 11:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Bucks
Boat name: Blue & Ding Dong
Make: Ribeye,SR4 & Bombard
Length: 6m +
Engine: 115,50 & 15Hp Yams
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 3,252
Originally Posted by Polwart
Nick this debate has arisen before.
Undoubtedly Ribeye are doing something right as they have a strong customer base and repeat customers. This must be a good sign. I don't think I know anyone who has ever driven one who thought they were bad boats either. I don't think we've heard (m)any owners complain about the customer service, after sales etc. Obviously the Yamaha engines are usually well regarded but some people object to being told by the rib maker what outboard to stick on it (because they are creaming off more margin from that supplier). Other engines might be just as good or better value.
I do understand your comments about orange tubes and pretend lifeboatmen etc - but of course Ribeye are not the only builder who offers a range of styles, colours and finishes to their boats - indeed as I recall Ribeye don't offer this - if you get a Ribeye it will look like every other ribeye the same size, with the same seat layout, the same tubes, the same a-frame etc. That might appeal because you don't need to understand what you are speccing and you know a ribeye will work the way the designer intended it to - but if you want something even just a little different from the norm it might be impossible.
No if you want you can have a different layout or colour it can be done by Ribeye too!
To some up previous ribeye discussions: there is nothing wrong with the boats per se, but you may get better value for money if you bother to look elsewhere. Certainly if I were spending the sort of money ribeye's cost I wouldn't want PVC tubes.
I have bothered to look around & around & around & the Humber Leisure Pro comes close but nothing second hand yet on the market! If you want Hypalon tubes they can also be done in any colour!
Member of the Ribeye supporters club!!!
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07 February 2012, 11:50
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Nick Hearne
If you want to look like a Life boatman or oil rig worker then fine but some of us want something with a bit more style!
Originally Posted by Polwart
Redbay Cabin ship rib owner
Originally Posted by Portholme
Maybe what rib net needs is a leisure users section that people who want to share info and experience can do so without the dayglo orange brigade sneering in the background.
Because we wouldn't want any sneering, would we?
You "leisure" guys should man up and stop using moisturiser, maybe then you wouldn't be so thin skinned
If I had a dollar for every Redbay gag I've had to chortle along with on here, I could afford to buy one! It's all a load of willy waving, get over it.
07 February 2012, 11:51
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Grey toobs, mun - GREY, GREY, GREY - Searider stylee.
Only posh Seariders had Orange toobs and Nick, the OP, has one with Sooper-posh White toobs. Now they are like Royalty. 
Mine had orange and then blue, the hull went from blue to orange, but it wasn't ex RNLI
I'm just off to sweep the yard with Trigger's old broom
07 February 2012, 11:52
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: South Coast
Boat name: PLAYER 1
Make: Zodiac
Length: 7m +
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Posts: 207
Originally Posted by Portholme
Maybe what rib net needs is a leisure users section that people who want to share info and experience can do so without the dayglo orange brigade sneering in the background.
No just troll them into submission...
They are like that Jock off Glee who was always picking on the gay kid.....deep down they want stripey blue seats, a toilet, cooker and some trim birds to go out with on a nice warm day...
07 February 2012, 12:31
Country: UK - England
Town: Bucks
Boat name: Blue & Ding Dong
Make: Ribeye,SR4 & Bombard
Length: 6m +
Engine: 115,50 & 15Hp Yams
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 3,252
Originally Posted by willk
Because we wouldn't want any sneering, would we?
You "leisure" guys should man up and stop using moisturiser, maybe then you wouldn't be so thin skinned
If I had a dollar for every Redbay gag I've had to chortle along with on here, I could afford to buy one! It's all a load of willy waving, get over it.

Well I can live with it, but if I didn't know better & wanted to join ribnet for a bit of info I think I would come away with a bit of a one sided view & as long standing member it dose get a bit boring!
The same thing happens when you mention Land rover!
Member of the Ribeye supporters club!!!
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