21 May 2007, 16:21
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Tring
Boat name: Braveheart
Make: Porters Renegade
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Posts: 305
Originally Posted by Jimbo
Yep, more than welcome for a Sea Trial. I've also dropped the price! 
May well take you up on the offer. Hopefully you have sold it (for your sake) but I'm down on the coast at the weekend to do my course. Depending on time I may well give you a call to come and have a look.
21 May 2007, 16:21
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I bet you went to B*rnet M*rine and they told you that you're looking for the impossible?
That's what they said to me. Funnily enough I got what I wanted a week later-and there were plenty more options I could have taken?
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21 May 2007, 16:23
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Tring
Boat name: Braveheart
Make: Porters Renegade
Length: 6m +
Engine: Tohatsu 140
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 305
Originally Posted by Sixy_the_red
You won't be able to up-turn a RIB - you're looking at (at a guess) 500kg for a 5m boat...
Sorry - I was only kidding - thought it could be a paddling pool in good weather - roof if bad - not serious though.
21 May 2007, 16:25
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Tring
Boat name: Braveheart
Make: Porters Renegade
Length: 6m +
Engine: Tohatsu 140
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 305
Originally Posted by GuyP
With a decent beam, you'd be surprised how big and secure a 5.5m RIB can feel. You'd also have less outlay on an outboard and fuel at that size.
If you have the time and the inclination, a possible option is to source a used hull and engine seperately and build it to your requirements.
What is a 'decent beam'? I think the ribs we use at the weekend will be 5.5 which will give me a better idea on what that actually means.
21 May 2007, 16:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Tring
Boat name: Braveheart
Make: Porters Renegade
Length: 6m +
Engine: Tohatsu 140
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 305
Originally Posted by Nos4r2
I bet you went to B*rnet M*rine and they told you that you're looking for the impossible?
That's what they said to me. Funnily enough I got what I wanted a week later-and there were plenty more options I could have taken?
Actually it wasn't, but in after visiting 3 in W. Sussex, it was clear that the area is wealthy and that their customers had money and they didn't have to work hard to sell very expensive boats.
21 May 2007, 16:48
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Posts: 128
Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Personally I wouldn't go near a dealer or broker if I was spending £10k. You'll get a significantly better boat privately for that money as there's no dealer's/brokerage markup on it.
Just make sure you take someone who knows what they're doing with you.
This is not always true we sold about 6 under £10k Rib's last year and just this week sold a 6m Osprey Retubed 04 and re-engined 06 for £10,995.
I do agree some dealers just want to sell new, but in my mind it is easier to sell secound hand!
Something will come along!
21 May 2007, 16:52
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Tring
Boat name: Braveheart
Make: Porters Renegade
Length: 6m +
Engine: Tohatsu 140
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 305
Originally Posted by nick wood
This is not always true we sold about 6 under £10k Rib's last year and just this week sold a 6m Osprey Retubed 04 and re-engined 06 for £10,995.
I do agree some dealers just want to sell new, but in my mind it is easier to sell secound hand!
Something will come along!
Thanks Nick. I know that not all dealers are like that, I think that perhaps in some areas they just don't have to try very hard. Thanks for the encouragement everybody - I feel less of a virgin although still slightly out of my depth.
21 May 2007, 17:42
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 1,850
Originally Posted by Sarah G
May well take you up on the offer. Hopefully you have sold it (for your sake) but I'm down on the coast at the weekend to do my course. Depending on time I may well give you a call to come and have a look.
She's still for sale at present - I'm not around Saturday, but will be on Sunday. Drop me a line if you do want to come and see her.
21 May 2007, 17:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Tring
Boat name: Braveheart
Make: Porters Renegade
Length: 6m +
Engine: Tohatsu 140
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 305
Originally Posted by Jimbo
She's still for sale at present - I'm not around Saturday, but will be on Sunday. Drop me a line if you do want to come and see her.
Will do - thanks
21 May 2007, 17:50
Country: UK - England
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Ribcraft 5.85 as new as you can afford with a Fourstroke.
21 May 2007, 17:58
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Tring
Boat name: Braveheart
Make: Porters Renegade
Length: 6m +
Engine: Tohatsu 140
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 305
Originally Posted by ADS
Ribcraft 5.85 as new as you can afford with a Fourstroke.
I note a lot of enthusiasm for these and Avon SR's.
21 May 2007, 17:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Cowes
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Length: 7m +
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Posts: 150
Most people will agree, you won't go far wrong with a Ribcraft
Girls like RIBs too!
21 May 2007, 18:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Fareham
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Posts: 7,866
If you want side by side seating then the minimum internal beam you want will be about 1.3m, although a comfortable width is 1.4-1.5m's. The trouble with most RIBs is that they often state their internal beam as being the widest part of the RIB, the back! This often means that where the console is there's not enough room for seating side by side. I suspect though, if you are looking at +6m RIBs this won't be such an issue, but something to keep in mind.
