Personally I like commercial/military type ribs, basically due to their hard wearing and they are thoroughly tested by the forces before they are bought. It sort of does the leg work for you!
Having said that I absolutely adore the delta range of ribs, but my pocket doesn't stretch quite that far and too be honest I can think of other boats I'd rather have for the £60k price tag! (I can pick up a second hand Botnia Targa for that sort of money!!)
I will......when it's ready (hopefully early November) be using my new 7.2m XS-Rib mainly for diving and the odd pub run to Sark or Herm so leather seats and the like are of little use to me. An enclosed wheel house would be good but again I'm getting into dreamland again!
Roll on November and I hope this bl**dy wind gives me a break so that I can pick up from the Solent and bring back to Guernsey! (Can't wait!!!!!!)