Originally Posted by Jenks87
Yes already have a 4x4 and roller trailer with the current rib, the beaches do have firm sand but can be quite shallow so didn’t want to make things to hard for myself if I don’t need to. Can currently drop mine in less than knee height water so very easy 
You should be able to do the same thing with a larger rib. The larger boat won't need much more depth to float. It might be worth considering fitting a drop down full size wheel near the trailer tongue that you can use to pull the trailer out with a rope though.
If you can sit the boat on its trailer on the sand and have it roll easily, like you can if you have proper front wheel and not a jockey wheel, you can detach it from the car, push the boat in (with help perhaps), then drag the trailer put with a rope. Same thing when recovering, push the trailer in by hand, put the boat on, pull it out with a rope. I did this for years, before I got a tractor, with 6m+ boats (but I had help).
I still have my drop down wheel setup actually. I keep meaning to fit it to my current trailer just in case I have tractor issues. I'll do that this summer.