I would suggest that an outboard is a much better option than both an inboard and a diesel for a small boat as for one, you don't compromise on the internal space and two, if you buy a diesel now it might well be very difficult to sell on when the price of Diesel goes up, it will almost certainly cost you more in terms of depreciation.
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
21 May 2007, 18:23
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Sarah G
Would you want to go to the IoW from say Chichester in anything less than 6.0m?
Originally Posted by Biggles
Plenty of people do it in a 4 meter. Even in rough weather.
It's certainly possible in a 4m RIB, but unlikely to be a whole lot of fun unless conditions are pretty good. It's not something that many people would want to do frequently.
If you can stretch to 6.5m then that's great. You could certainly manage with something a bit smaller than 6m though; 5.5 to 6 metres would be fine.
ADS's recommendation of a Ribcraft 585 would definitely serve you well. You'd be OK with a 5.3 Ribcraft but would probably want something a bit bigger after a while.
Inboard really isn't a likely option for your size range and budget, but you don't need a massive outboard. Generally speaking the newer the motor, the better the fuel consumption. Lots of people are putting 140hp on 585s, but for most cruising a 90 is more than adequate so don't overlook boats with modest power (you may also pick one up cheaper because they are seen as less desirable.
There are plenty of capable boats around and the "best" one is really a matter of personal taste. Take your time and find something that you are comfortable with. Ideally try a few boats out before you buy - ask around here and you'll probably get a few offers of test rides in other people's boats.
Good luck!
21 May 2007, 18:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Tring
Boat name: Braveheart
Make: Porters Renegade
Length: 6m +
Engine: Tohatsu 140
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 305
Originally Posted by Hightower
This often means that where the console is there's not enough room for seating side by side. I suspect though, if you are looking at +6m RIBs this won't be such an issue, but something to keep in mind.
I would suggest that an outboard is a much better option than both an inboard and a diesel for a small boat as for one, you don't compromise on the internal space and two, if you buy a diesel now it might well be very difficult to sell on when the price of Diesel goes up, it will almost certainly cost you more in terms of depreciation.
Good advice thank you. At this rate I'll sound like I know what I'm doing!!!
21 May 2007, 18:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Tring
Boat name: Braveheart
Make: Porters Renegade
Length: 6m +
Engine: Tohatsu 140
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 305
Originally Posted by John Kennett
Take your time and find something that you are comfortable with. Ideally try a few boats out before you buy - ask around here and you'll probably get a few offers of test rides in other people's boats.
Good luck!
I think this is a great idea. With the powerboat course it will be on mostly Ribs so I'm hoping I will get a much better understanding about the genuine size and what that means - I might well find that 6.5 m seems enormouse and 5.5 is just fine.
I think the more exposure to this fab website will also stand me in good sted. I already (think) I have a better understanding on engines and costs (both buying and running). I just need to rob that bank - where is my ballaclava... Only kidding
21 May 2007, 18:57
Country: UK - England
Town: Fareham
Length: 6m +
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 7,866
Originally Posted by Sarah G
I think this is a great idea. With the powerboat course it will be on mostly Ribs so I'm hoping I will get a much better understanding about the genuine size and what that means - I might well find that 6.5 m seems enormouse and 5.5 is just fine.
I think the more exposure to this fab website will also stand me in good sted. I already (think) I have a better understanding on engines and costs (both buying and running). I just need to rob that bank - where is my ballaclava... Only kidding
I need some Cash for my new RIB! Tell me what Bank you're robbing and I'll be the getaway driver for you
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
21 May 2007, 19:13
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Tring
Boat name: Braveheart
Make: Porters Renegade
Length: 6m +
Engine: Tohatsu 140
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 305
Originally Posted by Hightower
I need some Cash for my new RIB! Tell me what Bank you're robbing and I'll be the getaway driver for you 
A getaway driver of a RIB I hope...
21 May 2007, 19:16
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: FunYak
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Originally Posted by Sarah G
I have found one: Humber 6.5m Rib. professionally retubed 2006, Engine 2003 Volvo Penta 4.3 GS, V6 petrol with duo prop outdrive.
Petrol inboards aren't very popular (probably because of the disadvantages people here say with inboards - but with a diesel some of these disadvantages are outweighed (no pun intended) - but with a petrol its not normally the case). I'm not telling you not to buy the petrol inboard - but bear in mind that less popular = no easy to resell.
21 May 2007, 19:23
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: imposter
Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
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Posts: 11,642
Originally Posted by Hightower
if you buy a diesel now it might well be very difficult to sell on when the price of Diesel goes up, it will almost certainly cost you more in terms of depreciation.
Andy - interestingly I asked exactly that question a few weeks ago http://rib.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18991 - and the resounding answer I got was - that second hand diesel rib prices were likely to be little affected by the new tax rules.
If a diesel rib has already depreciated to £10k (the budget in this thread) then it is unlikely to depreciate much further very quickly.
However - I think I agree with what has been said here - unless you have a specific reason to go diesel then petrol outboard is more "normal" and one assumes therefore, in general a better solution.
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