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Old 25 June 2015, 21:44   #1
Country: UK - England
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Make: Ribeye 600
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Engine: Yamaha F115
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Rib Values?

What's the general thoughts on RIB values on typical boats such as Ribeye 600's assume an age of 2002 > 2006? Are the values pretty static or on the up or perhaps down? Market pretty buoyant?

Just trying to work out if this is a safe place for my money!

Are jockey seats a must rather than bench seats and does this effect resale?


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Old 25 June 2015, 22:01   #2
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Originally Posted by Superjetjim View Post
What's the general thoughts on RIB values on typical boats such as Ribeye 600's assume an age of 2002 > 2006? Are the values pretty static or on the up or perhaps down? Market pretty buoyant?

Just trying to work out if this is a safe place for my money!

Are jockey seats a must rather than bench seats and does this effect resale?


the popular boats tend to hold their value well such as redbay, ribcraft, osprey etc.

i would put ribeye in the middle of the market in terms of value and demand. ribeye build more boats than the "premier" ribs so that impacts their market value accordingly.

rib prices are fairly static and don't depreciate like other boats in my experience. as an example i lost 2k on my old boat after 5 years of use when i traded it in. it is for sale for considerably more than i paid for it 5 years ago...amazing to me but the demand must be there.

i don't notice much of a difference between winter and summer prices, perhaps because most ribs are kept on the trailer ready to go at pretty much any time? pure guess there on my part.

is a rib a safe place for your's a boat! so probably not, lol. it depends on what rib you get more than anything else. what engine is on it also plays a big part ofcourse. i may get flamed for this but i would suggest it is easier to sell a boat with a 4 stroke than any 2 stroke. not because modern 2 strokes are bad, just most people assume they are old tech and want a 4 stroke. ofcourse those in the know will know about the etec/optimax and may favour those over a 4 stroke....i wouldn't, but to each their own.

jockey seats are more popular and a boat with jockey seats "should" sell for more than bench seats......all depends what the buyer is looking for though. you will probably also pay more for the jockey seat version to begin with so you need to factor that in.

this is why rib's are so personal, they are very customisable out the factory so there is always a compromise somewhere in the used market.

i hope that somewhat answers what you wanted.

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Old 25 June 2015, 22:05   #3
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Originally Posted by Superjetjim View Post
Just trying to work out if this is a safe place for my money!
In a boat?

The Chinese used to say you should buy property with a third of your money, lend a third and save a third. They never mentioned boats.

I recall someone else telling me that they blew the money they skimmed off dodgy business deals on drugs, prostitutes and boats, which kinda fit with my general understanding of the situation
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Old 25 June 2015, 22:09   #4
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Nobody buys a rib as an investment.

Without doubt the recession impacted resale prices as I people found themselves either needing to free up capital or avoid running costs even if it meant taking a hit. I'm not sure if they have completely recovered, I expect that borrowing to buy is harder so will also restrict the value.
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Old 25 June 2015, 22:18   #5
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Seems you pay quite high in the UK. Recently bought a zodiac 550 pro 10 months old with a 70f yamaha (40hrs) with a heavy duty trailer for under 12000 quid. Considering it had to travel 10000 miles to get from where it was originally made or just across the channel for you, I think you are being stung quite high over there.
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Old 25 June 2015, 22:21   #6
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Originally Posted by jonp View Post
Seems you pay quite high in the UK.
rip off britain buddy.

quick example of my engine.

that is about £11000, dunno about aus taxes etc though.

£16000 here inc 20% VAT.

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Old 25 June 2015, 23:15   #7
Country: UK - England
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Make: Ribeye 600
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Thanks guys, I'm keen to make sure I don't buy the 'wrong brand' or model. And be stuck with something I can't sell?!
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Old 25 June 2015, 23:34   #8
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Did seeing my project sitting on the drive make you want to move away from the jets? Lol
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Old 25 June 2015, 23:46   #9
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Well, I can tell you this. I owned one of the worst boats you can buy according to some on this forum. I put 150 hours on it in 5 years and done many hundreds of miles in it, great boat

I sold it within 3 days and I lost less than 2k in 5 years, not bad I'd suggest.

