My son, who lives in Southampton and is hoping to get a RIB next year has heard there's a place at Hamble where RIBs/boats can be kept ashore, in a compound I think, and launched from a slip. He thinks it's a club, which he'd be happy to join.
He called me from Hamble today having looked without success. He thought it might be something to do with the council, though that seems unlikely to me. I googled a bit but couldn't see anything. (his computer's broken)
Do any of you locals in the south know of such a place? Can you suggest a club that would take RIB members? He needs somewhere to keep his boat safely and be able to launch easily. If not in Hamble, then somewhere in the area? Oh yes - it's got to be fairly inexpensive.

- so I thing that rules out dry stacks.
He's still saving up for a RIB at the moment, it's likely to be a Searider I think. (I've got the one he used to own).
Thanks, Tony