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Old 15 March 2019, 11:58   #1
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Rib tub repair question

Hi Firstly I have to add I am a newbie to Ribs...

Last weekend I bought a Valiant 450 and the tube seemed ok from what I can see. I was told it had a couple of patches done in the past and it had a seam repair the end of last season it was all ok but he suggested not to leave on a mooring for an extended time.

I got home and next day the front tube was pretty deflated (as was i)

I contacted the seller (A sailing charity on the south coast!) who said it to check the valves. I have and they are fine however there are several leaks are coming from under the port front rubstrip and another on the starboard front all part of the front tube, (its PVC).

Can I have advice on repairs. As its leaking from under the rubstrip what are the repair options I have?

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Old 15 March 2019, 19:41   #2
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What age is the boat? A photo would also likely help.

Valiant are normally pretty robust RIBs, so it might be repairable. One issue with PVC in particular is that after a while the seams and bonds do seem to loose some of their original strength. If it's leaking from behind the strake then you'll need to get the strake off to be able to conduct a repair before putting it back on. It's possible to do this if you're a keen DIYer although if its a big repair then I would suggest taking it to a professional RIB repairer as rubbing strakes in particular can be a bit fiddly. Plenty of places around which is good news. The bad news is I would imagine the place that you bought it from knew exactly what condition it was in. The fact they told you not to leave it on a mooring backs that up! If they clearly sold it to you (and you have proof) as not leaking and it does I would be pushing them to refund you as it's clearly not as described or fit for purpose. Repairs will likely run into several hundred which is probably a big chunk of what you paid for it. Photo will help!
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Old 16 March 2019, 08:15   #3
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Originally Posted by Tim M View Post
What age is the boat? A photo would also likely help.

Valiant are normally pretty robust RIBs, so it might be repairable. One issue with PVC in particular is that after a while the seams and bonds do seem to loose some of their original strength. If it's leaking from behind the strake then you'll need to get the strake off to be able to conduct a repair before putting it back on. It's possible to do this if you're a keen DIYer although if its a big repair then I would suggest taking it to a professional RIB repairer as rubbing strakes in particular can be a bit fiddly. Plenty of places around which is good news. The bad news is I would imagine the place that you bought it from knew exactly what condition it was in. The fact they told you not to leave it on a mooring backs that up! If they clearly sold it to you (and you have proof) as not leaking and it does I would be pushing them to refund you as it's clearly not as described or fit for purpose. Repairs will likely run into several hundred which is probably a big chunk of what you paid for it. Photo will help!
Hi its 2001, pics enclosed - (sorry I can't seem to work out how to rotate them on this forum). There was a thread here from 2016 with the same problem but I never saw the conclusion.

Yes I think you're right about the not 'fit for sale' thing. To sell a boat in an unseaworthy condition to a complete novice is disgusting especially from sailing charity too. However I don't fancy another 5 hour round trip so will seek a repair.

My thoughts are to cut the strake carefully and peel back rather than take the whole thing off, and patch from there. Do you think this is viable?
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Old 17 March 2019, 11:51   #4
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That’s an interesting one. Certainly looks like that seam is leaking around and under the strake. I would be somewhat reluctant to cut the strake for a variety of reasons. You may be able to remove it in just that location to be able to get behind to work out what’s going on and carry out a suitable repair. If that seams leaking for no apparent reason then I’d look carefully at all of the others in case they’re about to go too.
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Old 17 March 2019, 16:13   #5
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Hi Tim thanks for your response its much appreciated. It was nice for someone to take the time to reply...

I will weigh up my options to see which I think is viable.
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Old 17 March 2019, 20:30   #6
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My friends valiant was leaking in same place, he had it repaired at Rodella Ribs in Poole, peeled back the strake and the pvc had gone hard/brittle and split at several points been repaired but couldn’t warranty the repair due to the pvc braking down. Unfortunately old pvc can look good but brakes down and begins to split.
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Old 17 March 2019, 23:41   #7
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Originally Posted by jamiegolf View Post
My friends valiant was leaking in same place, he had it repaired at Rodella Ribs in Poole, peeled back the strake and the pvc had gone hard/brittle and split at several points been repaired but couldn’t warranty the repair due to the pvc braking down. Unfortunately old pvc can look good but brakes down and begins to split.
That's a very valid point re lack of warranty on the repair; I think quite a few repairers won't do a warranty on work on PVC tubes.
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Old 18 March 2019, 02:16   #8
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Use a hair dryer or heat gun (you need to work the area) but not too long so as to burn or melt the PVC. Don't cut the rubbing strake, but peel it back, using plastic ice scraper or similar.

Ideally this needs to be done in a garage (well ventilated), as gluing is all about preparation, ambient air temperature and reduced humidity.

Plenty guides on Poly Marine site including glue preparation and masking for professional repair. Post up some pictures as you progress.
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 18 March 2019, 07:50   #9
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Great thanks guys.
They are now contributing towards repairs to make it seaworthy. I will get it done professionally - being my first boat etc.
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