If you want to increase your chance of something to hold value then I'd buy a redbay, ribcraft or osprey with jockey seats and close to the max outboard they will take, preferably a 4 stroke. Make sure it has a double A frame and a good trailer and you have ticked most of the want boxes.

That said, if you get a good deal on whatever you are buying that also helps, regardless of the make.

You mention ribeye, you see more of those for sale than any other rib, probably because they build so many to begin with, so you may struggle to move it when the time comes as there is more of them also may not ofcourse!

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Old 26 June 2015, 00:07   #10
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I saw reviews on here regarding the boat I bought which quite frankly put me off them. In the end all I can say is my Zodiac 550 is the most fun Ive had in a boat in years, maybe its just the newer models are better or the people who complain about a poor handling boat have bought one poorly set-up and don't know about engine height and propping etc.

Ive been lucky at sniffing out bargains in boats and have yet to lose any money on any Ive bought, I do often have to travel long distances to get the bargains though.

My advice is test any boat you consider buying and try and get out in as many as you can for a test. This site is a great place to try and get a few rides in different boats, I for one would gladly take anyone out for a run in mine.

By the way jockey seats would be the first thing I would take off any boat but each to their own, infact there have been so many boats I didnt even look at because of them when I was looking for a boat.

The cost of travelling a few hours for the offer of a ride out in someones boat is nothing compared to buying a boat you aren't happy with, also builds new friendships and puts a face to a name on a forum.

Anyone willing to give the guy a run in their boat?

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Old 26 June 2015, 04:58   #11
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by jonp View Post
I saw reviews on here regarding the boat I bought which quite frankly put me off them. In the end all I can say is my Zodiac 550 is the most fun Ive had in a boat in years, maybe its just the newer models are better or the people who complain about a poor handling boat have bought one poorly set-up and don't know about engine height and propping etc.

Ive been lucky at sniffing out bargains in boats and have yet to lose any money on any Ive bought, I do often have to travel long distances to get the bargains though.

My advice is test any boat you consider buying and try and get out in as many as you can for a test. This site is a great place to try and get a few rides in different boats, I for one would gladly take anyone out for a run in mine.

By the way jockey seats would be the first thing I would take off any boat but each to their own, infact there have been so many boats I didnt even look at because of them when I was looking for a boat.

The cost of travelling a few hours for the offer of a ride out in someones boat is nothing compared to buying a boat you aren't happy with, also builds new friendships and puts a face to a name on a forum.

Anyone willing to give the guy a run in their boat?

Some solid advise / views there Jon thanks
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Old 26 June 2015, 05:00   #12
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by 1eyedjim View Post
Did seeing my project sitting on the drive make you want to move away from the jets? Lol

Haha Hey Jim! Nah already had one mate, considering an upgrade!
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Old 26 June 2015, 08:27   #13
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
Nobody buys a rib as an investment.

Without doubt the recession impacted resale prices as I people found themselves either needing to free up capital or avoid running costs even if it meant taking a hit. I'm not sure if they have completely recovered, I expect that borrowing to buy is harder so will also restrict the value.
That is except as a marine buisness, brokerage or boat yard etc etc buying and selling all manner of boats inc RIBs - hopefully at a protfit (otherwise you wont be in buisness for long..... )
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Old 26 June 2015, 09:26   #14
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Brokerage is different, the broker gets his cut, even if the seller takes a hit.

.....sh1t happens.......
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4:Don't feed the troll
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Old 26 June 2015, 09:27   #15
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If it flys, Floats or F**ks, rent it by the hour.
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Old 26 June 2015, 13:20   #16
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Originally Posted by Superjetjim View Post
Haha Hey Jim! Nah already had one mate, considering an upgrade!
Iv got a zapcat I can sell you. These seem to hold their value and don't have the issues mentioned of bench seats/jockey consoles lol
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